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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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^lol hadn't heard Trump was using the Obama attack ads against Clinton now. Good move from his camp.


I read somewhere that the Bosnia sniper fire thing was legit (not sure what the discrepancy with the video is if so though. But yeah, she really does change her stance far far too often. I completely agree with the 'she'll say anything to get elected' school of thought...but I'll likely still vote for her. I'd take 8 years of her (unlikely, she'll get ousted in 2020) to 5 minutes of Trump's rotten worthless scumsucking face.

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Meanwhile the GOP considers internet porn a public health crisis

Wonder if there's a nod toward guns in that there platform of theirs.



"The internet must not become a safe haven for predators," the provision states. "Pornography, with its harmful effects, especially on children, has become a public health crisis that is destroying the life of millions. We encourage states to continue to fight this public menace and pledge our commitment to children's safety and well-being. We applaud the social networking sites that bar sex offenders from participation. We urge energetic prosecution of child pornography which closely linked to human trafficking."


This is a confused, vague "platform" - it's more of a brainstorming paragraph of problems/issues we're all aware of already.

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Figured it was only a matter of time. I think his (former) supporters are more pissed off about this than he realizes.


"Cuz we can't let Trump win."

I agree, but it's still not a good enough excuse to surrender to HRC. Unless there's something more to it we're not aware of.

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"Cuz we can't let Trump win."

I agree, but it's still not a good enough excuse to surrender to HRC. Unless there's something more to it we're not aware of.


she got the necessary delegates and super delegates to become the democratic nominee. i don't think there was anything bernie could do. and if you remember, there was a time when obama even tried to get him to suspend his campaign earlier and he didn't.


i don't think it would've been legal for him to endorse jill stein despite her "berning heart" right now

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So now that Bernie has endorsed Hillary does that mean that they'll be working together or is it simply a nice way of saying "I give up?", asked the European guy

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they're "working together" though not sure how much. also, shoutout to the 62 people mentioned in this tweet. i hope the current disney CEO is one of them



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"Cuz we can't let Trump win."

I agree, but it's still not a good enough excuse to surrender to HRC. Unless there's something more to it we're not aware of.


she got the necessary delegates and super delegates to become the democratic nominee. i don't think there was anything bernie could do. and if you remember, there was a time when obama even tried to get him to suspend his campaign earlier and he didn't.


i don't think it would've been legal for him to endorse jill stein despite her "berning heart" right now


Not legal? As in, against federal law?


Either way, shit was rigged in HRC's favor from the get go. As far as I'm concerned, the Bernie camp has collapsed, and Jill Stein's campaign is the vacuum for the majority of his former supporters - myself included. Besides, it won't be the first time I vote for her. Anybody can try to dissuade me all they want, but my allegiance is decided.

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Ezra Klein wrote another good (imo) piece about HRC.






This is an effort to answer a question I’ve been struggling with since at least 2008: Why is the Hillary Clinton described to me by her staff, her colleagues, and even her foes so different from the one I see on the campaign trail?
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^ I'd been largely ignoring Vox's coverage/interview with Clinton, but this is an interesting read. I've definitely acknowledged that difference in impressions from her over the years, but my instincts chalked that up as dishonesty/changing faces. And Clinton has certainly changed faces, and I'm not sure I 'trust' her (I wish there was a better term for this than trust, the choosing to believe most of what someone you've never met says) but the article does open up my mind somewhat to reevaluating what I see from her.

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cool piece. i like this quote from hillary:



“I do think — and I keep saying this, because I believe it — I think the media environment where people are rewarded for being outrageous, for yelling at each other, for saying things that are untrue without being held accountable for it has contributed to this attitude of divisiveness and separation,”


thats a real phenomenon and an important one to address. jon stuart describes it nicely here. if you're a fan of jon stuart you'll probably like to watch that whole talk, he's basically livid for an hour and makes a number of great and perfectly formulated points.


one flaw i could point out in the piece is the author seems to misunderstand hillary's comment about making enemies with "the republicans." i think she was certainly talking about being proud of making enemies with the republicans in congress, and not the republican citizens of america, as the author seems to think. thats an important distinction. the term "the republicans" is commonly used to refer to the republicans in congress, but lends itself to being misunderstood.


another cool hillary quote:



“There’s a lot of behavioral science that if you attack someone endlessly — even if none of what you say is true — the very fact of attacking that person raises doubts and creates a negative perspective,”


that's a great way of describing something i've been seeing used by a certain group in america in recent years to great effect. it is an undeniable, dangerous, and worrisome phenomenon. another symptom of the problem of this period of time in which we are transitioning into the information age but haven't yet established norms for reinforcing adequate levels of skepticism and information vetting.

Edited by very honest
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So how come Hillary devoured Sanders? How this works I don't even

anyone but trump, yeah?



bargaining. before endorsing her he insisted/negotiated to have some of his goals/ideas become part of the democratic platform.


it's "stop trump" time really. but i think bernie would've been less cooperative with his support if hillary didn't play ball a little.


it's lesser of two evils really and she's the "safer" gamble. trump would be a human brexit for the whole planet.

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The Democratic platform is a non binding agreement. There is no way she would follow through with any the concessions made. All Clinton was trying to do is to get his supporters to vote for her. It will work on MAYBE 70% of them at best, which of course is not enough.

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If Jill Stein gets 5% of the vote than a 3rd party will actually have a chance next election. Why vote for evil? A vote for Hillary is a vote for Wall Street and endless war.

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apparently the email shit is hurting her in the polls.


Swing-state stunner: Trump has edge in key states


trump, a rich kid reality show host, is for nuclear proliferation in the mideast and asia, but could beat hillary, a former senator and secretary of state, because she used a private email server.

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If Jill Stein gets 5% of the vote than a 3rd party will actually have a chance next election. Why vote for evil? A vote for Hillary is a vote for Wall Street and endless war.


I voted for Stein in '12. I might do it again.



voting for a third party in '16 doesnt elect someone good in '20, it elects someone bad in '16.


hillary is not evil. she's a nice lady.

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