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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Maybe I'm being naive, but it's hard to let go of wishful thinking. This past election and the very recent appointment of the new DNC chair isn't reassuring.

Realistically though it's up to us at the grassroots level if we're to get the kind of change we want. But we can't sit and wait for it to fall into our laps.

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Trump 'seeks $54bn increase' in military budget


'Donald Trump has reportedly proposed an increase in the 2018 US defence budget by $54bn while imposing funding cuts to other domestic programmes and foreign aid.


"This budget follows through on my promise on keeping Americans safe ... It will include a historic increase in budget spending," Trump said as he met state governors at the White House.'





I mean China doesn't pay their people as good as the US and they produce cheaper. You have to consider this. Russia pays 5,4% of their GDP for military and only Saudi-Arabia (over 13%) pays more. The US only pays 3,3%. But yeah, it's still concerning






Trump wants to ban Cannabis again because "good people don't smoke Marihuana".


The USA are fucked. Not even a real democracy:









The people living there should do something about this.

This chart is a little misleading though, because total population of the US is not the same as the population eligible to vote.


Still, voter apathy is one of the big issues the US democratic system faces.



That chart isn't just misleading, it's wrong. 62,985,106 people voted for Trump, 65,8

It's not wrong, it's old. Won't change the percentage much though

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Trump 'seeks $54bn increase' in military budget


'Donald Trump has reportedly proposed an increase in the 2018 US defence budget by $54bn while imposing funding cuts to other domestic programmes and foreign aid.


"This budget follows through on my promise on keeping Americans safe ... It will include a historic increase in budget spending," Trump said as he met state governors at the White House.'



I mean China doesn't pay their people as good as the US and they produce cheaper. You have to consider this. Russia pays 5,4% of their GDP for military and only Saudi-Arabia (over 13%) pays more. The US only pays 3,3%. But yeah, it's still concerning







you also need to consider we've been spending this much of the budget on military for 50 years or whatever and china has been doing it how long? 


also, we did also spend a few $Trillion in Iraq/afghanistan 


China spends about $250 billion a year on infrastructure because they didn't have one but i bet they beat us in the clean energy race and if tiny hads fuckwad derails our clean energy boom it'll take us even longer to catch up. 


either way USA priorities are surely fucked and have been for decades. 

Edited by ignatius
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Trump 'seeks $54bn increase' in military budget


'Donald Trump has reportedly proposed an increase in the 2018 US defence budget by $54bn while imposing funding cuts to other domestic programmes and foreign aid.


"This budget follows through on my promise on keeping Americans safe ... It will include a historic increase in budget spending," Trump said as he met state governors at the White House.'



I mean China doesn't pay their people as good as the US and they produce cheaper. You have to consider this. Russia pays 5,4% of their GDP for military and only Saudi-Arabia (over 13%) pays more. The US only pays 3,3%. But yeah, it's still concerning







you also need to consider we've been spending this much of the budget on military for 50 years or whatever and china has been doing it how long? 


also, we did also spend a few $Trillion in Iraq/afghanistan 


China spends about $250 billion a year on infrastructure because they didn't have one but i bet they beat us in the clean energy race and if tiny hads fuckwad derails our clean energy boom it'll take us even longer to catch up. 


either way USA priorities are surely fucked and have been for decades. 


Definitely! The world would be a more peaceful place without the US (and living organisms in general)

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Just humans gone would be fine. Any achievements from humans have been in the context of human failure and for our own selfish benefit. We divide and destroy. It's all we do. Trump is the nail in the coffin of humanity. Americans deserve this President. Humanity deserves the U.S. If anyone believes anything from his speech yesterday and it fills them with one iota of hope...they are delusional. Education is pointless. History has been forgotten. Up is down. 

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I'm driven to insanity keeping up with everything. Well, I'm already losing my mind and none of this is what the doctor ordered.

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Wow this thread is 250 pages long - any great insights come out of the discussion so far?

Just because poopoo comes from the self, does not mean we should eat da poopoo.  Yin and yang, baby.

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Bern firing off truth bullets again:



God, I really wish that pre-inauguration WWE meme of Bernie with the folding chair was real...


edid: ugh, sorry for the hyperbolic video title, not my doing, those are terrible

Edited by Bob Dobalina
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Wow this thread is 250 pages long - any great insights come out of the discussion so far?

Just because poopoo comes from the self, does not mean we should eat da poopoo.  Yin and yang, baby.


I wonder if pastor Dr. Martin Ssempa supports "the Man"


(pege brek)

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Bern firing off truth bullets again:



God, I really wish that pre-inauguration WWE meme of Bernie with the folding chair was real...


edid: ugh, sorry for the hyperbolic video title, not my doing, those are terrible



so much better than the kentucky fucker in the haunted diner 

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