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williams elegant crisp gin (which came with an union jack bow tie) fruit juice and water. My brother is taking me to the supermarket or probably a westfield or something. I haven't been out an half cut in a loong time. will be yay.

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my body is a temple.

u r absolutely adorable :) ..onion brǝath tho :o

Haha, that's what the tea helps with. ;)


Seriously though, the new green tea range by twinings has finally got me to kick my chain drinking coffee all day at work habit. Pretty impressive.

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my body is a temple.

u r absolutely adorable :) ..onion brǝath tho :o

Haha, that's what the tea helps with. ;)


Seriously though, the new green tea range by twinings has finally got me to kick my chain drinking coffee all day at work habit. Pretty impressive.


This, discovered a few months ago how tea was ridiculously superior to coffee in every way. I actually feel much better.

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agree with tea, it's magnifigee. Also kick caffeine , c'est rhymes with 'ee



coffee = stomach ulcers, too acidic.


never the less, at least you're taking smaller doses of caffeine whilst havin' a nice milky drink, or non milky tannin'ee teef staining whatevfr.

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my body is a temple.

u r absolutely adorable :) ..onion brǝath tho :o

Haha, that's what the tea helps with. ;)


Seriously though, the new green tea range by twinings has finally got me to kick my chain drinking coffee all day at work habit. Pretty impressive.



one favourite thingy fr mǝ is to prepare th simple bowl of steamy warm jasmine rice, accompanied by extraordinarily! strong loose-leaf jasmine tea; piping hot! and then i enjoy to sip it rather slowly, one little littlǝ sip each time. ths is th truly wonder-filled, traditional japanese delight! i also quite like th subtle sweet seaweed flake wth toasty sesame sprinkle in tht little jar, i shake-ǝʞɐɥs, covering ths cute little white dome of th rice in mǝ bowl :)

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Previously today I ate a 170g pack of triple layer pâté with port and gelatine top because it was a day over its sell by date.

Then I ate a pretty decent rump steak I got for 50p as it was also going off. It cooked so well I was able to eat all the fat...

I'm halfway through my second bottle of red wine. Casillero del Diablo Carmenere.

Later I will be eating some of the fuckton of pulled pork I made with my new slow cooker. (http://imgur.com/a/vudYS)

Will have it in a bun with sriracha and coleslaw.


Tomorrow I predict severe gastrointestinal distress.

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This sake and plum wine infused with CHILI PEPPER is amazing after a good plate of spicy sushi!





I've had umeshu before but not with spice. Interesting.


I cooked up bulgogi burgers for the first time at work today for lunch and shared with my coworkers. It was a hit.

Edited by ambermonk
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