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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by WurstPLUS

  1. https://youtu.be/Mvj0SOKba7k?t=983 Just to let you know.
  2. It's instabought. Hathmex Kalermatic Extraction seems more unusual as for speed and beats - like it. Good soundtrack to my current Stalker Anomaly G.A.M.M.A playthrough ?
  3. Looking forward very much. He's such a badass in track names. "Roppstyme Ghorler Stryke". Same badassness level I experienced with "Duntisbourne Abbots Soulmate Devastation Technique" ... and its incredible cover.
  4. You can say FCK VNL Worship of vinyl by some confused hipsters ya mean. They shall buy the goddamn digital source and try Unfiltered Audio Needlepoint.
  5. Will always love the Plaid collab. AIFOL as the unmatches masterpiece. Cover Me = Gold. Pluto on the dancefloor, must be insane.
  6. In the meantime, I'm only capable to throw air money at him. But lots of.
  7. But Dropp is also peak Ae. And Surripere. And Cloudline. And Dilankex rmx. And tt1pd. And Vletrmx. And Pendulu hv moda. And...
  8. Yeah nice, but when listen? Haven't even fully listened to Touched 2/3 yet...
  9. Yeah, instabought as always.
  10. The ugly truth is: This weird asian music usually makes my ears bleed. I prefer listening to Qebrus.
  11. Ah, didn't notice it's a mixtape. Interest level 0.
  12. Personally I am the arch enemy of flawed technology, especially the one which I used in my childhood and which we dreamt of overcoming. Dream came true. Music even transferred through the air, we didn't even dream that. And today they sell cassettes and vinyl, serving hipster wet dreams of exclusivity. They aren't exclusive. Just human beings who shit and die. Nah, I'm all for the Bandcamp model. Publish 24b/96k audio even, if possible. You can hate me now. Yours, Wurst of Love
  13. I've got all those and even a remaster wouldn't convince me. Remasters often are worse than the original. Eg, Feed Me Weird Things, not convinced at all. Many tracks almost/fully mono.
  14. OMG. Totally missed it. Instabuy
  15. Cassette? And most outdated lossy format, namely mp3? Only on Boomkat? d-a-fuuuq?
  16. Anyone knowing a source of FLAC release? It's such a classic but not on Bandcamp, or Bleep...
  17. After Rekobn-Tich-Ey, I have never played the 1998 mp3s and did not compare... Guys, has nobody noticed, the new release plays at a lower pitch mostly? Eg Itch, old release is like one semitone above new Itch. But not at different speed.
  18. Was badly waiting for new exm output. ? Pretty evil breaks at track 1, 7:45 ff. hrhr
  19. 1.6.11, latest ColumnsUI and see screenshot, this is what you are looking for.
  20. https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ Strong Ae vibes maybe
  21. https://interfax-com-ua.translate.goog/news/interview/834181.html?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp I'm happy that burning books is not on the agenda. Yet. So now since officials of Ukraine tend to have ideas for western nations, I really hope that Germany doesn't make the same old mistakes again, just in order to attract the mainstream. But everything is possible.
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