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luke viia

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I used the laughing reaction because I genuinely thought that vanilla male was a funny made-up genre... now I googled and it is in fact a sexual orientation... pls don't judge me, I'm just ignorant...


@luke viiabtw dude I admire you even more for opening yourself like this on watmm, kudos 2 u bro!

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thanks man, I appreciate that in a way emojis can't reach ?

and pls don't feel ignorant, I'm learning a lot of lingo in here myself, @J3FF3R00's quote was 99% foreign to me lol and I clearly botched the OP by confusing/emphasizing gender and sexual identities, just want to understand all this like anyone else

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2 hours ago, J3FF3R00 said:

This is the first time I’ve heard these terms so I had to google. 

According to the OULGBTO+ SOCIETY… 


I really try my best to be sensitive to all of these issues but man. This is a lot. 
I think my gender is Danny Glover. 

Jesus. I'm confused and most likely ignorant. Please don't be triggered. I just don't understand where this is coming from.

Get the impression emotional variety is labelled as a range of identities all of a sudden. Or as far as I'm concerned, confused. What the hell!? Every emotion is accompanied with a new identity it seems. Is this a social media thing where you need to translate different emotions into different identities? Can people just have the complete spectrum of emotions without having to twist their identity into knots to fit their current emotion?

my gender is the dude

confused jeff bridges GIF




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7 hours ago, J3FF3R00 said:

According to the OULGBTO+ SOCIETY… 

That does seem quite far out ... its from Oxford Uni so I guess its a very bookish/encyclopediacal approach to try and list everything possible. 

Its nice that asexual-ness is recognised

I have a friend who is in a 10+ year relationship and they've got busy lives and dont really get round to having sex very often. Like once a month, or every two months or so? Does that make them asexual, or are they merely just old and married? (genuine question)

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2 hours ago, zazen said:

I have a friend who is in a 10+ year relationship and they've got busy lives and dont really get round to having sex very often. Like once a month, or every two months or so? Does that make them asexual, or are they merely just old and married? (genuine question)

Old and married. 

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12 hours ago, cruising for burgers said:

I used the laughing reaction because I genuinely thought that vanilla male was a funny made-up genre... now I googled and it is in fact a sexual orientation... pls don't judge me, I'm just ignorant...


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all this he/she/they/them/me/you/us/them stuff isn't gonna matter in the future. if transhumanism is correct, then at some point, we will be identifying as human or non-human. like are you made from 100% semen and eggs, or from bits and pieces of robot / cyborg / AI / John Travolta in Battlefield earth regalia


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I'm a transgender woman, knew it from age 11 but repressed for another 25 years, until I decided to just go for it and start on the hormones and all that. Unfortunately this has coincided with all the trans panic in the US, like I think I'm not allowed to go to TN anymore? But I feel a lot better about existing now, so I'm good with this trade.

I'm not really sure where I'd fall on the sexuality spectrum. I love my wife and am wholly satisfied with my relationship with her, so there's never really felt like there's any great urgency for getting precise with it.

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Best thing anyone who is struggling to understand the whole gender/pronouns/etc thing can do is just to try to meet more trans/nonbinary people irl. If you don't have any non-binary or trans folks in your life then of course you're not going to understand it just reading discourse on the internet, where everything about it seems really jargon-y and serious (and heated). It makes a lot more sense coming from a friendly acquaintance talking about their lived experience vs just reading stuff online and imagining that many of these folks are militant and angry and will bite your head off for using the wrong pronoun lol. I've never actually met anyone irl who was like that. Just go and meet some people. If you live in an isolated place/small community I guess that's easier said than done. But over the years, the more trans and nonbinary people I've met and befriended the better I understand it and far less mystifying it all seems (not that it's actually that mystifying to begin with but ymmv). This is true with any kind of people who are different from you (duh). Diversify your social circle. I probably have a slight advantage, being gay (cis-male) myself and therefore a member of the broader queer community: naturally in my social circles/community I encounter all sorts of different people, not to mention the work I do and some niche music scenes I've been able to dip my toe in as well. But there are probably trans and enby folks all around you, especially now that more and more people are speaking up and expressing it.

Edited by toaoaoad
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Miami rave culture in the mid/late 90s seemed very open to whatever you represented yourself as.  We didn't really have this cornucopia of pronouns, so I'm sure if I delved into the information and tried to discover what I am by today's standards, it would be a deep rabbit hole I'd go down.  I'm thankful I grew up in such a culture rich time/location.  I can't imagine all the hurdles the youngins must be dealing with these days.  I wish all well.

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I’ve only known one trans person. A guy I used to work with.  He had the hormone treatment and the top surgery, looked like a guy to me and I treated him like one. And he was comfortable enough with sharing with me about his past. He never talked about pronouns or anything; only that he was in a relationship with a girl. 
Do we really need all these new names to define each other though? Why not just say you like girls or boys, or both or none?  

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It will be a long process before everyone's on board with this relatively new concept, hell there is racism abound even after all this time which is pretty crazy to think about actually. The internet has massively increased the speed at which niche groups can get together, which has been a double edged sword of course. And what quickly becomes the norm and an integrated part of reality for the group remains alien for those not part of it. All creating mass confusion and sometimes unnecessarily nasty confronations in the daylight of broad everyday reality, which itself seems to be in danger of cumbling sometimes. It might be easy to blame the internet for putting ideas into our heads, I mean just look at the variety of porn out there, jeez. But how about transgender kids? A four year old hasn't really been around enough to immerse themselves in outside ideas and notions, there was a really Louis Theroux episode on that topic, quite uplifting actually. 

But anyway, I don't know any trans people so just kinda theorizing out loud a bit here. I think at the end of day, despite whatever fashion, identity, religion or whatever other thing we choose to infuse ourselves with we still have plenty of common avenues to go down when being met with that which is new to us, and find common ground in the joy of discovery of a meaningful "infusion" even though it may vastly differ from our own. Acknowledging the differences without turning it into a war, us alongside them in unison with all the other us's and them's and not us against them basically, i think. 

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