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Aphex Twin London date

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Aphex/Vibert/Leila/Wisp/DJ Rephlex Records

Could you please ask Richard what happened to konklaver? That'd be great!


I have Konklaver




It isn't that great


Just Rich and his usual German rapping

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Aphex/Vibert/Leila/Wisp/DJ Rephlex Records

Could you please ask Richard what happened to konklaver? That'd be great!


I have Konklaver




It isn't that great


Just Rich and his usual German rapping






I see what you did there. ah ha! HA HA


(obviously fake, and shit of course at that)


I HAD Konklaver, then deleted it...

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actually i might be able to point you in the right direction... where i work (a West End firm of Chartered Surveyors) are looking for a "streetwalker" (lol). no, not a prostitute. someone to walk around London gathering details of which companies occupy which offices/warehouses etc. it's basically walking about different areas of London with a clipboard writing down names and popping into the office every couple of days to drop off all the info. £7 per hour. no set hours - work when you like as long as you get enough done...


Moving back to London at the weekend and would actually be interested in doing this, it sounds like it might be my sort of thing just to get some money coming in!

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actually i might be able to point you in the right direction... where i work (a West End firm of Chartered Surveyors) are looking for a "streetwalker" (lol). no, not a prostitute. someone to walk around London gathering details of which companies occupy which offices/warehouses etc. it's basically walking about different areas of London with a clipboard writing down names and popping into the office every couple of days to drop off all the info. £7 per hour. no set hours - work when you like as long as you get enough done...


Moving back to London at the weekend and would actually be interested in doing this, it sounds like it might be my sort of thing just to get some money coming in!


cool - pm me and i'll give you the details...

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  • 2 weeks later...

From the Matter website

Can I bring my glowsticks and take my shirt off in the club while blowing my whistle?


In a word, no. matter is a no glowstick, no whistle, shirt on venue.




also here's something to look forwards to


How much are the drinks at matter?


Bottles of beer, glasses of wine and a house spirit and mixer will set you back £4.50 each. Soft drinks and bottles of water are £2.50.



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I'm just doing this in my head based on USD and I'm seeing essentially a $60 show with $9 drinks. I'm one of the hardest, longest fans of RDJ but even if I lived next door to that show, I could not abide those prices. What the fuck has happened? Aphex really is the new Aerosmith. Plays back tracks while performing the IDM straight-face.

A friend of mine told me this is a london thing(she lived there for 1 year, so correct me if i'm wrong). When we were at the Clark/Plaid/Vibert gig in Koko the prices for drinks were incredibly high - 4 pounds for a simple 0,33 Becks- and thankfully they didnt put up any price lists so you had to order first before they gave you the bill :angry:

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Yeah it's London vibes, but that's the highest I've personally ever seen. £3.50 a bottle is the most I've paid at a club before. The prices here are essentially a tenner for a pint. I'm getting very very pissed beforehand.

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I'm just doing this in my head based on USD and I'm seeing essentially a $60 show with $9 drinks. I'm one of the hardest, longest fans of RDJ but even if I lived next door to that show, I could not abide those prices. What the fuck has happened? Aphex really is the new Aerosmith. Plays back tracks while performing the IDM straight-face.

A friend of mine told me this is a london thing(she lived there for 1 year, so correct me if i'm wrong). When we were at the Clark/Plaid/Vibert gig in Koko the prices for drinks were incredibly high - 4 pounds for a simple 0,33 Becks- and thankfully they didnt put up any price lists so you had to order first before they gave you the bill :angry:


Fuck I hope The Warehouse isn't this expensive...

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I've heard only good things about the soundsystem, and it's always nice to go somewhere new. I can't help but think it would be nicer in the usual grimey squat like venues I'm used to, but we shall see! At least it's not in the main o2 complex, I went to the arena there to see Smashing Pumpkins last year and that was an unusual experience to say the least. Hopefully see you there anyway Ben :)

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drinks at matter will most probably be a rip of and big london venues (like koko) do a have thing for over charging, usually the best thing to do is buy a few can before the show and drink it in the streets! or find a good cheap pub, one of my favorites is the bird cage in shoreditch, 2 pints and shot came to £6 and the pool table is only 30p!

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thats the place! great pub, the kareoke is AMAZING, an entire pub singing along to Gold or some other anthem is quite an up lifting experience and the people that go there seem to be generally warm and friendly and last time i was there, a fair few hot girls.

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Yeah, they're pretty good with the after hours drinks too. It's crazy how much everyone goes mad for the kareoke there, last time I caught it there was a performance of Wuthering Heights which almost bought a tear to my eye

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