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35 minutes ago, goDel said:

This looks awful, btw. I'm happy for you Sanders numbers are improving. But especially that last question about enthusiasm looks awful. Could mean the enthusiasm for the Dem ticket on the whole is getting smaller. Even if Sanders wins the dem ticket, you might risk attracting not enough voters to win against Trump. There's just not enough love for the Dems and/or Sanders, it seems. 

Also note the confidence interval. Percentages 5% higher or lower are still within the range of what the actual numbers could be for this particular poll. 

I very much think a corporate dem cannot win the presidency for a number of reasons. However I don't necessarily think Sanders can either if I'm being honest with myself. However I do believe Sanders would do much better against Trump than pretty much any other candidate. In this day and age people prefer "real" populist politicians. 

in terms of corporate dems, many are just Hillary 2.0. Not only in beliefs and the way they play politics like it's still the 90s, and also have a number of gaffes in the past that Trump could effectively harp on.

He could point to Warren and "Pocahontas" her to death. Biden comes off as kind of a creep and may or may not have some mental problems, so he's even lower hanging fruit for Trump. I think Trump would "Jeb Bush" Biden to death with ease. Maybe Warren could overcome what Trump would throw at her but it's not clear. She isn't the most clairvoyant politician considering she for the most part has abandoned her progressive supporter base. 

Against Bernie he'd probably just say it's a bunch of pie in the sky promises.

And even though Trump has done much worse than either of these 2 in the gaffe department, it's basically been proven that it simply won't work against him.

Edited by Brisbot
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i've spent too much time watching those videos and trying to detect pedo attraction. if i thought he were a pedo, that's something i would think the dems need to talk about now. i think he's just affectionate and a little uncomfortable. unfortunate for a candidate but i don't think there's a there there.


but yeah we haven't seen the last of that shit.


btw the insinuation of people peddling those videos is a damaging slander. something to consider in regard to information sources.


he presided over swearing in ceremonies in the senate for 8 years. someone scraped who knows how many hours of photo session footage to cherry pick some unfortunate moments. 

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49 minutes ago, Zeffolia said:




wtf? please don't spread stupid disinfo shit like this. this is part of the problem. 


"...a New York Times article of June 29, 2019, revealed the website to be the work of Patrick Mauldin, who runs the Republican political consulting firm Vici Media Group (not to be confused with Vici Media Inc. of Philadelphia) and has created content for Donald Trump’s presidential campaigns..."

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8 hours ago, luke viia said:

wtf? please don't spread stupid disinfo shit like this. this is part of the problem. 


"...a New York Times article of June 29, 2019, revealed the website to be the work of Patrick Mauldin, who runs the Republican political consulting firm Vici Media Group (not to be confused with Vici Media Inc. of Philadelphia) and has created content for Donald Trump’s presidential campaigns..."

I linked it specifically for the collection of videos on the middle of the page of the same type as the explicit mp4 link.  Are you calling the videos deep-fakes and the links to govtrack.us, congress.gov, nytimes.com, cnn.com, thehill.com, and jacobinmag.com, disinfo sources?

Maybe read the snopes page you're linking and specifically the claim which snopes is claiming to refute:


The website joebiden.info is Joe Biden's official 2020 presidential campaign site.

It's pretty obvious to any reader of the site that it's not his official campaign website, so snopes is windmill tilting on its main claim.  The snopes page makes no claims regarding the illegitimacy of the content of the website, merely the claim that it's his official campaign page.  Being made by a republican doesn't mean it's inaccurate.

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42 minutes ago, Zeffolia said:

Being made by a republican doesn't mean it's inaccurate.

"I kinda like this one Bob."  (Francis Bacon's Pope Innocent with Side's O'Beef)

Bob was a solid henchman, I'd hire a dude like that in a heartbeat

Edited by BobDobalina
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15 hours ago, Zeffolia said:

I linked it specifically for the collection of videos on the middle of the page of the same type as the explicit mp4 link.  Are you calling the videos deep-fakes and the links to govtrack.us, congress.gov, nytimes.com, cnn.com, thehill.com, and jacobinmag.com, disinfo sources?

