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WARP Confirms "Seven Forty Seven" As Unreleased BoC Track


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Guest Archrival

Yeah I think the album will sound totally fresh and like nothing they released before as they already stated (a shock, end of a trilogy etc)...also I think it will have vocals.

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Yeah I think the album will sound totally fresh and like nothing they released before as they already stated (a shock, end of a trilogy etc)...also I think it will have vocals.


Voice samples, perhaps, but full-on vocals (other than heavily tweaked ones like IABPOITC)? No, I don't think that fits in their musical agenda...


Then again, they're not against vocals in songs:


We've Started Up

The Midas Touch


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Yeah I think the album will sound totally fresh and like nothing they released before as they already stated (a shock, end of a trilogy etc)...also I think it will have vocals.

Vocals, oh please no.

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Yeah I think the album will sound totally fresh and like nothing they released before as they already stated (a shock, end of a trilogy etc)...also I think it will have vocals.

Vocals, oh please no.


i can totally imagine a BoC album that uses vocals in a similar way to My Bloody Valentine.


but then, it would just be a My Bloody Valentine rip off, and probably a bad idea

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Guest mafted

i was somewhat disappointed at the 'wall of sound' technique, as i see it as kind of a cop-out (in a way). this song would've sounded a lot better in a straightforward sense. we should have a mix contest with the flash audio files.. that fly-through is better sounding than this track!

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I'm more bummed that they saw fit to mangle one of their most haunting old tunes tracks by fusing it to this one, as it actually doesn't seem to fit or match up tempo wise, and I guess that means that one won't be appearing on any boxed set. No idea why they thought it was a good idea to have the track climax at the start rather than build, either. Seems very much from the dayvan cowboy "more is better" mold. Also the weird twang at the end is unnecessary and jarring, should have just faded out imo. It's clearly a reimagining of the earlier 747 track, I agree with those who say it was made very recently.

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those who say that this track is made very recently - lol


despite what mgd said, it does feel to me like this is a recent mix of the track, yes. Certainly much more recent than the version that went up on the interactive website years back. I could be wrong of course, but it feels like it has Campfire Headphase/Trans Canada Highway written all over it...it's practically a variation on Macquarie Ridge...

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those who say that this track is made very recently - lol


despite what mgd said, it does feel to me like this is a recent mix of the track, yes. Certainly much more recent than the version that went up on the interactive website years back. I could be wrong of course, but it feels like it has Campfire Headphase/Trans Canada Highway written all over it...it's practically a variation on Macquarie Ridge...


The reason it sounds different is because you experienced individual channels of the song in that interactive environment, and not the mixdown as intended. Trust me, it's really old, and very little time, if any, was spent getting it ready for the WARP 20 release.

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I really like this track. It's a great style for some day dreaming in the train.. just close your eyes and be engulfed in the wall of sound whilst almost falling asleep.. it's awesome to be in that kind of state of mind!

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those who say that this track is made very recently - lol


despite what mgd said, it does feel to me like this is a recent mix of the track, yes. Certainly much more recent than the version that went up on the interactive website years back. I could be wrong of course, but it feels like it has Campfire Headphase/Trans Canada Highway written all over it...it's practically a variation on Macquarie Ridge...


The reason it sounds different is because you experienced individual channels of the song in that interactive environment, and not the mixdown as intended. Trust me, it's really old, and very little time, if any, was spent getting it ready for the WARP 20 release.


thanks. that's exactly what i wanted to say, but i couldn't be bothered to put it into words only to be derided afterwards. you have some clout around here, so your words may just stick a bit better than mine would have

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i like it - starts much stronger than it ends up though (one of those annoying musical moments where the early potential isn't quite realised) but definitely a keeper and worth the rip to stick on the playlist.


I agree it doesn't sound much like has been done in the immediate recent past - but there are some cues to suggest some tinkering or further layering took place. But if JR is adamant this aint the case, I'll go with that... not worth getting too freakin analytical about.


Still a half-arsed offering to the label's 20th anniversary release though it must be said, but this may have been as much a Warp insistence as it was for bros Sandison.


My personal view is that the pair of them are as near to being inactive as a musical project these days as its possible to be... family life, other creative and/or business pursuits and general adult reality taking their course.


I know this isn't a view anyone else on here entertains - but I seriously don't see any signs to the contrary.

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My personal view is that the pair of them are as near to being inactive as a musical project these days as its possible to be... family life, other creative and/or business pursuits and general adult reality taking their course.


I know this isn't a view anyone else on here entertains - but I seriously don't see any signs to the contrary.


There's probably a lot of truth to that. Seemed they were feeling that way in the interviews around the time of Headphase too, I mean Trans Canada Highway was a pretty anemic EP by Board's standards; two full length tracks, two interludes, a remix and a track off the previous album. Less new content than Hi Scores and even IABPOITC.


Sadly all our IDM heroes are aging.

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It rocks, quietly, and i like it. I find it almost progressive in a Pink Floyd / Tangerine Dream space rock kind of way.


It's obviously old material that has been reworked, with the old tune that's incorporated adding to its epicness.


I would be content if any new music released resembled this.

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Trust me, it's really old, and very little time, if any, was spent getting it ready for the WARP 20 release.


OK, I'll trust you just like I trusted you when you announced that new boc album :emotawesomepm9:


God, it was a joke! Can't help it if you're gullible.


You probably think the girls you're with are actually enjoying it, too


Sorry, that was mean, even if I was kidding.

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I was talking about the non-joke announcement you made...or have you conveniently blocked that from memory?


Are you referring to my hoax (where I eventually came out and said it was a hoax), or my statement that a new BoC release is due this year? If it's latter, then wait until December 31st and then we'll talk.

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No I'm going further back, well before Campfire Headphase? Shit I can hardly remember now, but you said something along the lines of "I have it on inside authority that the new album is coming out soon" and then it didn't and people laughed. That is all.

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