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Autechre - Oversteps (WARP210) [The MegaThread]

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Guest Greg Reason

i love the way everyone has formed definitive opinions after TWO FUCKING DAYS


Well it takes about two fucking minutes to hear that ae made this

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well when i first listened to OVersteps i remember having a mini burst of anxiety/concern when i noticed that already 40 minutes had gone by and i only heard 4 AE beats, and at the same time i had a flash to someone online telling me the 2nd half of the album is mostly purely ambient. I remember being a little bit in denial still because at this point i was still really enjoying a lot of the beat based tracks but not overly much, but yeah after listening to the end i went to sleep pretty sad that night. I know its ridiculous to get so emotional about a new album by a musician but after all the love Gl0tch praised upon it and so many others from this forum it was a huge let down for me.



I still love this album. One day, I'm sure you will too. Heh, I kind of remember you not liking Queersauce and Untilteduh when they first came out too.

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okay, I think i just got the legit cd quality mp3's, but the rars were broken so not all songs were uncompressed



Uhhhhhhhhh........ what? From where? Rars? As in more than one?


theres two files, part 1 rar and part 2 rar... i clicked on part 1, it started uncompressing, then it asks for part 2, I click on it in downloads, it asks for it again... the file is completely downloaded, but it won't accept it


And ilanders is still played twice, its 10 minutes and 45 seconds or something... sound quality seems a ton better, i don't know whats going on though with this ilanders being played twice, wtf...

Edited by karmakramer
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Maybe its not twice and is supposed to repeat. i find the repeating quite effective actually. Where'd you find this?


I do too, and honestly did not notice or mind it playing twice before, but the tracklist from the magazine dude on last.fm had the song at 5:40 or something, and my ilanders is 10:52

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remember that most of the autechre takes longer to get into maybe it will take time


I kind of see that in the album like they did it with the others


its easy to get at first but there is more hidden underneath that takes time

This is kind of how I'm feeling... like this time around there's an obvious way to listen to it for the casual (non-fanboy) listener. And that's distracting from the details that's embedded in, so it seems like they aren't there. Of course it's possible that they really aren't there. But I like the surface impression too.

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Guest Super lurker ultra V12

so just to recap, im the only diehard AE fan in here who thinks is this is potentially their worst full length album?

no :(

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i don't remember the backlash from quaristice being this bad upon initial release. i do find it amazing that its almost the same thing every single new album release though. untilted wasnt as complex as draft. then quari comes out and it was too diverse and not as creative as untilted. now this is out and its not as fresh as quari. it happens every single time.


autechre have 3 big things always going for them: A) time. time as in how long it takes to truely appreciate their art. 2) sound quality. their work is undeniable so well crafted in terms of sound quality. and D) their constant ability to reinvent an reinterpret their music and musical ideas.


i am by no means saying anyone's opinion of this is wrong it just seems like there are tons of knee jerk reactions to a new and differnt ae style on a shitty transcoded 1 track leaked album after 2 days or so.




that being said, are these new tracks kind of in the style of theswere and wnsn? thats what im getting kind of from reading. i love those trcks, and that style.

Edited by jules
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Okay the rip I got, from people over at waffles, are saying its from the original m4a file.... it sounds cleaner to me, but I can see it being the same.


This is the tracklist:



01 r ess (04:42)

02 ilanders (10:52)

03 known(1) (04:38)

04 pt2ph8 (04:05)

05 qplay (04:35)

06 see on see (04:32)

07 Treale (06:01)

08 os veix3 (04:39)

09 O=0 (04:44)

10 d-sho qub (06:20)

11 st epreo (04:03)

12 redfall (03:49)

13 krYlon (06:01)

14 Yuop (05:50)

Edited by karmakramer
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Guest Greg Reason

This is what I have:


01: 5.07

02: 10.26

03: 4.37

04: 4.04

05: 4.33

06: 4.33

07: 6.01

08: 4.49

09: 4.34

10: 4.36

11: 5.47

12: 3.48

13: 6.00

14: 5.50

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This is what I have:


01: 5.07

02: 10.26

03: 4.37

04: 4.04

05: 4.33

06: 4.33

07: 6.01

08: 4.49

09: 4.34

10: 4.36

11: 5.47

12: 3.48

13: 6.00

14: 5.50


my rip




length according to last.fm





Edited by karmakramer
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anyone else find awepittence at a stage beyond parody?




Yeah. I thought that was his shtick. He likes to critique to the point of not even enjoying it anymore. He's GOT to get to the bottom of this Autechre business! Even if that means sacrificing his own children.


He's the ying to thehauntingsoul's yang. Thehauntingsoul is almost too giddy about Autechre, appreciating it all with a wide eyed sense of childlike wonder. I prefer this approach a lot more though. If you have very specific expectations about an Ae album (or an album by any band, but especially Ae) , you're bound to be disappointed.


I've listened to the leak once and I thought it delivered the goods. An album of Altibzz, Simmm, and Blyz Castl all thrown in a blender and polished with tingly goodness? Shit yeah, negro. :mcgriff:

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2nd listen: Ilanders sounds terrrrrible through my speakers. Th other tracks sounded like a mess. Might be fake after all :whistling: Could be soundtrack for a Daft Punk wails youtube.


3rd listen: Headphones - Ilanders sounds great again. [Rest of the album:] Great range of synths hanging in space. Interesting melodies found amongst the dissonance. Watching the melodic lines change very interesting. Timbres are colourful! This is allll about the variety of synth timbres and spaaace. Fantastic.


Opinion at this point - you have to be in the now for this one. You gotta meet it halfway. And headphones are essential for this rip it seems.

Edited by Food
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He's the ying to thehauntingsoul's yang. Thehauntingsoul is almost too giddy about Autechre, appreciating it all with a wide eyed sense of childlike wonder. I prefer this approach a lot more though. If you have very specific expectations about an Ae album (or an album by any band, but especially Ae) , you're bound to be disappointed.

i admit i am an over analytical but i don't think it's fair to say that i someone has to have specific expectations about where Autechre is headed to be disappointed with or not in love with Oversteps. It's a little bit of a copout to reduce someones negative opinion of it to that


so listening to the higher quality rip right now, more sparkly high end in the 14k-16k range , sounds a little better


well when i first listened to OVersteps i remember having a mini burst of anxiety/concern when i noticed that already 40 minutes had gone by and i only heard 4 AE beats, and at the same time i had a flash to someone online telling me the 2nd half of the album is mostly purely ambient. I remember being a little bit in denial still because at this point i was still really enjoying a lot of the beat based tracks but not overly much, but yeah after listening to the end i went to sleep pretty sad that night. I know its ridiculous to get so emotional about a new album by a musician but after all the love Gl0tch praised upon it and so many others from this forum it was a huge let down for me.



I still love this album. One day, I'm sure you will too. Heh, I kind of remember you not liking Queersauce and Untilteduh when they first came out too.


maybe youll love Quaristice some day :rolleyes: I wasn't absolutely thrilled with Quaristice when it came out nor Untilted, but they grew on me pretty quickly. i'm probably being too hard on oversteps.

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Guest Greg Reason

Untilted took me months to like very much, maybe even as long as a year to get to the point I am now with it (love it to bits)


Quaristice, however, I loved immediately and still do. Maybe even more now that I know it intimately.


This one I liked quite a lot upon first listen... Not as much as the prior four but hey... We'll see how I feel about it in a few months.

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