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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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What a piss-poor president-erect


well sprayed played


lol, from Trump's press conference later today: 




Journalists to get to bring home some steaks and Trump-wine, will there be similar goodie bags for the White House press briefings?


this looks like a screenshot from Parks And Recreation not real life


I guess it really is time to just laugh at the absurdity of it all



lol seriously....


wonder if he'll be drinking up that golden bubbly straight from the source ;)

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I wonder how assange feels now that trumpey has conceded on Russia being the source.

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This is what the stress of being president can do, can you imagine the state of Trump after a couple of weeks?




It's going to be insane, the excess neck flab he tucks into his shirt will explode. 

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This is what the stress of being president can do, can you imagine the state of Trump after a couple of weeks?




It's going to be insane, the excess neck flab he tucks into his shirt will explode. 


damn tho to be nit picky


1. resolution on the right is better, notice how "softer" the image on the left is

2. 8 years of aging can be a lot regardless


Also Trump is the oldest POTUS elected in history, I know older elected officials like Biden and McCain are old and capable but they are IMO much more level-headed

Edited by joshuatx
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Also Trump is the oldest POTUS elected in history, I know older elected officials like Biden and McCain are old and capable but they are IMO much more level-headed



...and eat fewer cheeseburgers.

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This is what the stress of being president can do, can you imagine the state of Trump after a couple of weeks?




It's going to be insane, the excess neck flab he tucks into his shirt will explode. 


damn tho to be nit picky


1. resolution on the right is better, notice how "softer" the image on the left is

2. 8 years of aging can be a lot regardless


Also Trump is the oldest POTUS elected in history, I know older elected officials like Biden and McCain are old and capable but they are IMO much more level-headed



Yeah I did think that, they've obviously chosen pictures to exaggerate it but it's going to be intriguing to see what this does to him. His wife has had work done and for a man as vain as him it could get......interesting. He's already orange.

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It's almost like we were intentionally given an inept POTUS because the powers that be didn't want to get bored by electing a competent one.

He can try turning the whole country into Trumpland/MAGA/whatever, but it would be like trying to fit a toupee-shaped peg into a round hole. I just don't think it's gonna work.

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oh god the comments on that video. you're all well and truly fucked over there.

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not going to happen. (the impeachment) although the screams for impeachment will be continuous, i'm sure. he's should have been pre-impeached ten times already, but nevertheless won the presidency. with or without russian help, i'm guessing. (comey did way more damage, and the race between clinton and trump shouldnt have been so close in the first place. just by looking at the amount of money both campaigns could spend)

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oh god the comments on that video. you're all well and truly fucked over there.

YouTube vids always get idiotic comments from people with zero attention span. While I doubt the transparency of CNN, the fanaticism coming from these Trumplets is the likes I've never seen before with a president-elect here. Demagoguery on a Roman Empire scale. These maniacs are completely devoid of logic.

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This is what the stress of being president can do, can you imagine the state of Trump after a couple of weeks?




It's going to be insane, the excess neck flab he tucks into his shirt will explode. 


yeah, but that's assuming he actually works. did you hear his answer on repealing obamacare?


"we're going to be submitting as soon as our secretary is approved; a plan. it'll repeal and replace. simultaneously...maybe the same day, or week, maybe even within the same hour.... probably the same day... complicated stuff"


calling cnn "fake news" was kinda funny, especially since he then chose a question from breitbart right after. 

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Wait, that head implies Obama had a bed in a Ritz Hotel!? Or he paid them in his Ritz-hotel room to wet obama's bed on some other night? Why even mention the Ritz hotel room? I'm too stupid for this world. Bunch of fruitcakes...

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