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There should be a word for that vertigo sensation that occurs when you have so many tabs open that it overwhelms you.  I guess it could just be referred to as vertigo.  Maybe with "tab-" preceding it.  Tab-vertigo.  Ugh I can't even look at the top of my browser right now.

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There should be a word for that vertigo sensation that occurs when you have so many tabs open that it overwhelms you.  I guess it could just be referred to as vertigo.  Maybe with "tab-" preceding it.  Tab-vertigo.  Ugh I can't even look at the top of my browser right now.


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I just tried raw oysters for the first time like 5 minutes ago. Seafood always seems perverted but strangely healthy.

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I fucking love raw oysters. Make a point of grabbing 4-6 at the Market at Kings Cross on a Sunday if I'm hungover. Just chuck'em all down my neck stood at the stall, protein bomb, and go about my day. Food of the Gods.

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Blue cheese really needs some sort of meat to go with it to bring out its best qualities.  Otherwise it just weirds things up slightly, occasionally ruining them.  In the right context tho it can really take food to the next level.

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There's some big 'anarchist' demonstration outside the prison I work in this evening. A colleague was talking about it with me in the locker room outside before we went in. He said something like "they want all the prisons shut down to let all the murderers and rapists out on the streets, idiots. Would they prefer sharia law?"

The sudden leap gave me fucking whiplash.

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So it's inconceivable for this person to imagine that someone would be put in jail for a) something they didn't do, or b) are serving an unfair sentence?


Not sure what the demonstration is about, but they usually fall into those two camps.

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I wish I could build and audio amplifier with effects you could affix to your teeth and push buttons with your tongue, For like reverb, right molar, echo, left molar. So you could yell SILENCE! like the guy in Dune and it'd echo and be loud as fuck

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I wonder how many people would be constipated if they didn't drink coffee regularly

Just experienced this firsthand. Decided I was going to drink tea and give up coffee cold turkey. Didn’t even have a good reason why, sometimes I just try these experiments on myself. But first problem was plumbing stopped working. So back to my quad espressos and feeling better than ever.
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