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Autechre - Oversteps (WARP210) [The MegaThread]

Friendly Foil

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Its real. I can't believe people have doubts.


Its certainly a promo though... sounds transcoded, crossfades could be more polished, last track cuts off.... So, when we finally get the real product, it will sound even better.


This isnt fake though. I have nothing to do with this.



Go back and listen to everything from Lp5 and on.... you'll see why this album makes total sense.



Bask in it bitches. This shit is sunlight and hot as fuck

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agreed, now that i'm finished it, a lot of the melodic work is signature ae.. sounding aleatoric/based on probability tables. a lot of the percussion and synth is quite similar to that of previous albums, particularly lp5, heard snippets of percussion reminiscent of quaristice at various points too


makes sense to me, if it isn't autechre it's a brilliant fake :D


the eq curve and compression seems a bit funky and a few times i could swear to god i heard vinyl static pops in the quiet parts (vinyl promo, or digital glitch of some kind?)


anyway i'm looking forward to hearing it in better quality.

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lol no. only an Autechre fan in some kind of frenzy could come up with that…… this could be done more subtly, no?

my take is that it's not a cd copy, but recorded from iTunes playback with crossfade enabled or something stupid.(maybe in an attempt to get rid of unaudible "watermarks" or whatever)

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i just realised, that oversteps sounds EXACTLY like the "just a souvenir" cover looks like. EXACTLY.




How ironic, Just A Souvenir sounds just like the Oversteps artwork looks like. A black hole.

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are autechre making a zen buddhist enso reference with their cover? that was the first thing that came to mind when i saw it, probably because i used to study japanese lol

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I'm about halfway through the promo leak thingy now, and to me it sounds a lot like Quaristice, but cleaner and clearer. The layering of voices is similar. The sound of the synths is similar. The sound progression is similar but way better imo. But there's a lot more space and breathing room.

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