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Everything posted by Key

  1. Yeah! not sure about using fan names but it would be nice to see a full post-mortem from the watmm nerds after this crazy dream is all over. seems to be a glut of SAW 85-92 and ABB style tracks, and CW. A few Polygon Window as well maybe. I really hope those woozy MFM organ tracks from the Joyrex tape make an appearance.
  2. sounds like were going back again to the Universal Indicator days.
  3. It seems he's hit a rich seam of Caustic Window tracks again. Then.. alt mix of We Have Arrived?
  4. Nope. https://soundcloud.com/user48736353001/how-much-i-wanted-you thats one of my favourite so far actually This track is fucking ridiculous Sounds like a close relative of Fantasia and Come On You Slags! Also it sounds to me like 13 High Hats Tune Tamclap Orig is an earlier/alternate mix of [hexagon] off SAWII
  5. Fork Rave DroneBReak, sorry :) aye, Tape Track 14. much longer version too. sounds like a very early attempt at a Steinvord type ambient jungle track. amazing to think its 25 yrs old.
  6. Key


    The first third of FWWM is some of the funniest stuff in any Lynch movie. You kind of need to have watched the show to get the jokes though. Everything in Deer Meadow is in opposition to Twin Peaks, everybody has a cunty dopplerganger. Chris Isaak being the total opposite to Cooper, bullying the nerdy Keifer Sutherland, traumatising a bus load of school kids etc. Harry Dean Stanton as Deer Meadow's version of Ben Horne, slovenly, charmless and grumpy as hell. and then you've got stuff like Gordon Cole's ever more ridiculous working methods Pretty much as soon as David Bowie shows up it becomes a horror movie.
  7. I've always been convinced its Squarepusher and Aphex, even when they're trying to be anonymous they can't resist a little piss-taking with the name. And after 5 years no more news from Steinvord. Almost like they were never there in the first place. Still not sure if its a split or collab though. Backyard, Ontrackv2 and Maelstrom sound more strongly Squarepushery, Iyff Acid + the myspace tracks sounds like RDJ and CygX-1 even sounds like a more advanced, sci-fi'ed up version of Freeman Hardy & Willis to me.
  8. Interesting, thanks for sharing this since I’ve never heard of such possibility. All I’ve heard is that Mu was interested of Steinvord. Seems that they chose the legendary status of Rephlex over the functionality of Mu, but how did it work out in the end. Well Venetian Snares knew better. Wasn’t Rephlex interested in Aaron or have I been severely trolled? See Herr Jan, not so far-fetched idea. I seem to remember Winter In The Belly Of A Snake was mooted to come out on Rephlex around the time, but I don't know what happened.
  9. Key


    the vocal processing on the Rob Kidley tracks sounds very reminiscent of some of Syro.
  10. Key


    Those high pitched detuned synths that creep up in the background of 180db_ sound to me to be mimicking the effects of tinnitus. Especially when the drums drop out of the mix at around 2 mins and you're just left with this whistley echoing.
  11. Key


    both CIRCLONTs remind me strongly of the more chilled out drill n bass Drukqs tracks, (Meltphace, St Michaels Mount). I still can't begin to get my head around them after about 5 listens but they sound awesome.
  12. Level 6 is incredible. Especially the first half with all the beats. Some of the weird filter and stereo field tricks sound like the music is bypassing my ears and going direct to my brain.
  13. Awesome. Thank you Joyrex and all involved. Fingertrips, Squidge In my Fridge, Mumbly and 101 Rainbows would have fit perfectly on SAW 85-92. In fact a lot of this stuff sounds like a lost SAW volume. Flutey sounds like it could have fit on that early version of SAW II that had the beats intact. Loads of SH-101 all over the album.. and lush early AFX reverbs. Excellent tunage
  14. it's two new albums of material on DVDs as well as MU4 on CD and "ovuca bonus" on CD pretty decent i would've though Basically 4 albums and a DVD. I think it's a great deal. Nah, it's 2 albums on DVD, 2 on CD + a 12" EP coming later :) I'm hoping they make a nice package of this stuff together, can't wait! It's a good point you bring up though dr. lopez, why do they have to do this through Aleksi himself instead of the usual distribution channels? This is obviously a Rephlex release so it should be through SRD? Rephlex pwns god in working in mysterious ways. I think they are just constantly trying to test our OCD levels. They've stopped trading under rephlex and now theyre cutting out the distribution middle man, seems like a money-saving measure maybe.
  15. It's produced by Cilvaringz, a guy who I only vaguely recognise for appearing as a producer on a handful of forgettable Wu solo tracks. So I don't think we're going to be missing much. A quick swoop of his wiki suggests that Barcelona's Eric Abidal is going to be rapping on the record as well.
  16. Key


    Haha! oh wow Y'all shouldve been on watmm when funktion was handin out bitcoin like confetti
  17. I hope they are working they way through the zodiac for track names
  18. Eggshell Piezo Leterel Calbruc Rae Parhelic Triangle 6IE.CR Iera Tankakern see on see deco Loc
  19. Ah, the King of Shaves 'Alpha Gel'. A company so dedicating to marketing itself at testosteroney silverbacks that they had once had a promotion where you could 'win' a day out with John Terry.
  20. "Paradinasu Mike" They released a fantastic EP by a guy called Kiyoshi Izumi at that time as well.
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuEifYmYH-I This is a short little tune from Nick Drakes mum Molly, who wasn't a recording artist but used to write songs as a hobby. I think its lovely and easy to see where Nick got his skills from.
  22. I really love Supremacy II its a very underrated track, one of Richards finest full on techno bangers. Kind of reminds me of On The Romance Tip, but much heavier.
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