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We're still on about porridge in here?  Ahahahaha.

My observation was noticing Joyrex started a thread for the Dunning-Kruger effect, then popping in here to see the first post at the top of the page mentioned the Dunning-Kruger effect.  If the Dunning-Kruger effect were that thing where you have a stoner moment and go "whoa" that observation would have had that effect on me.

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15 hours ago, MadellisTheSixth said:

how much water did u put in it? just drizzle some boiled water on top of the oatmeal in a bowl, wait for it all to coagulate a bit then give it a solid stir. sprinkle some crushed almonds n dried fruit in there and if you're feeling a bit adventurous maybe schnozzle some yogurt on top. add milk if in the mood.

i didn't, they have it here at work, they have one labeled porridge, and another one labeled oatmeal... will do, thanks for the recs...?

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I just saw a squirrel get pushed out of a tree by another squirrel. 




This country is so fucking divided.

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4 hours ago, Zephyr_Nova said:

Post-Wank would be a pretty good genre name imo.

Explosions In This Guy

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^ I'm still getting used to it myself. On the other hand it's quite interesting. The cosmetic makeover of watmm revealed some long-forgotten embarrasments.... like the old nicknames lol

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My only gripe is the loss of My Content.  Instead of having all threads I participate in on one screen I have to visit each forum individually to see if there are any new replies.

But the little red notification that appears every time I'm quoted provides a small burst of dopamine that was absent before.

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14 minutes ago, Zephyr_Nova said:

My only gripe is the loss of My Content.  Instead of having all threads I participate in on one screen I have to visit each forum individually to see if there are any new replies.

But the little red notification that appears every time I'm quoted provides a small burst of dopamine that was absent before.

red liek my pnesi

& little

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19 minutes ago, Zephyr_Nova said:

My only gripe is the loss of My Content.  Instead of having all threads I participate in on one screen I have to visit each forum individually to see if there are any new replies.

But the little red notification that appears every time I'm quoted provides a small burst of dopamine that was absent before.

Agreed. I'd like if the "my content" thing was reinstated.

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Not gonna lie, I never even knew about the My Content thing, but it sounds nice and my newfound appreciation for the red alerts is well placed imo

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1 hour ago, Zephyr_Nova said:

But the little red notification that appears every time I'm quoted provides a small burst of dopamine that was absent before.


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2019 is transpiring to be the year my passion for gaming might be dwindling. Today is the first time my PC did not meet the minimum requirements for a new release. And the AAA sector of the industry is showing signs of disarray and potential collapse, especially with big names like EA, Activision, Blizzard, Epic, Bethesda, etc. Also, the lot of the gamer community are self-entitled assholes, not to mention tend to affiliate with the alt-right.

There's probably a psychological parallel between game addiction and drug addiction. Regardless, for me it feels like it's fading. That's not to say I'm just gonna suddenly decide to quit games forever out of the blue one day. But at the same time I just can't play a game for more than 2 hours in a day anymore. As opposed to late 2008 thru 2011 when open-world games were really taking off - I'd be up playing them for several hours straight until like 3 AM on some days.

Edited by ambergonk
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2019 is transpiring to be the year my passion for gaming might be dwindling. Today is the first time my PC did not meet the minimum requirements for a new release. And the AAA sector of the industry is showing signs of disarray and potential collapse, especially with big names like EA, Activision, Blizzard, Epic, Bethesda, etc. Also, the lot of the gamer community are self-entitled assholes, not to mention tend to affiliate with the alt-right.

There's probably a psychological parallel between game addiction and drug addiction. Regardless, for me it feels like it's fading. That's not to say I'm just gonna suddenly decide to quit games forever out of the blue one day. But at the same time I just can't play a game for more than 2 hours in a day anymore. As opposed to late 2008 thru 2011 when open-world games were really taking off - I'd be up playing them for several hours straight until like 3 AM on some days.

 I lost tons of interest in games 3 or 4 years back when starting uni. They just weren't fun anymore. I don't think it was because of starting uni, but I finally  got rbored of AAA mechanics. Take Bethesda for instance. imho their best game was morrowind, with lots of experimental things that were fun that you'd never see in their games today. It's like they have it all down to a science and only indie games innovate. Since Oblivion I've kept getting excited for new elder scrolls stuff but I have no expectations anymore. It's a shame really.

As far as the crash I've been hearing that for years. If it does happen it'll be because of how watered down AAA games are now

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I didn't play any video game during 90% of my time in uni, but now i'm enjoying them again, It feels really weird to go years without playing one. The first game I played when I started again was Deus Ex 1. I had never played it before, and the gameplay still holds up. After beating it I wanted to play older games since I didn't realize on how much I missed out.

On 5/18/2019 at 11:08 PM, hello spiral said:

Last videogame I played was Mario Sunshine on the Gamecube


Do you find games boring now or do you feel you just outgrew it?  Which kinda seem like the same option.  Or did you play it recently?





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