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On 10/7/2022 at 11:13 AM, cruising for burgers said:

question, is there an automatic topic unfollow if the topic doesn't have any activity for a long period of time? if so, can you turn it off? pretty please?thanks...

I guess it is auto off cause I keep getting unfolowed from this thread because there's not much activity on it, and if I want to post there, or I use the search function, or I scroll trough several general banter pages to find it... this is another reason why my next post makes sense for me... I wanna have that link on my homescreen... and if I add it the common way, when I use it it will redirect me to WATMM app front page...


you might ask, why not use your browser's bookmarks and the answer is quite simple...

having the links in my homescreen is way more handy, keeping all watmm topics in a folder in my homescreen is bliss...

Topic unfollow - I believe how that works (auto unfollows if there are no posts within x time period).

RE: homescreen link - nothing I can do about that unfortunately...

On 10/7/2022 at 11:31 AM, cruising for burgers said:

I know I'm sounding like a broken record but this keeps bugging my WATMM experience...

the fact that WATMM loads as an app on android...

if I add a specific topic to my phone's homescreen using the function "add to homescreen" on my browser, the link created on my homescreen, when clicked, always opens WATMM as an app and redirects me to WATMM's front page...

this is inconvenient because sometimes some topics end up having no activity for a while and they end up on page 4 or 5 or whatever and I need to scroll trough several pages until I find them...

the only solution that I found to override this is to go to that specific topic, disable my internet connection, reload the topic, which obviously won't reload cause I have no internet connection, and only then use the function "add to homescreen"...

if I do this, when I turn back on my internet connection, and click the link for that specific topic that I added to my homescreen, WATMM doesn't load as an app and it redirects me directly to that topic, which is what I want...

am I the only one that doesn't like WATMM loading as an app instead of a normal website?


Nothing I can do about that - I will look into it though, as I know on iOS I think people complained about that and we did something, but don't recall what specifically.

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Is it just me or are the quote boxes busted now? They no longer say who's being quoted or from where. Just started today as far as I can tell.

Various other types of windows are also coming up blank:  spoilers, "are you sure you want to" windows, etc. @Joyrex

Also I just noticed the quote and spoiler options are gone from the posting window.

Edited by toaoaoad
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Various other types of windows are also coming up blank:  spoilers, "are you sure you want to" windows, etc. @Joyrex

Also I just noticed the quote and spoiler options are gone from the posting window.

Just did an update yesterday... I think there might be caching issues


A lot of small things are broken, acting weird or missing, quoting is just one.


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On 10/25/2022 at 1:40 AM, cruising for burgers said:

btw there's no "search this topic" option in mobile mode for android... can we have that? pretty please? screenshot is from desktop mode...


So this does not appear on Android? Any iOS users care to confirm?

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tomorrow's harvest theme quotes are broken, showing just black text. it looks like an inline style is getting added to a span tag. If I disable that style, things are fixed. Here is a before and after.



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On 10/29/2022 at 11:23 AM, exitonly said:

tomorrow's harvest theme quotes are broken, showing just black text. it looks like an inline style is getting added to a span tag. If I disable that style, things are fixed. Here is a before and after.



Was just caching an old skin revision... seems to be resolved now.

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@Joyrex The front site did not load the feed sidebars and for a moment it felt just like early 2000s again, so I thought this is something new and improved watmm so I immediately posted about it. joke's on me, I guess it was just a glitch heh

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I've been absent for a while so I'm catching up on some reading which has turned out to be a real nightmare because when I navigate to the next page in a thread it loads the next page starting at the bottom. Why is this happening to me?!

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21 hours ago, user said:

I've been absent for a while so I'm catching up on some reading which has turned out to be a real nightmare because when I navigate to the next page in a thread it loads the next page starting at the bottom. Why is this happening to me?!


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On 10/24/2022 at 1:15 PM, Joyrex said:

Topic unfollow - I believe how that works (auto unfollows if there are no posts within x time period).


can you turn the auto-unfollow function off please? I'd really appreciate it.




On 10/24/2022 at 11:40 PM, cruising for burgers said:

there is no "search this topic" option in mobile mode for android.


any news on this? thanks.

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14 hours ago, YangYing said:

Are sc links not embedding? When I post one it just looks like this:


i copied the link from that soundcloud, embeds without problems . i guess yours is the shortened version..that might be the problem.


Edited by iococoi
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On 11/15/2022 at 11:11 PM, iococoi said:

i copied the link from that soundcloud, embeds without problems . i guess yours is the shortened version..that might be the problem.


I can see about adding that URL to the embed code

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/17/2022 at 2:54 PM, Summon Dot E X E said:

On the topic of embedding, would it be possible to allow embedding individual Bandcamp tracks by ID as well as entire albums? There's a similar Wordpress ID for them, e.g.

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=2355874350 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small track=2091294191]

It's identical to the album embed, except it has one additional tag. Here's the album embed for comparison.

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=2355874350 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small]

You'd probably just need to provide another, optional field for track ID, without which it would embed the whole album.

Let me see if I can add that parameter to the embed...

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The problem is the embed requires two values - the album ID and the track ID - we made it simple so all someone has to do is paste in the album ID... I might be able to change it so the entire URL goes in, but then it requires the user to edit the embed to strip out the IFRAME code, etc.

It would be perfect if we could just use the Bandcamp friendly URL in the address bar for an album or track...

And I forgot to mention the button only accepts one value from the input, so we can't put both the album and track IDs in at the same time.

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