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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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I mean, as a Canadian, a lot of the shit Trump says directly affects me.

The reason media and internet (are those things separate entities?) love Trump is cause that clown show going on down there is fucking fascinating.




Good luck paying for it with tax cuts and tariffs.

I'm an American and almost none of the shit Trump says directly effects me. Some of Trump's policies may eventually indirectly effect you, perhaps already even....but I'd be curious to hear what he's ever said that's directly effected you.


Paying for it? As if! http://www.usdebtclock.org/index.html



Well I suppose it depends on how you define affect - for example, the tariffs directly affect me because some products cost more after our respective bureaucrats dealt with Trump's misunderstanding of how international trade works (which he proclaimed loudly and often on Twitter). Other things he says you're right, they indirectly affect me, for example the strain on border resources because his racist rants drive people north to Canada have caused an increase in irregular migration (note: I'm not against these people coming here, it would be better if they could come through the regular process).


What he says directly affects me in one other important way - my work. Sometimes we have to directly respond to some of his tirades on twitter, and the resulting policies that ensue as US bureaucrats struggle to interpret whatever the fuck he means when he tweets out shit like "covfefe".

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then explain curling.


Well first you get your Timmy's eh? Maybe a double-double. Pour some rye into it. You'll also need a two-four of 'sner, or maybe Blue.

Then you get a broom, some stones, and you slide them down the ice just like that eh. Whoever has the most stones closest to the centre circle wins the bonspiel. It's pretty fucken clear eh.

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I mean, as a Canadian, a lot of the shit Trump says directly affects me.

The reason media and internet (are those things separate entities?) love Trump is cause that clown show going on down there is fucking fascinating.




Good luck paying for it with tax cuts and tariffs.

I'm an American and almost none of the shit Trump says directly effects me. Some of Trump's policies may eventually indirectly effect you, perhaps already even....but I'd be curious to hear what he's ever said that's directly effected you.


Paying for it? As if! http://www.usdebtclock.org/index.html



Well I suppose it depends on how you define affect - for example, the tariffs directly affect me because some products cost more after our respective bureaucrats dealt with Trump's misunderstanding of how international trade works (which he proclaimed loudly and often on Twitter). Other things he says you're right, they indirectly affect me, for example the strain on border resources because his racist rants drive people north to Canada have caused an increase in irregular migration (note: I'm not against these people coming here, it would be better if they could come through the regular process).


What he says directly affects me in one other important way - my work. Sometimes we have to directly respond to some of his tirades on twitter, and the resulting policies that ensue as US bureaucrats struggle to interpret whatever the fuck he means when he tweets out shit like "covfefe".

What sort of products and price increases are you seeing, personally? I remember hearing about the increased Canadian immigration/refugee asylum-seekers last year I think it was, has it been that significant? 


So you work for some sort of media organization (or a media team of a larger org), pretty fringe case but Trump's words could be a part of your day-to-day if so. I mean, if you're having to stay late at work without pay just to tweet back at Trump then I guess it does directly affect you. But, otherwise I'm going to assume it's just a part of your job (you may not want to disclose details of course) and is perhaps annoying, but otherwise something you get paid to do, so....maybe not that big of a deal? Annoying sure but...your life isn't demonstrably, seriously worse in any way because of Trump, is it?


These are all honest questions btw. 


then explain curling.


It's the token working class sport at the Winter Olympics 

It's really one of the most interesting sports imo. I'm not a big sports guy but I can watch and enjoy curling.

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dear god that's the worst



One or two people with legit hardships - i.e. shitty working hours and stuff like that. The rest reads off as the most hyper-exaggerated 1st world problem privileged millennial bullshit. 



It’s a wild theory, but setting voting up so that it’s all on social media, putting all that information in just an Instagram Story, in a Snapchat filter or whatever — bulleted-out, easy-to-read, digestible content — would encourage me to vote. Just maybe it’s a social-media page or an Instagram page where it gives daily facts about how to do things or DIYs on how to vote for yourself, something like that. Just to make it easily digestible to a younger audience that’s on social media, ’cause that’s how they digest their information.



When I was at the post office to register, this poor girl, clearly also a college student like me, didn’t know what “postmarked” meant and had no idea how to send an important document by mail. Most people my age have zero need to go to the post office and may have never stepped into one before. Honestly, if someone had the forms printed for me and was willing to deal with the post office, I’d be much more inclined to vote.



My polling place is at the end of my block. It takes no time at all; it’s an extremely easy process. But I think that’s also what makes it seem sort of alienating and anticlimactic. You go in and you’re like, “This is the climax of democracy,” like, the sticker on my chest is the climax of democracy.



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dear god that's the worst



One or two people with legit hardships - i.e. shitty working hours and stuff like that. The rest reads off as the most hyper-exaggerated 1st world problem privileged millennial bullshit. 



It’s a wild theory, but setting voting up so that it’s all on social media, putting all that information in just an Instagram Story, in a Snapchat filter or whatever — bulleted-out, easy-to-read, digestible content — would encourage me to vote. Just maybe it’s a social-media page or an Instagram page where it gives daily facts about how to do things or DIYs on how to vote for yourself, something like that. Just to make it easily digestible to a younger audience that’s on social media, ’cause that’s how they digest their information.



