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Aphex Twin London date

Solo Strike

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Ha, The Birdcage is a funny pub, there's quite a contrast between the daytime drinkers and the evening ones, although it is a bit of a mix. It's that bizarre mix of old pub and regulars who spend most their pension in there and young east London types. Good fun and cheap too!


I'm just hoping Matter isn't too much of a massive super club, where once you leave your friends they're impossible to find and the dancefloor is over packed and impossible. I mean who in their right mind is going to be in room 2? Loops Haunt is a promising producer but when you've got such legends playing in the other room no one's going to pay him the slightest bit of attention.


Reckon I'm going to have a nice civillised dinner before this since it's a celebration of my brothers birthday too, most likely just have a few tinnies at home, then we'll go and rave our tits off! Beauty. See you on the dancefloor Tom!

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Yep. Some fucking weird people there though, I don't think I'd want to go back there. Lots of oddballs perving on my female friend, lots of people looking like they're off duty from a business trip. Nice to see all the usual London crew there though, and the soundsystem was AMAZING.


AFX played Stone In Focus to start with, Vordhosbn, Windowlicker, W32.Mydoom.AU@mm, Last Rushup 10, an ace unreleased tune and some other bits and bobs that were familiar. And some gabba. Very similar in vibe to the Bloc set I thought, it was good, but I've heard him play a lot better. All the times I've seen him over the last few years, his sets haven't flowed quite as nicely as some of his 2004-5ish ones. And I really can't be doing with all the autopsy/scat/deformity/mutilation shit as visuals at the end.


Vibert was much more enjoyable I thought, played some good classics, LFO, Voodoo Ray, etc with some dubstep, and Wisp was great. Looking far more confident on stage now than his first gigs over here. Lots of breaky type stuff and some ODB. Nice one!

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I didn't think Grant ended up playing? In the main room after Wisp there was some random playing who wasn't all that. Ran into behindthebeats around that point who didn't seem too impressed either! I left shortly after so perhaps he started at a later point.


Just remembered AFX playing the "This Is Your Life" theme tune too, which was a solid LOL.

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Well, I quite enjoyed that. I'm still a bit ruined. I turned up part the way through DJ Rephlex Records set which was decent but not wildly exciting from what I heard. Some Aphexish stuff being played but my instinct tells me it was most likely unreleased Jodey Kendrick or something else.


Leila then played on the main stage which was quite interesting. Her set was pretty slow and broody with plenty of bass. It seemed as though she was playing everything through a gigantic mixing desk and was essentially just fiddling with the levels and the panning. It was good to hear some good head music on a decent system and the fact that it wasn't really danceable didn't bother me at all. She also had a couple of vocalists one male, one female. I think the male vocalist was Luca Santucci, not sure who the female one was but I'm pretty sure it wasn't Martina Topley Bird. She played quite a bit of material from her recent album on Warp and a lot of stuff I'd never heard before although I'm not familiar with her albums on Rephlex.


Then it was Aphex on the stage, he started off really slowly but it soon picked up and he played a thoroughly enjoyable set which included plenty of his own material (Solo Strike's already mentioned these) and as far as I could tell there were 2 new tracks of his which both sounded pretty lush and bit Analordesque. Sorry to contradict Solo Strike, but I felt his set was far better than the one at Bloc. There was much less pounding techno, more of his own tracks and fresh material. He seemed to really enjoy himself too. Even the gabba worked really well too in the context of the set.


Then it was Wisp, he was also on the stage which was a nice suprise but possibly a bit daunting, especially since he had much less equipment to hide behind compared to Aphex. He played a very decent set with plenty of stuff I'd never heard before and he really worked the sound system, much more so than Aphex it seemed. The bass felt like it was throttling me and the vibrations where shaking the mucus of the inside walls of my throat, despite my description it felt great!


Then Vibert played in the soundbooth. It was a decent set, but I felt he could have played more of his own material. It also felt a little bit like a Vibert set by numbers, he always seems to play LFO - LFO and lots of other old classics, which are great but when you play them out all the time it makes them a little bit less special. It was good but sometimes his sets are amazing.


Then it was that short guy with dark hair who looked a bit Italian who no one seems to know, his set doesn't really deserve a description, he wasn't awful just unexciting.


Overall the night was really good fun and the music was pretty solid throughout. I just think it's really great that Aphex played what is probably the Biggest club in London at the moment, that's got to be a pretty big deal. It amused me seeing Wisp at the Aphex merchandise stall, was he buying a t-shirt, dogtags, stickers or an umbrella with the Aphex logo? Yes they had Aphex Twin umbrellas there, the same as the one's from the Windowlicker video. The security were pretty alright with us, except when they took exception to my friend's manual SLR camera and confiscated it. I can't see how a few photos of the performers and our friensdship group could cause a problem. There were plenty of people recording with mobile phones and digital camera's, I can't see how a few photos on film could cause a problem.

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Guest David R James

Anyone else hear grant wc drop a Monolith tune in his set?


*watmm rumour mill 2009*


Really? Someone said somewhere that he was signed to planet mu cos his name was orange on the forum, maybe he is signed to rephlex as well?

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Yeah, I know what you mean about it being Vibert by numbers. But I quite enjoyed that after Aphex being a little obtuse with the flow of his set in my opinion, it was a bit more easy going and dancable seeing the crowd wasn't packed to bursting point at that point.


The only thing I'm wondering now is whether to head to Manchester or not! Haha

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Nice one, it was amazing hearing Stone In Focus on a system that big. It's not the most well engineered tune in the world, so it did blur a little into distorted bass on the night... but that track, wow. I got a bit too excited when it started, haha


Also I believe London may of been recorded... but it's not for me to say ;)

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