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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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I want to say this can't go on much longer surely but feel like I'll probably be saying that in a years time too.

A year? This orange pile of shit will be sitting on our doorstep for 7 more years guaranteed. If the mound of orange has made it this far, it will keep in its place for many many more years.


We are living inside Fargo S3, where this frustratingly disgusting want-to-wring-your-hands-around-its-fucking-neck entity was mistakenly invited in and now is disrupting normal civilized life as we previously knew it.



its funny that you mention fargo s3

I assumed parts of the story were a vague reference to whats happening re: trump/russia (trump being the successful slightly idiotic stussy brother, and vm varga et al being russia/putin) 


glad the paedo didn't win

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This is the part of the movie where things start to look up a bit before the triumphant finale and cathartic conclusion. Or is it? Tune in next season. 

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i hope dougie jones has secret service protection.  i don't trust the fury of those 'religious' voters. also, did the pedo concede yet?   or is this one of those things when we wake up tomorrow and things are different?

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lets also be clear that trump backed the losing candidate twice in the space of a few months




that's pretty exciting. now if he could just get kicked by a mule and fall down a well. 

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and Bannon. Well done!! He should be even more active in politics.


Before you know it, he's more "establishment" than his waistline. And ready for a bypass surgery.

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i hope dougie jones has secret service protection.  i don't trust the fury of those 'religious' voters. also, did the pedo concede yet?   or is this one of those things when we wake up tomorrow and things are different?

From what I saw last night, he wasn't going to concede yet. There's a law, just enacted in 2016, that applies to this exact situation, that demands a count of the write-ins, of which there was a significant amount (near 2% last I read) and that amount of write-ins exceeded the winning percentage...or something like that. The chances of this effecting the ultimate vote are slim to none though, Jones has tens of thousands of more votes than Moore statewide.

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anyone else find the timing impeccable that the night african american women turned out in record numbers to vote in doug jonesomarosa, the highest ranking african american woman in the white house, was fired and escorted out of the white house?

also, it's frightening to think that alabama saw the choice between a democrat and a pedophile as a tough choice

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Either way, the important thing is Alabama made the right choice in the end. But I wonder if it's too early to say that the pendulum is about to swing back the other way for this country.

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anyone else find the timing impeccable that the night african american women turned out in record numbers to vote in doug jones, omarosa, the highest ranking african american woman in the white house, was fired and escorted out of the white house?


also, it's frightening to think that alabama saw the choice between a democrat and a pedophile as a tough choice

What I got out of that article is that 63% of white women in Alabama are ok with their teen daughters getting hit up by old white dudes.

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last night kentucky state rep. dan johnson committed suicide by shooting himself in the head near a bridge in mt. washington after allegations of sexual molestation of a teenage girl. below is his facebook post made shortly before taking his life:




kinda interesting how someone that is innocent of those kind of allegations and has a wife and kids chooses to end their own life rather than clear his good name. especially considering he was the "pope" of his church. 



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