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Everything posted by zero

  1. so...gotta wild hair and decided to test drive some of this delta 8 business...can confirm the shit works... dunno if I can pinpoint yet the receptors this is/isn't firing upon, but feels legit. side note: I am one who appreciates the uptake of a daily thc edible, and thus am able to confirm that the infractions between the deltas is negligible.
  2. gonna be a fookin rager happenin next week in some dope ass spot called the villages. the breakbeat team Gaetz & Greene will be droppin some mad science to the all white elder crowd. dust off those confederate flags y'all...rino's beware https://www.politico.com/news/2021/04/29/gaetz-greene-national-tour-rinos-485061
  3. definitely. I've mentioned on here before that I'm an American who lived in Canada for a long time, and have first hand knowledge of the cultural & personality differences between the two. Canadians on average are far more reserved than Americans, for sure.
  4. well if you ask me, you could have gone about this a more congenial way. you seemingly popped up here out of nowhere and dropped an obnoxiously large fonted post, with an in your face message that vaccines are bad, and that you are right and we are all wrong. and it really came off that part of your determination that vaccines are bad, was acquired by watching some youtube videos. your intention to engage in some sort of open discourse regarding the validity of vaccines did not come off as entirely genuine, and followed all the hallmarks of someone that is looking to troll. now it seems the impetus is on us to prove you wrong, which I don't feel is really necessary here, because, y'know, science has already done that for us. and yes, I do trust in science and scientists because they are the experts, and I am not.
  5. @brian trageskin the pigeons are plotting their attack in retaliation for you blowing on their brother. watch out.
  6. this very well could have something to do with it on a deeper level. but the reason I suspect as to why anti-Chinese sentiment and racism in general are surging in the US right now is because of one much more obvious factor - Trump. he stoked the flames throughout the entirety of his disastrous presidency, and literally as he was being booted out of the oval office, kept calling it the Chinese flu, or whatever dip shit term he was using. he made racism great again amongst his turd cult of parasites.
  7. wonder if they found the portal to the 4th dimension in there. or whatever gateway to an alternate plane of reality that dude inhabits.
  8. nice. haven't listened to this in years, gonna fix that now. shame the other collabs he did with MMW weren't on the same level as this one.
  9. ^ agree. these sorts of discussions are interesting food for thought, for sure. keeps the gears turning. but end of the day, this is all just online fodder. crap to spew out and read when bored at work from home jobs. I used to think all the rah rah rah communism stuff being promoted here was slightly offensive. but then it's like none of this shit will ever happen, so just let him run with it. most peeps here seem to be pretty open minded and like meh, whatever. boobas.
  10. sounds like u got an STD bro. check yo woman
  11. somewhat surreal that here in the U.S. a lot of us have a choice as to what vaccine we can get, whereas in so many other countries they are still struggling so massively. based on this and other news reports I've read, what is going on in India right now is indeed a complete and total nightmare. some heart breaking photos here: https://www.cnbc.com/2021/04/26/photos-show-the-deadly-toll-of-covid-in-india-as-coronavirus-cases-top-17-million.html
  12. damn...a lot of 1990/91 memories going through my brain right now...Simpsons t-shirts, reebok pumps, BK's, everyone HAD to have Air Jordans, young dudes with their left ear pierced, talking shit on the school bus, that Kid n'Play foot dance...and every single kid in 5th/6th grade at the time knew ALL the words to the Humpty Dance. I remember reciting that shit like it was the fuckin pledge. still have the cassette single somewhere. RIP Humpty Hump.
  13. here's the solution - wear a costume when you go out drinking. no one will know it's you, no socially awkward eye contact avoidance, not much talking required. just like this dude:
  14. ok thanks. yes, I did kinda just blurt a couple things out there without using the correct terminology. I admittingly am not up to par when it comes to this world, which I know a lot of you guys are. I do understand people look at blockchain tech as as an investment. I was merely rambling about other potential uses for it besides digital art.
  15. could the technology behind NFT's, or whatever it's called that identifies a digital artifact as the original, not serve some other purpose, like identifying a digital document as the original? like a digital contract or something? I had a discussion with someone recently about NFT's, and we both agreed the concept of paying thousands for some stupid jpeg is ridiculous. but it came up that this sort of technology could be implemented in other avenues. and apologies if this was already discussed in the past 12 pages...I saw this thread again and this came to mind.
  16. *sigh* it is looking more and more likely that every single album I've ever purchased throughout the course of my life will be re-released at some point, and I will hem and haw as to whether I should re-buy my entire collection or not. I think the powers that be must somehow know that all our old CD's from the '90s are either scratched to hell, or will possibly digitally disintegrate soon, thus a new opportunity for a sale exists. do I hold steadfast and revere the original? or appreciate the extra frequency tweaks and bonus accoutrements. *end sigh* alas, there is a 99.9% chance I will end up buying this. I am not a cranky old dude, just merely observing this re-release phenomenon that occurs in our universe...thanks John
  17. were you hanging outside your window with your laptop again, or did you finally get a phone?
  18. probably so. but realistically the amount of time, money, and effort to do that for all meth heads would be massive. and even then, you'd get dudes relapsing, and therefore all that effort is totally negated. again, I do not have the answer as to how to solve this, but I'd imagine some sort of cheap, fast medicinal concoction that science can come up, which causes physical symptoms forcing people permanently off meth, is what should be explored.
  19. I have no clue. but if stuff from science fiction ever becomes reality, then I would go with some sort of counter drug that would almost instantly reduce dependence, and create some sort of permanent toxin in the person's body that would make them violently ill, possible death, if they ever touch the shit again. and give this counter drug to hospitals, paramedics, possibly even *yikes* police officers to administer to meth heads. this would get into all sorts of "let's not fuck with people's personal liberties" debate I'm sure, but if we are, you know, just shooting the shit here, then I'd say something along these lines. I think they have, or had, something similar for alcoholics, but don't think it is a permanent fix.
  20. I tried to go on a bender this past weekend, and realized I can no longer drink the way I did at one point before. hung out with several old school friends, did the whole day drinking into night drinking thing. I just get really fucking tired now, and feel like what's the point of getting so hammered. I guess that's why they invented cocaine, to keep you going so you can drink more. but I worry now that my heart would explode or something after too much of that. although I did it about a year ago and it didn't explode, but coke hangovers are the absolute fucking worst.
  21. thanks brian... but it's only a matter of time before capitalism vs. communism rears its repulsive head. if you see that shit here, you must nuke the thread, then maybe the entire site. karl marx's ghost is having a good laugh at all of this, probably fapping furiously out there in the ether realm.
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