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Luke Vibert Live + Broadcasts + Interviews

Guest AlexPallas

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I've got these recorded straight from the mixer;


Luke Vibert @ Mongrel VS. Agro (Lakota, Bristol UK) 5th June 2010

Luke Vibert in The Queen Vic @ Bangface Weekender (Pontins, Camber Sands UK) April 2010


I'll upload tonight if anyone's interested


what was the date of that? there wasn't any Bangface in April 2010... Thanks! -M-

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Guest Karen Tregaskin

Def was mate, I was there!

what Bangface # was it? and date? tnx!



It was recorded in the Queen Vic Pub @ The Bangface Weekender 2010 (#73) in Pontins out by Rye in East Sussex on Saturday the 24th of April. One of two sets he did that weekend!


Enough? :tongue:

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Karen Tregaskin



Not my usual straight from the mixer recording.. But still a wicked set to listen back to all the same!!




LUKE VIBERT @ Celtronic Festival, Derry, Northern Ireland

Size: 178.64MB

Length: 1:18:32

Bit Rate: 320kbps

Edited by Karen Tregaskin
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  • 4 months later...



Not my usual straight from the mixer recording.. But still a wicked set to listen back to all the same!!




LUKE VIBERT @ Celtronic Festival, Derry, Northern Ireland

Size: 178.64MB

Length: 1:18:32

Bit Rate: 320kbps


requesting repost - I missed this set when it was first posted - thanks!

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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hehe I'm not sure about the lines, but he definitely seems to be smoking weed 24h a day, 7 days a week, which is rare for cokeheads. It would be cool to have a 1 hour video interview with Luke, like the ones that the Red Bull Academy did with Wolfgang Voigt, Mike Paradinas, Nile Rodgers... In these short snippets (like this one), we see fragments of Luke going from one idea to the other all the time, so we never really get the full picture of how he thinks. He must have a lot to say about the 90's.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Today at the party «Boiler Room» in St. Petersburg will perform Luke Vibert - one of the main representatives of the acid music, Aphex twin and Squarepusher friend. "Wave" spoke with the musician about the dangers of drugs, stealing of ideas, children and his friends. http://volna.afisha.ru/heroes/boyus-chto-afeks-ukradet-moi-idei-lyuk-vaybert-o-narkotikah-druzyah-i-seme/


Q: So one of your most famous tracks is called «I Love Acid», then my first question is the issue of drugs. Do you think drugs are still playing almost a major role in the club's culture - or people have calmed down and goes sober to a party?


A: For me and for my friends drugs don't play such an important role - we are too old. For young people, drugs at parties still important thing. I don't know whether the drug use at rock concerts, but concerts of electronic music is still yes. Lots of people still believe that this is a very important part of the performance: electronic music has a hypnotic effect, and drugs allegedly helping to achieve such a hypnotic trance to feel the music better. But I'm certainly too old for this, my children are that age, they can go to the club to hang out.


Q: How old are they?


A: Well, a little before the start of the club life - 12 and 14 years. But I don't even know what drugs are now useing on the parties. The same as it was 20 years ago, or something has changed? Previously, here's a little acid, a little marijuana and ecstasy, of course.


Q: Nothing have changed: Ecstasy, cocaine, someone loves acid or MDMA, but it is not club drugs, in my opinion, from one too scary with so many people, while others simply slow down. That was a boom for the poppers a few years ago, but it has already passed.


A: Yes, poppers were in common use ... a lot of that was ... I never condemn people for what they are taking drugs, I tried them for myself before, and I have a drugs that involves a lot of good moments, but now I'm glad that all this stuff is in the past.


Q: Tell me, how did you stop useing them? After all, what is happening in the electronic music scene: a lot of good musicians and DJs, really talented, but the dance culture is too closely linked to the drugs, and these musicians have already hooked too much and can't get off. They are trying to start a new life, to change everything, but without drugs life becomes boring and meaningless. And they see that their friends dying one by one or seriously ill or go to jail, but they can't stop.


A: Yes, drugs at some point become useless to feel the music better, but destroys people. For some time I was very afraid of overdose - and once my friend and I used drugs: he took only a little more than I did, and he died. Overdose. When you use drugs, death becomes even closer. And at some point I gave up on it all: I had a child - children are generally very much changed my life. If it were not for the birth of children, I would still use drugs and would have ended very badly.


Q: So you are a family man?


A: Yes, I'm! I see my family for a week every three months, because we don't live together. Previously, we all lived together, but I divorced with my wife, and she went to live in France, but I often travel there from London to see her and the children. But my kids are always with me, I always think about them, and that really, really helps me in my life.


Q: How do you raise your children? How to raise your child to become a good person, what do you think? They are studing music?

