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15 hours ago, nikisoko said:

sorry but this is the first bit of good news in like 6 months and im going to savor it. y'all haters can go hate in your pods

Exactly. I was definitely more of a Warren fan (she should have gotten the nomination, imo... but obviously America wasn’t ready for a smart lady on the top of the ticket) and a Sanders fan, prior to that,  but this is good news. 
We have a VP pick that is a bulldog in a debate, “progressive” and that expands the ticket to appeal to not just black Americans but Asian Americans. 
Haters gonna hate. 
People also love playing armchair quarterback and I bet you that most of those people that get kicks typing stuff that makes them feel like their apathy and criticism is the answer to the broken political process DON’T EVEN VOTE in every state & local election. 

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on top of that she is statistically more likely to survive covid if there's an outbreak in the whitehouse compared to Warren. I'd get pretty nervous with from having two septuagenarians running the whole country during this mess. sorry if that is ageist ?

another thing is that looking ahead, if biden does one term and passes the torch to harris you've effectively got a chance at a solid 12 years of an  administration thats a direct legacy of the obama administration. im sure biden learned a lot from those years and that stuff would get passed to harris. pretty optimistic thinking tho

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predicted tit

 sassy ariana grande GIF

Also, because it looks like Trump will be running on 2 things: anti radical left, and pro law & order (he's fucked at economy and international politics...flol), Biden looks to have the ideal counter-candidate: she's far from a radical leftist (more like the center, perhaps a smidge to the left from where biden is) and she put plenty people behind bars herself. This will force Trump into fighting self-made strawmans, i guess. Which I don't think will work this time, as he's notting running against HRC.

Although i am a bit fearful that Harris might be able to play the HRC-role. The "Harris is too ambitious" comments smell like it might be going into that direction. But as long as she'll stay out of the spotlight, the stink won't stick.

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Do they always start the convention with the pledge of allegiance or is this one remarkably more propagandist than before?

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The nomination of Harris was bizarre, with no crowd or delegates voting, just a swing of the gavel.  Imagine if COVID is here in 2024 this could be the new norm.  Of course, Trump will try to do something extravagant to top the Dems.  Chuck E. Cheese GOP convention?

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Obama gave a great speech as expected. It’s the only one I’ve watched. Inspiring. His passion comes through talking about America, democracy and change from young people. You can tell he’s upset.

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