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what would be gained by joining a punnet of cunts "after the fact"?


its the particular line is snide cowardice i take exception to & if you trawl back recent pages u'll see i was just trying to say ta to Lopez for making me aware of a new RT release and that w/out that heads up i prob would've missed it....then the shit flowed


its the maintenance of anonymity of shit slinging i take exception to, do it publicly or reveal who said what, otherwise its just sad as fuck


to avoid repetition, none of you have the fkn nerve or gumption to disclose who was shit talking, cos that what cliques do, you close ranks


buy what you like, pirate what you like, but the hypocrisy flows strongly here.... schoolboys to the core

so what if anyone says anything on the internet? be it about u, ur mom or ur favorite band? go outside, punch a wall.. that's real. watmm is just a place for menopausal 50-somethings anyways.. who cares




its the tactics of a cabal of fkn assholes


i can take a joke on the chin, but theres a small group of you who delight in aggravation


aka not something any of you would do in person, man-child



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what would be gained by joining a punnet of cunts "after the fact"?


its the particular line is snide cowardice i take exception to & if you trawl back recent pages u'll see i was just trying to say ta to Lopez for making me aware of a new RT release and that w/out that heads up i prob would've missed it....then the shit flowed


its the maintenance of anonymity of shit slinging i take exception to, do it publicly or reveal who said what, otherwise its just sad as fuck


to avoid repetition, none of you have the fkn nerve or gumption to disclose who was shit talking, cos that what cliques do, you close ranks


buy what you like, pirate what you like, but the hypocrisy flows strongly here.... schoolboys to the core

so what if anyone says anything on the internet? be it about u, ur mom or ur favorite band? go outside, punch a wall.. that's real. watmm is just a place for menopausal 50-somethings anyways.. who cares


its the tactics of a cabal of fkn assholes


i can take a joke on the chin, but theres a small group of you who delight in aggravation


aka not something any of you would do in person, man-child




man I'm sad u weren't here at the time of the ltm subforum... ur rage would have been higly entretaining
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This thread could use some house music, and I don't feel as if I've hyped this album quite enough yet anyway:


[bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=3958776083 size=small bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 track=3743449477]

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@ Mixl2 - dont confuse what u perceive as rage with getting to the bottom of identifying a bunch wanker shit out cunts


or you could ask which Zoviet France works are worth your time instead of just ploughing thru their catalog like any other human would


yea whatever you call it is part of what is so entertaining about watmm and the internet in general.. but u getting death threats is rlly dumb and rude


i did plough trough it, I just like to know where to start.. u end up with so much music u never hear anyways..




Edited by MIXL2
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