Maybe read the snopes page you're linking and specifically the claim which snopes is claiming to refute:

It's pretty obvious to any reader of the site that it's not his official campaign website, so snopes is windmill tilting on its main claim.  The snopes page makes no claims regarding the illegitimacy of the content of the website, merely the claim that it's his official campaign page.  Being made by a republican doesn't mean it's inaccurate.

You need to dig further. You know who else voted for the 1994 Violent Crime and Law Enforcement Act (which was a massive omnibus bill that no one person was responsible for drafting)? Bernie Sanders 

Dont buy the propaganda. 

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love the obvious irritation in biden's face before he clumsily tries to turn it around that it's the reporter who's not calm then the awkward (laterz) "punch" to the chest

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i think a UBI is an interesting concept to fix the wealth disparity betwix the rich and everyone else; but i honestly cannot see it working in modern day society in the united states mainly because of the level of ignorance of the people. i see our current society as too broken and too poisoned by capitalism to effectively and responsibly utilize it. i do believe minimizing the wealth gap would be a step in the right direction BEFORE introducing a UBI

interesting that chappelle would be so on board such a radical policy when he himself had a skit showing how it wouldn't work but i guess everyone changes...?

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re: Chappelle's comments,

"12,000 a year or health insurance" that's not the options, why is he even saying that

"[UBI] would save my community almost instantly" um, no. that's a fucking ridiculous statement. it could certainly have some effects in some places, obviously. but 'save' is just...naw. not gonna instantly fix every problem everyone has.

"make america feel better again" ...that angle on UBI is interesting for sure. i could see that aspect of it having good effects for some. dont think it would 'alleviate the bad feelings in the country' but maybe it's a step in the right direction

"many good ideas are coming from Andrew Yang" hm, i don't think so. he's brought UBI to the conversation, briefly, but that's it. he's not a good enough speaker and isn't playing the game hard enough to make any dent anywhere really so, he's basically been ignored for months now, even when he was still making the debates.

"the wealth disparity between me and my neighbors is heartbreaking" hey dude, give them some of your money then, yeah? 

all that said, Chappelle's heart's in the right place it seems and i'm not shitting on him, just don't think he's looking very deeply at things. 

4 hours ago, Nebraska said:
i think a UBI is an interesting concept to fix the wealth disparity betwix the rich and everyone else; but i honestly cannot see it working in modern day society in the united states mainly because of the level of ignorance of the people. i see our current society as too broken and too poisoned by capitalism to effectively and responsibly utilize it. i do believe minimizing the wealth gap would be a step in the right direction BEFORE introducing a UBI

ignorance is a good part of the track on why it wouldn't really work, yeah. the capitalism has broken society thing is the problem, and just injecting a relatively small dose of cash across the board isn't going to fix what's broken, not by a long shot. minimizing the wealth gap is literally the only thing that can 'fix' things, but that is nigh impossible, and a UBI wouldn't hurt, but i can't see it even much helping, tbh.

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26 minutes ago, Zeffolia said:

bloombergs a joke but fuck drumpf

also UBI is liberal shit we need UBS (universal basic services) and the abolition of money and private capital

we have to start somewhere. regardless of if that is or isn't a good idea... america isn't going to go from its current state to the abolition of money and private capital w/o some steps in between.

no regerts.. smash the sytstem. 

anyway.. bloomberg is basically the billionaire on call or something. "hey blookberg go spend some money getting the word out on trump being a douchebag... not in a superPAC kind of way.. go be a candidate and use your name and personal wealth.. take one for the team ay?" or something. 


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On 1/19/2020 at 1:30 AM, chenGOD said:

^^^ is that supposed to be some shocking revelation? Bernie has always been an independent, he runs on the Dem ticket because it’s the pragmatic choice. It’s a large reason he doesn’t get a lot of support from the powers that be in the Democrat party. 

Pragmatism seems to be classified as hypocrisy or opportunism when everyone's truth is absolute.

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Didn't know whether to post this here or in the How-View-Mericuh thread, but if you have the attention span this is a really good deconstruction of the facades being foisted on the left, by the left.  I'm by no means a MM fanboy but Anand G is definitely someone worth listening to, man drops knowledge.

Edited by BobDobalina
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