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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Budweiser sort of "just came out" in Japan, and the can design is pretty good.  It's still meh, but it does "taste like Budweiser", which is kind of noteworthy.


Anyway- I spent a couple hours or some shit reading through this thread last night, and it's pretty good.  Lotta resolutions and positive vibez.


Something to note:  Even if one were in utopia, free-will allows for one to perceive utopia as hell.  The point is, nirvana is in your own mind and heart.  Happiness can ONLY be attained from within.  There has always been tons of bullshit in the world-- never ever let that shit get to you, or you will become it.  Do something to improve your life on a daily basis, and just keep spreading good vibez.  Stick to your guns, and act in a way that reflects your beliefs.  That is all that matters.  If you give, all will be given to you.  -And that's not some religious shit-- it's straight up IDM magic.


“No. Not even in the face of Armageddon. Never compromise.” ― Alan Moore, Watchmen



america could probably afford to drop that bit :/

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Budweiser sort of "just came out" in Japan, and the can design is pretty good.  It's still meh, but it does "taste like Budweiser", which is kind of noteworthy.


Anyway- I spent a couple hours or some shit reading through this thread last night, and it's pretty good.  Lotta resolutions and positive vibez.


Something to note:  Even if one were in utopia, free-will allows for one to perceive utopia as hell.  The point is, nirvana is in your own mind and heart.  Happiness can ONLY be attained from within.  There has always been tons of bullshit in the world-- never ever let that shit get to you, or you will become it.  Do something to improve your life on a daily basis, and just keep spreading good vibez.  Stick to your guns, and act in a way that reflects your beliefs.  That is all that matters.  If you give, all will be given to you.  -And that's not some religious shit-- it's straight up IDM magic.


“No. Not even in the face of Armageddon. Never compromise.” ― Alan Moore, Watchmen



america could probably afford to drop that bit :/



What is this- Zingtime 9000?

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how dare you speak ill of stouts, sirrah. how very dare you.

Stouts are like pineapple on pizza. It's all yours.


As for me, I will enjoy hoppy IPAs with a nice slice of well-done pepperoni pie because I like things that taste good. :emotawesomepm9:  


^ had an American "Budweiser" for the first time last weekend in Manchester and it is indeed amazingly shit. How do you guys drink this / call it beer? Tastes like shitty lemonade.


if you think that's shit, you should try steel reserve which is the poor man's champagne


omg please tell me they don't export that shit. If so, what an embarrasment.


I've still had worse. Our local grocery chain, HEB, makes "Frio" which is cheaper version of Lonestar/PBR priced stuff. I drink it when I do lawnwork. There's also a ton of tallboy cans of stuff cheaper than Budweiser, most names of which I have essentially forced myself to forget.


Texas has Lonestar which is comparable to Miller IMO, as well as PBR. Not Miller lite but the regular stuff. Coors is ok I guess. These are summer beers to drink while hanging around outside, wash down the taste of cheap weed, and to enjoy when you are broke.

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I was under the impression the American beer industry was doing a lot better - when I visited Arizona for work a colleague showed me some booze outlet. Literally just a warehouse full of spirits, wines, beers. Huge shelves dedicated to some really tasty brews around the country.


I'm actually a bit of a convert to American Pale Ales (Not to be confused with American IPAs). Being flooded with bitter beers in the UK probably doesn't help, it's nice to have something a little sweeter. Beavertown's Gamma Ray is my shit.


Nothing wrong with piss lager though, makes my eyes roll when people go on about how it's not really beer. £3 4-pack of Carlsberg is an evening of misery sorted.

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how dare you speak ill of stouts, sirrah. how very dare you.

Stouts are like pineapple on pizza. It's all yours.


As for me, I will enjoy hoppy IPAs with a nice slice of well-done pepperoni pie because I like things that taste good. :emotawesomepm9:  


^ had an American "Budweiser" for the first time last weekend in Manchester and it is indeed amazingly shit. How do you guys drink this / call it beer? Tastes like shitty lemonade.


if you think that's shit, you should try steel reserve which is the poor man's champagne


omg please tell me they don't export that shit. If so, what an embarrasment.


I've still had worse. Our local grocery chain, HEB, makes "Frio" which is cheaper version of Lonestar/PBR priced stuff. I drink it when I do lawnwork. There's also a ton of tallboy cans of stuff cheaper than Budweiser, most names of which I have essentially forced myself to forget.


Texas has Lonestar which is comparable to Miller IMO, as well as PBR. Not Miller lite but the regular stuff. Coors is ok I guess. These are summer beers to drink while hanging around outside, wash down the taste of cheap weed, and to enjoy when you are broke.



pics pls

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I've still had worse. Our local grocery chain, HEB, makes "Frio" which is cheaper version of Lonestar/PBR priced stuff. I drink it when I do lawnwork. There's also a ton of tallboy cans of stuff cheaper than Budweiser, most names of which I have essentially forced myself to forget.


Texas has Lonestar which is comparable to Miller IMO, as well as PBR. Not Miller lite but the regular stuff. Coors is ok I guess. These are summer beers to drink while hanging around outside, wash down the taste of cheap weed, and to enjoy when you are broke.


