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SIGN or PLUS? Which is Better?  

163 members have voted

  1. 1. SIGN or PLUS - Which Do You Prefer Over The Other?

    • SIGN
    • PLUS
    • It's like choosing between children... I cannot
    • Both are equally great
    • I didn't like either

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Favorite part is from track 4 onwards on PLUS. Bendy, swooshy beats and slidy tones made of heated, brittle tendrils of glass. All sounds have a satisfying 'brand new out of the box' feeling. X4 is where it's at, razor sharp swagger up the wazoo.

SIGN, I don't know. Initially I was loving those melancholy tracks and M4 and si00 are great but PLUS is just all round a more satisfying fare. 


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My favourite tracks from each album in the order they occur

-M4 Lema; It's kind of a synopsis of Autechre's career in a single beautiful cut that I believe would still prove more accessible to newcomers than most of their material since Confield)
-si00; Some genuinely new territory for the brothers 'chre to my ears

-au14; Giving the longtime fans what they want, fanservice in the best way possible plus some new vibes, and I absolutely love it
-sch.mefd 2; More fanservice more new sounds. The space and panning on this one is nuuuuts
-th red a & r cazt; My favourite of the drone/beatless based pieces on this album even if th red a is clunky in an adorkable sorta way. Enjoyed but the other four really shone more to me, especially si00 and sch.mefd2.

I did really enjoy psin AM with the feelings evoking Wolfgang Voigt's Gas and Basic Channel and the like but it felt so out of place. Maybe it should have been the closer? I'm not usually one for EP-ization but if they made an EP of F7, esc desc, Metaz form8, gr4, th red a, and r cazt, it would have made an excellent 34 minute EP.
I can see my feelings changing regarding which of these beatless pieces I like most but pretty sure regarding my fave percussive numbers

Special shoutouts to F7, esc desc, Metaz form8, gr4, which now join eastre in the Ae drone canon


-7FM ic; a heavily understated yet highly headnodic slice of Autechre, could really go on longer for my tastes
-marhide; Autechre doing some sorta industrial electro, not much you can call it but a loving tribute to the Roland TR-808
-ecol4; daaaaaaankness, in both the sense of a dingy basement and in the sense of some lovely terp heavy ganja
-lux106 mod is like a chill beatless number that inhabits a very similar space to 7FM ic
-TM1 open is like a highlights reel of the best moments of SIGN and PLUS (not including marhide). It has moments that evoke si00, au14, Dek Dre Scap B, 7FM ic, ecol4

X4 and DekDre Scap B; groovy, beaty, but not quiiiiite at the same heights for me the whole way through. I know X4 seems to be the main favourite around here but it just doesn't grab me as much as it does some of you. I dunno why. ii pre esc really feels like both a sequel or a prequel to esc desc and though I didn't dislike it, it just didn't do quite as much for me. esle 0 likewise makes a fine companion piece to F7.

So my favourites of both albums, in the order they appear, long enough to fit a single disc but idk how that'd sound yet is:

1. M4 Lema
2. si00
3. au14
4. sch.mefd 2
5. 7FM ic
6. marhide
7. ecol4
8. lux 106 mod
9. TM1 open

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My thoughts have changed, I definitely like Dr Dre and X-Men 4 now a bunch too. I think I still like PLUS more but it doesn't necessarily have the cohesion of SIGN

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