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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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His press conference is gonna be off the chain.



i've been waiting 6 months for it. all that time he's been writing and rewriting his hits. this shit is gonna drop!


"I'd like to introduce you to the 46th president of the united states.. Mike Pence.. and I resign"

Edited by ignatius
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On the topic, has anyone here tried watersports? If so, liked it? Disliked it? Indifferent?


"Inquiring minds want to know."


-Corey Haim


asking for a friend 

An episode of the 1950s western TV series 'Trackdown' featured a snake oil salesman named 'Trump' who promised to build a wall in order to prevent the end of the world.




this is great

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jesus titty fucking christ a lot happened while i was asleep


the angry reaction of Trump only makes me wonder more - on one hand I despise the man but would understandably be angry if such stuff was reported in mainstream outlets about me that was completely untrue...


...on the other smallish hand this is the same person who is thin-skinned and reactionary to any slight insult or jest and the most hyperbolic ranter elected POTUS I can think of in recent times...if he's dropping Nazi comparisons to the press I can't help but wonder if this is actually all true

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lolled hard at this news, so surreal


whether it's true or not is almost irrelevant - the damage that could be done by the loss of credibility and even greater partisan splits is yuuuge. Fair play Kremlin, you win. Even if you weren't even actually playing the game.

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lol, from Trump's press conference later today: 




Journalists to get to bring home some steaks and Trump-wine, will there be similar goodie bags for the White House press briefings?

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What a piss-poor president-erect


well sprayed played


lol, from Trump's press conference later today: 




Journalists to get to bring home some steaks and Trump-wine, will there be similar goodie bags for the White House press briefings?


this looks like a screenshot from Parks And Recreation not real life


I guess it really is time to just laugh at the absurdity of it all

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