A: My 14 year old daughter is now at an age when she wants to be a bad girl; she smokes in school, stealing ... She is, of course, deep down in her heart, not so bad, but now she wants to rebel. We often conduct a conversation with her, and she knows that we were not an angels too, when we were young - we also misbehaved, we do not hide it from her, trying to be honest with our daughter. But saying that she's only 14, it is too early to smoke, it is necessary to wait a bit when you'll be older. And about the music - I often invite my children to come play with me in the studio, but after playing for 15 minutes, pushing the keys, they lose interest: go for this fucking internet, check their facebook or playing computer games, this terrible war games.
Q: Well, times change, remember yourself in 14 years.
A: Yeah! I, however, did not have computer games - I spent more time on the street and was still the bully.
Q: Your last album released in March 2014 on a small label Hypercolour. Why did you release your stuff on such a small label?
A: Friendly labels that I now pass a difficult period - for example, Rephlex to the ears heavily in debt and no longer produces new albums. A Hypercolour I love, though it is quite a small label. Planet Mu and Ninja Tune labels is also very good, but they don't like Acid - they are more like music that contains sampels and pc made. And I gave my stuff to Hypercolour - despite the fact that the label is small, the record sold very well. Much better than I thought. (laughing)
Q: And why don't you release nothing new for three years, in fact before you release your stuff almost every year? You have been affected the author's block?
A: No! I have never in my life have been affected the author's block! I'm not the author, sometimes my stuff seems to me nonsense, and the next day I wake up i think: "That's very good!" But I'm not the guy who has the idea that he is going to implement. I just play and see what comes of it, so I don't have quite the author's block. My friends Aphex Twin and Squarepusher often ask me, "Aaa, why do you have no author's block?" But the way they are making music is quite different, they are just true authors - and I'm not.
Q: How do you start making your track? You come up with a melody first, or just strumming, and then - as it goes?
A: I usually start with the drums, because the rhythm - this is my favorite part. Sometimes i start the bass first, but in general, most often, a beat. And then I add other sounds slowly, choosing which one is best suited. And while writing a song, I never think, "Oh, here it is remind me something, and this is similar to something" I'm just doing what I like and don't try to be a modern and unique.
Q: Since we're talking about Aphex, what can you say about his last album? Do you like it?
A: Yes, I really liked it. Aphex, though didn't played it for me before release, and for his other friends, too. I got the impression that he was ashamed to play it to someone. We used always to play the new songs to each other. It's hard to be Aphex twin, it's quite harder than to be a Luke Vibert. People always expect something incredible from Aphex Twin and for me they don't expect anything, and therefore I can do whatever I want. Aphex offered me record an album together, but I now refuse to because I'm afraid that he'll steal from me my ideas. Once we've worked together - for a track, and six months later, I heard this track, that i heard would go into the new Aphex twin album and authorship there stood only for Aphex; there was not a word about me and that's what I, in fact, wrote all the bass line and the drums. I was very angry, so I decided no longer work together. Although we are still good friends, of course.
Q: What's your favorite track on Syro?
A: Produk.
Q: There is also a track from there with the samples voice of his wife, she sings the Russian word "socks".
A: Yes! Exactly! His new wife! Old, who was an Englishwoman, I did not like her! She is so gross.
Q: Speaking of Russia, and the party «Boiler Room» in St. Petersburg. This is your first set on «Boiler Room»?
A: Yes, the very first!
Q: Do you think the Russian «Boiler Room» will differ from European?
A: No, I don't think so. I played earlier in Russia, and here are all exactly the same as in Europe, when it comes to clubs and parties.
Q: Many European artists are afraid of Russia and the Russian because of the current political situation.
A: Yes, it's true. But they just weren't in Russia. If they like me, come to Russia, they would understand that the Russian people are very friendly and interesting, there is no need to put on a strap people with the Russian government. Crazy Putin.
Q: But the Aphex itself often goes here, to his Russian wife...
A: Yes, it's true. But it must be said, he plays quite rare. When he was unknown, he played a lot, and now he realizes that everyone expect something special all the time and he did shut - he's very humble and shy person. Now, he wants as much as possible to spend more time with his family, with children - became a family man, in general. He has two sons from his first wife, the one that Englishwoman. From Russian probably still will be too. But he is often seen with children from his first marriage, more often than I am with my - my live in France. A Russian wife, he is lovely! Very sexy and beautiful. They have a very good family, a lot of dogs and cats too. So Aphex Twin - it's not just techno, this is an ordinary man with his human needs (laughing).
P.S. Sorry for my (ssol) broken english. :emotawesomepm9:


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knew aphex stole some of produk lol


that clap



edit: makes me wonder now about that one guy that was saying half the tracks on syro are collabs/have work done by other people, he said there were credible people "at another forum" claiming this.

Edited by StephenG
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Thanks a lot for the translation, shows a darker side to Luke somehow. It's pretty sad that he didn't get credited for Produk (if that's the track he's referring too), like I (and everyone here) said, that track is so ridiculously Viberty. It doesn't feel like Richard's music at all.

My interpretation of Syro was that it is intentionally accessible, with some typical trademark sounds from artists around him (Ceephax bits, Vibert bits, maybe Squarepusher bits?) so that people new to the music (because of Syro) will look beyond Aphex. He said the same thing in interviews, trying to reach the masses to get them out of the mainstream and into this stuff.

Anyway, that idea of an Aphex & Vibert album sounds like the best thing ever. Too bad :(

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I was thinking he means 180db.


Hmm I'm not so sure tbh. I know how they both played that track live a few times.... But produk really has a vibert vibe. The bounciness of the beat and that CLAP is so vibert!


And then he says in so few words that his favorite track on the album is produk, kind of like a dig at syro that his fav track is the one he should be credited for kind of thing.. =/

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I was thinking he means 180db.


Hmm I'm not so sure tbh. I know how they both played that track live a few times.... But produk really has a vibert vibe. The bounciness of the beat and that CLAP is so vibert!


And then he says in so few words that his favorite track on the album is produk, kind of like a dig at syro that his fav track is the one he should be credited for kind of thing.. =/


dude produk is straight tuss, just listen to the drums on 180db, full wagon christ style

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