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Guest brianellis

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The "Look Ma, No Computer!" and rack sections of the lab. Not featured: janky M-Audio keyboard controller, turntables/records, portable toys, boring computer.




Nice .. that's that FM synth isn't it?

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The "Look Ma, No Computer!" and rack sections of the lab. Not featured: janky M-Audio keyboard controller, turntables/records, portable toys, boring computer.




Nice .. that's that FM synth isn't it?


The thing turned off in the rack? Yup, that's a TX81z.

If you're talking about the clear acrylic thing, that's a Shruthi-1 which I've monopolized a page from the "Favorite Synths" thread gushing about :P It can do FM as well but you might be thinking of that other one-man-created French MCU-based desktop kit-built synth :)

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wahrk, where do you get a tapestry like that and for how much?

I got mine at Oat Willie's here in Austin (the south location to be specific) for something like $15-$20. It was actually made in India. Oat Willie's is a local Austin head shop chain.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Refering to the acoustic spectral bla: Why do you make life so hard it so hard if the kids will listen to ur music in 320 kbits mp3s with their ipod in-ears at best :emotawesomepm9: ?

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ventilators in heaterless rooms in winter FTW

lol yeah I could say that it is because it gets really hot in here when I'm laying down the beats, but the truth is that they are not ventilators, but blow heaters. my house doesn't have central heating so we have to make do with these shitty blow heaters to warm up the place. makes a lot of noise too!

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My Christmas presents to myself came a few days late, but its definitely been a happy holiday. Doepfer Monster Base, Cwejman VCO-6s, Livewire Frequensteiner, Fonitronik mixer, replaced the Cloud Generator I sold (stupid move, remember never to sell that module again), and I'm still waiting on more Cwejman goodies. Huzzah!! :music:


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My Christmas presents to myself came a few days late, but its definitely been a happy holiday. Doepfer Monster Base, Cwejman VCO-6s, Livewire Frequensteiner, Fonitronik mixer, replaced the Cloud Generator I sold (stupid move, remember never to sell that module again), and I'm still waiting on more Cwejman goodies. Huzzah!! :music:

nice, who makes that cloud module? is it some kind of granular oscillator? i'm really mad at myself for selling my old blacet modules rack, the wavescanner + binaryzone alone made for the perfect improvisational tool

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Holy moley! Very nice


Thank you sir, its a right wiggling paradise over hurr'


you got some awesome stuff diao...sure you must have done before, but can you post any links to your music?


Cheers! Yeah, I've posted stuff here and there, not sure how recently its been though. I set up a soundcloud ages ago but I don't have anything up right now. I have most of my music on cassette as I invested all my music making funds into hardware rather than a soundcard for the first 10ish years or so, but I recently picked up a good 'un so I'll rip something off and post it up at some point today.


who makes that cloud module?


That would be Synthesis Technology's E340 Cloud Generator module, finally available in a Eurorack version.


Yessir indeedy. Wonderful module, I highly recommend it. It does a lot more than a detuned saw lead too, can be lots of fun when using it to modulate other oscs, filter tracking, etc. I picked up the last one AH had from the first run and made the mistake of selling it to a chap that was really wanting it since Analogue Haven almost never have them in stock (that and the E350 literally sell out in minutes). I immediately regretted it and made sure to scoop up one of the few ones Paul sent out recently since its going to be a while before any US stores get more. Dude makes a ton of modules and is busier than a beaver-bee taking care of MOTM orders, not to mention he's got a couple new E-modules in the works (4hp USB audio interface anyone? :w00t: )

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  • 2 weeks later...

Swapped out my two VCO-6's since they were basically like little versions of the AFG, but with octave switches. Since I like the AFG more, I swapped them out and these guys came in the mail today. Cwejman BLD and a VM-1, woo hoo! Plus I've got a Cwejman CTG-VC and a Tiptop Audio Z8000 on the way, and a Cwejman VCEQ-3 pretty soon too. :music:




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The latest addition to my studio:




Hopefully the spring reverb should arrive this month too! :D


Very nice, been debating over that one or the A-106-6. Are you getting the Doepfer A-199 spring reverb, or something else? I've been deciding on that one too, not sure if I should get the A-199 (which sounds great, btw), or just a rackmount spring reverb. I would basically be using it as the basic aux send to reverb circuit, so I don't know if it would be advantageous for me to put the reverb in my modular if I'm not going to be using it for anything other than just that.

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i would advise against getting Doepfer's spring module. there are a lot of cheaper /vintage options that imo sound better and more outlandish in terms of springiness than the doepfer. Spring reverb units used, certain ones are ridiculously inexpensive

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Very nice, been debating over that one or the A-106-6. Are you getting the Doepfer A-199 spring reverb, or something else?


I haven't used an A-106-6, so I can't make any recommendations either way, I'm afraid. Filter wise, I now have an A-105, A-106-1 and A-106-5, and each has different situations it comes in useful for. I think the main thing is to make sure you at least have one multimode filter, otherwise it shouldn't be too important which you get. So the A-106-6 might well be a good choice.


If you're interested, I've put up (very amateur) demos of my A-106-1, although I haven't yet learnt to use it properly. It's quite whacky in terms of how a bunch of different settings all change how it sounds in a not too intuitive manner, so it should be fun to learn, and hopefully quite versatile!






Yes, I'm getting the A-199. I realise I'll probably have to dangle the tank outside the case to avoid mains hum, but that doesn't seem like the end of the world. I'm still far too much into irrationally wanting to have everything neat and matching as much as possible, rather than having a big Katamari-like mess of different boxes on my desk... Plus it's nice to know it can easily be placed in the middle of a patch, even though I'll likely be using it mostly as a send effect.


Mostly I'm into versatility, moreso than even how good something sounds these days (I got a real analogue modular partly because it would sound imperfect, which is more pleasing to the ear), so all I feel confident recommending is a multimode filter rather than just a low-pass one (which it sounds like you're already going for anyway, so yay) and something with a feedback loop. (The A-106-1 has this, although I haven't tried it out enough yet to comment on it. I'm hoping the A-199 will really come into its element when it comes to the feedback loop. The A-188 certainly does!)

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yeah don't buy a software spring reverb, you can easily find spring reverbs on old mixers and stand alone units for around $100. not to mention that several freeware spring reverb plugins for the PC exist


virtual spring reverbs are just one of those things that aren't there yet in terms of recreating the real sound.

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