When I was at the post office to register, this poor girl, clearly also a college student like me, didn’t know what “postmarked” meant and had no idea how to send an important document by mail. Most people my age have zero need to go to the post office and may have never stepped into one before. Honestly, if someone had the forms printed for me and was willing to deal with the post office, I’d be much more inclined to vote.



My polling place is at the end of my block. It takes no time at all; it’s an extremely easy process. But I think that’s also what makes it seem sort of alienating and anticlimactic. You go in and you’re like, “This is the climax of democracy,” like, the sticker on my chest is the climax of democracy.





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I mean, as a Canadian, a lot of the shit Trump says directly affects me.

The reason media and internet (are those things separate entities?) love Trump is cause that clown show going on down there is fucking fascinating.




Good luck paying for it with tax cuts and tariffs.

I'm an American and almost none of the shit Trump says directly effects me. Some of Trump's policies may eventually indirectly effect you, perhaps already even....but I'd be curious to hear what he's ever said that's directly effected you.


Paying for it? As if! http://www.usdebtclock.org/index.html



Well I suppose it depends on how you define affect - for example, the tariffs directly affect me because some products cost more after our respective bureaucrats dealt with Trump's misunderstanding of how international trade works (which he proclaimed loudly and often on Twitter). Other things he says you're right, they indirectly affect me, for example the strain on border resources because his racist rants drive people north to Canada have caused an increase in irregular migration (note: I'm not against these people coming here, it would be better if they could come through the regular process).


What he says directly affects me in one other important way - my work. Sometimes we have to directly respond to some of his tirades on twitter, and the resulting policies that ensue as US bureaucrats struggle to interpret whatever the fuck he means when he tweets out shit like "covfefe".

What sort of products and price increases are you seeing, personally? I remember hearing about the increased Canadian immigration/refugee asylum-seekers last year I think it was, has it been that significant? 


So you work for some sort of media organization (or a media team of a larger org), pretty fringe case but Trump's words could be a part of your day-to-day if so. I mean, if you're having to stay late at work without pay just to tweet back at Trump then I guess it does directly affect you. But, otherwise I'm going to assume it's just a part of your job (you may not want to disclose details of course) and is perhaps annoying, but otherwise something you get paid to do, so....maybe not that big of a deal? Annoying sure but...your life isn't demonstrably, seriously worse in any way because of Trump, is it?


These are all honest questions btw. 


then explain curling.


It's the token working class sport at the Winter Olympics 

It's really one of the most interesting sports imo. I'm not a big sports guy but I can watch and enjoy curling.



Beer - all of the tall boy cans here are made with aluminium sourced from the US. Virtually all craft brewers use the tall boys.

Orange juice - virtually all of our orange juice comes from Florida.

I'm thinking of buying a new car next year, and while it won't be an american car, it will likely have some of it put together/produced in the US, since trade is actually multilateral.


I don't work for a media organization or do comms - can't really go into detail. The irregular migration across Canada's border continues to be a significant issue. Since the federal government is paying to house them (as they should), I will directly suffer as my tax dollars are being diverted from services that are meant for Canadians.


Really beer and orange juice are the big ones, and really just beer. Some of my favorites don't come in anything other than those tall boys.

Speaking of beer, come up sometime and let's go curling you hoser!

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lol I just heard about this a couple of hours ago. Gotta love when desperate smear attempts by the Pepe crowd blow up in their face. Kind of like an over-pressurized beer can.

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Pro-Trump troll busted for running fake intelligence firm tied to Mueller smear





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looool this is glorious.


it gets better





the whole thing felt like an absurd SNL digital short or Tim & Eric skit


used IMDB headshots for a fake investigation firm


contact info for the "firm" was his mom's voicemail machine


now they are facing legit felony charges because of the extent of the scam

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Something that I've been thinking about.. Most of the western democracies don't give the president much political power. Mostly it's just a ceremonial job. For example who remembers who's the president of Germany? But people usually, at least in Europe, remember that the chancellor is Angela Merkel, right? So giving this kind of supreme executive power to a single specially elected person seems a bit outdated in the modern world. I can understand that the Philippines or Brazil have this kind of system, but maybe modern democracies should be led by the government that was approved by the parliament or senate instead of the loudest idiot who can stir the public the most.

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Something that I've been thinking about.. Most of the western democracies don't give the president much political power. Mostly it's just a ceremonial job. For example who remembers who's the president of Germany? But people usually, at least in Europe, remember that the chancellor is Angela Merkel, right? So giving this kind of supreme executive power to a single specially elected person seems a bit outdated in the modern world. I can understand that the Philippines or Brazil have this kind of system, but maybe modern democracies should be led by the government that was approved by the parliament or senate instead of the loudest idiot who can stir the public the most.


The main US and German similarity is the Federal setup. Other than that it is a different form of Republic. Most countries with a weak president are parliamentary systems where the PM is the main "executive power"


The US is a Federal Government with a presidential system. There really isn't a EU equivalent, it's more akin to Latin American governments though.



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