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Hail Sagan

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Everything posted by Hail Sagan

  1. Verified this. Some pretty songs on this one.
  2. Really solid advice here. I especially recommend endurance leveling and equipping an endurance-boosting talisman (Viridian Amber Medallion] if you get one. That stamina bar is mega important as it goes down during your striking, running, rolling, jumping, etc. Obviously vigor is also important but I think endurance at least early on is key. Another recommendation is to level up your ghost summons you collect. I would watch an online video on how to find the girl, find the summoning bell, etc. But those summons, especially 3 agile and aggressive wolves will often distract and pick away at the bigger foes. Lastly I’ve just been totally neglecting it but the flask of wondrous physik (found in the third church of marika I think) turns out to be very useful. It only regenerates after you sit at a point of grace but you can combine tears you find in the world into the flask. For example, I when I use the flask one tear temporarily raises my hp and the other significantly negates damage received. Also probably obvious but wait to consume your golden runes until you are at a grace point and need more to level up or at a merchant and really need an item. just got to Leyndell, the Royal Capital. Damn, this place looks beautiful. Kinda getting that same sense of awe I had when I first stepped into Andor Londo. Oh and I’m getting absolutely eviscerated at every turn as well.
  3. LOL. Unless you’re referring to the rune bears. Those fucking things still get me worse than a lot of bosses, and even on horseback. I gotta say that if you are trying to go in order Margit the Fell Omen is one of the hardest bosses I can recall. Pretty rude awakening for all the first timers out there but, hey, it’s open world so you can go on a journey and come back when you’re finally ready. I tried beating Margit with no summons and admittedly couldn’t do it. Having beaten Demon’s Souls, and Dark Souls 1 and 2 I feel shame calling in the wolves. also
  4. Rough to see such a brave and often jovial warrior like Usyk pleading for this shit to end
  5. Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2022. Really dumb story with pretty phenomenal gore. Leather face was imposing af in this one. The whole sunflower field scene was dope as fuck in my opinion. High tension and I loved the visuals of that whole scene with the big storm on the horizon. Once it got rolling though it just devolved into something akin to the later F13 sequels in the franchise which is fine in my book honestly. Also, just learned the team that made Friday the 13th the game, which was a super fun asymmetrical multiplayer game have Texas Chainsaw Massacre in the works. Hopefully it can capture the same magic the F13 game did before it got unfairly derailed by a lawsuit (RIP). I heard they tried it with Predator and sucked though….
  6. How many Americans are asking for nuclear war? As usual, I’m not fully tuned into what’s happening. What’s the basis for this fear?
  7. Walked in to Best Buy kinda early in the event they still had Elden Ring in stock for PS5. Copped it. So far it seems pretty incredible but despite George R.R. Martin’s input (which was seemingly minimal) it appears it’s back to very little story. I know that was the big advantage of the Souls series but I’m not gonna lie, I would like to see souls like combat and difficulty married with Witcher 3 or FF7 type storyline just one time. Never in the Souls universe mind you, but in at least one game (unless Sekiro was like that. That’s the only From game I Haven’t played). Maybe it’s because I’m super early and there will be more dialogue and cutscenes but so far story-wise it’s more of the same. That aside it’s beautiful, the combat with jumping seems much more fun, the spectral steed is a great addition, the open world elements seem incredible, and I think it’s fair to say this is greatest game From has made so far. If you’ve never taken the leap into this world I strongly advise you do it. I’m really early in and it’s already blowing my mind.
  8. You’re hot for a guy, bro. No but seriously I can’t trust myself on a dirt bike. Sounds so fun but I get wrecked hard enough on a mountain bike as as.
  9. I did catch that actually. I’ll leave you be.
  10. Probably had to shovel the driveway, pick up the kids from militant boarding school, play elden ring, etc. Not everyone is gonna take the time to research and discuss at length and not many are source checking FOX and CNN for reporting mobile incinerators or Sam Hyde school shootings. Maybe he’s dumb, maybe he’s busy, or maybe he just doesn’t give a fuck (sadly the latter is probably the most likely scenario).
  11. War in the social media era is going to get ugly
  12. Yeah, depressing news. RIP. I really hope this wasn’t a relapse
  13. I can’t stop watching this, though I’m a sucker for psychological horror and the occult. Overall I’m still enjoying it at 5 episodes in but there’s definitely some corny shit and inexplicable behavior from the leads. As with most things in this genre I’m worried about the reveal. Once you pull back the curtain it eliminates all the suspense the sense of mystery was building. I will say it has had some stuff that has genuinely creeped me out, the sets themselves are pretty creepy and I like the attention to detail so far with the 90’s timeline as well. It kinda reminds me of what The House of the Devil was able to do with its suspense set to an 80’s backdrop. I really loved that movie so take that fwiw.
  14. I’m neither based nor redpilled, but this madcap asshole still brings a level of humor and A+ editing skills that none of his “peers” will ever match. I totally get why Joe Rogan ducked the fight all those years too (RIP Joe).
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