Oh yeah I don't mind those kind of watery lagers at all in the warmer months. They're almost preferable to decent beer when they're ice cold and you're parched from the heat.  I actually don't mind PBR that much, either. I like it better than Bud and Coors. Some of Miller's less common brews I actually like pretty well. I don't know if they still make Amberbock but when I first started drinking beer that was my fave for quite a while. 

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I was under the impression the American beer industry was doing a lot better - when I visited Arizona for work a colleague showed me some booze outlet. Literally just a warehouse full of spirits, wines, beers. Huge shelves dedicated to some really tasty brews around the country.

Total Wine? Yeah that place is great. They have booze from all over the country and the world. I love to go in there and ogle at all the interesting liquors in their beautiful bottles. Coincidentally they just sent me a coupon for 15% off beer so I'll probably pick up some pales/IPAs along with some stuff mentioned in this thread that I'm curious about. 

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This is officially a beer thread now.


Cheap American (sort of American I guess) beers are often delicious, especially in situations like Josh pointed out. I'm personally a big fan of High Life. And as a lover of cheap beers, I can say without reservation that Budweiser is just bad.

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I was under the impression the American beer industry was doing a lot better - when I visited Arizona for work a colleague showed me some booze outlet. Literally just a warehouse full of spirits, wines, beers. Huge shelves dedicated to some really tasty brews around the country.

Total Wine? Yeah that place is great. They have booze from all over the country and the world. I love to go in there and ogle at all the interesting liquors in their beautiful bottles. Coincidentally they just sent me a coupon for 15% off beer so I'll probably pick up some pales/IPAs along with some stuff mentioned in this thread that I'm curious about. 



oh yeah Total Wine was the place!

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how dare you speak ill of stouts, sirrah. how very dare you.

Stouts are like pineapple on pizza. It's all yours.


As for me, I will enjoy hoppy IPAs with a nice slice of well-done pepperoni pie because I like things that taste good. :emotawesomepm9:  


^ had an American "Budweiser" for the first time last weekend in Manchester and it is indeed amazingly shit. How do you guys drink this / call it beer? Tastes like shitty lemonade.


if you think that's shit, you should try steel reserve which is the poor man's champagne


omg please tell me they don't export that shit. If so, what an embarrasment.


I've still had worse. Our local grocery chain, HEB, makes "Frio" which is cheaper version of Lonestar/PBR priced stuff. I drink it when I do lawnwork. There's also a ton of tallboy cans of stuff cheaper than Budweiser, most names of which I have essentially forced myself to forget.


Texas has Lonestar which is comparable to Miller IMO, as well as PBR. Not Miller lite but the regular stuff. Coors is ok I guess. These are summer beers to drink while hanging around outside, wash down the taste of cheap weed, and to enjoy when you are broke.



pics pls



i'll do you one better, here are some reviews of Frio Light and the 6.0% instead of 4.8% alcohol version Frio 6.0 (now with more calories and 1.2% more drunkenness)


you can literally buy a 30 pack for $17

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This is officially a beer thread now.


Gonna need a lot of it to make it through the next 4 years.


I was gonna say, it's still appropriate. It better be 4 and not double.

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Oh fuck me, I derailed this thread into a bloody beer discussion.


Well, if you think about it, that was the most likely conclusion.

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Yeah I'd much rather talk about beer than Trump!  I'm a total craft beer snob.





That ain't gonna win him many friends where I come from. I'm down with it though. Except the beer part. Micros have come a long way here. Sorry, my days of English ales and such are long gone.



I'm very familiar with American, British, and Japanese craft ale, and America by far takes the lead.  I like all three, don't get me wrong, but America's craft beer market has been exploding for a few decades now and it's depth and breadth is astounding.



I occasionally drink some US ales like Founders All Day IPA and Centennial IPA. Quite nice. They are easily available in Finland.


I'm not sure if I've ever tried Budweiser.


Founders is one of the best, most reliable "East Coast" breweries.  I say "East Coast" in quotes because really they are from Michigan.  But if the East Coast wants to have any hope of staying competitive against West Coast breweries they need to go a bit broader.

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Founders is one of the best, most reliable "East Coast" breweries.  I say "East Coast" in quotes because really they are from Michigan.  But if the East Coast wants to have any hope of staying competitive against West Coast breweries they need to go a bit broader.


The East Coast has some wonderful beers to offer. Especially New England. But, they're extremely local and have no interest in wide distribution. (Alchemist, Treehouse, Trillium, Hillstead, etc.) They make some amazing beers, but keeping it a New England thing is just how they role. I love me some of their IPAs, and get my hands on them every now and then. I always contemplate taking a road trip to score some, but, a few of my local breweries have come up with their own take on the "NE style IPA". I'm sad to say, they're as good & in some cases better. Witches Hat & Transient brewing in MI to name a couple. Good times ahead for me.

If you need any Backwoods Bastard atypic, let me know...although I may be killing it this weekend...


edit: We also got a ton of Lizard of Koz as well.

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