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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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6 hours ago, chenGOD said:

How the fuck you gonna mention Davos and MLK jr in the same breath you disingenuous harpy.

listening to kellyanne speak should be classified as a CIA torture method. seriously, I'd rather be waterboarded than listen to her for more than a minute. I've got no idea how that guy stays married to her. the tone of her voice is so annoying.

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39 minutes ago, zero said:

listening to kellyanne speak should be classified as a CIA torture method. seriously, I'd rather be waterboarded than listen to her for more than a minute. I've got no idea how that guy stays married to her. the tone of her voice is so annoying.

following that guy on twitter is a blast, btw. seems like ms. harpy and her man, whatshisname, are in perfect yin yang harmony. would surprise me if she didn't secretly agree with his comments on the twitter space. just a hunch though.

edit: @chenGOD harpy seems like jordan peterson approved slang. you fallen from grace?

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18 minutes ago, goDel said:

following that guy on twitter is a blast, btw. seems like ms. harpy and her man, whatshisname, are in perfect yin yang harmony. would surprise me if she didn't secretly agree with his comments on the twitter space. just a hunch though.

edit: @chenGOD harpy seems like jordan peterson approved slang. you fallen from grace?

Harpies have been around since way before that fucking turdburglar started opening his mouth to fill his own rapacious needs.

Virgil's description (straight from wikipedia, thank you very much) is pretty fucking spot on for Conway:  "Bird-bodied, girl-faced things they (Harpies) are; abominable their droppings, their hands are talons, their faces haggard with hunger insatiable"

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1 hour ago, Nebraska said:



trump is always leaning in. no matter what.. sitting or standing.. he's arching his back, sticking out his ass and leaning forward. it's fucking bizarre. 

the photos of him standing like a centaur w/o its hind legs and all that.. apparently his shoes are lifted at the heel. 

so, the lean must make him think he looks taller or bigger or something.. a little closer to the camera perhaps to achieve this effect. 

such a fucking weirdo

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i'm trying not to follow the shitshow live. but there seem to be some positive signs wrt amendments. 3 days (8 hrs) instead of 2 (12 hrs). and all evidence from the house is accepted unless voted out, instead of the other way around. sounds like were back in sane territory here.

not expecting anything though. just hoping the level of shitshowyness is minimized. to the extent that something like that is possible when talking about trumpster.

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no, this stuff is better to sift through after a decent amount of time has passed. i don't believe in the value of having been a live witness. too much personal bias and a lack of background information to understand what is actually going on. so i'm not going to waste my time. ?

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Schiff came off as a competent lawyer, which he is.  The Repubtards came off as some lunatic personality cult, deep in denial of reality.  But they're on the record, forever.  History will judge them harshly.

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here's the live feed. today is the start of the impeachment trial proper. yesterday was debate over the rules resolution. dems have 3 8-hour (plus breaks) days to present their case. they start at 1pm EST. i like hakeem, demings and nadler a lot. schiff is good too.


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9 hours ago, whosebrian said:


Ted has a Caesar book prominently displayed on the mantel, hopefully he's a Brutus fan.

I guarantee he's never read anything beyond the introduction to that particular edition, and maybe the wikipedia page.

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14 hours ago, chenGOD said:

I guarantee he's never read anything beyond the introduction to that particular edition, and maybe the wikipedia page.

While we’re on the subject of Ted Cruz, let’s not forget about the time he liked a photo from a porno film on twitter on 9/11. 

I would gladly post a screenshot but I would have to give myself a warning if I did. Anyway, Google is your friend. Or Bing. You can find so much porn on Bing. 

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a couple good things from lawfare. ben wittes and susan hennessey discussing their book on trump's effects on the presidency:


and this Lawfare Podcast episode on disinfo: https://www.lawfareblog.com/lawfare-podcast-renee-diresta-disinformation-and-misinformation-vaccines-gru



good closing from schiff on impeachment trial day 3. around 18:41 he gets into the argument for conviction. he highlights trump chosing to believe russian propaganda over us intel. the crowdstrike theory, which covers up the origin of the 2016 GRU hack & dump attack on the US election.


sen murphy said mcconnell doesn't have the votes for calling bidens.

i'm seeing reports collins and romney will vote for witnesses. by the time question sessions are done next week, i think the dems will have the 4 gop votes they need to get bolton and subpoena mulvaney, blair, and duffey, as well as documents. then the thing gets prolonged another week at least. that puts the state of the union concurrent with the week of bolton's testimony, possibly. 

these 53 gop senators are playing with fire and they know it. 9 months until november, and the country seems to be waking up to what is going on, albeit slowly. do they want to attach themselves to a ship that might be sinking? reports have been that they have been paying attention, during the house manager presentations.

the house gop already signed their names on the historic cover-up. will the disinfo demons prevail? will the gop break up in flight?

i'm learning to watch for the muddled, middle-road, kick-the-can, american outcome. disinfo will provide cover for GOPs to choose corrupt path. then americans wake up even more because the situation is that much more dire and the neighbor-jostling continues, and the GOP risks a severe blue wave november.

but if a senate GOP faction has broken off then perhaps they will reach a point at which they calculate the best face-saving play to be a solidarity vote for conviction. they throw house gop under the bus a little but they can just say they were watching sports on their ipads during the hearings because they were. and there is now more evidence and it's more clearly presented, and bolton probably gives up more solid evidence. i really don't see it as out of the realm of possibility that trump earns a place as the first US president forcibly removed from office. 

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