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Autechre - Oversteps (WARP210) [The MegaThread]

Friendly Foil

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O=0 is the worst track, I have decided. I even like known (1) more than O=0. An uninspiring, obvious, aimless melody on a super cheesy bell sound rolling around with a weak, squidgy little drum loop thing. And some other elements which don't rescue it. How long could that track have taken to make?


The rest are mostly great.

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Guest Garkken

O=0 is the worst track



What do you like about it? I'm open and interested, darling.

Abstract ambient, similar to Simmm can not be worse)

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i think Six's description of Oversteps being like a kind of scifi movie soundtrack is a lot more fitting than say Oversteps being the AE's ambient opus


It is the ultimate alternative soundtrack to System Shock. (Especially now the game has mouselook...)

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O=0 is the worst track



What do you like about it? I'm open and interested, darling.

Abstract ambient, similar to Simmm can not be worse)


Simmm is amazing.


O=0 is nowhere near as good to my ears. I prefer the fake leaks I've heard of it. Especially the stupid melodies that start pissing around at the 3:40 mark. What's going on there? Nothing much is going on, that's what. I guess the title is funny.

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I think people are divided when it comes to Oversteps. My favorite tracks are all the jazz inspired ones like pt2, o=0 and os veix3.

Some people like jazz some dont, but still no reason say its shit.


My least favorite ones are d-sho and see on see.

Edited by frits
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lol lianne


Dear sir, I like jazz, but O=0 just isn't my bag. The melodic lines sound too automated and MIDI-like (or something), and I can't get used to that bloody synth bell sound. There's not much hidden in this track and it's not a difficult listen at all, so I can't see it growing on me. Not like Bine off Confield, which I disliked at first - but knew there was a lot going on 'beneath the surface'. :) :) :)


Cheesier more obvious stuff is great, but O=0 is too dull and meandering to squeeze my cheese juices.

Edited by Lianne
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party poopers poop on parties.


imagine O=0 being played by a jazz band, you would probably cream yourself at least twice, i know i would.


O=0 and your avatar go pretty well together :emotawesomepm9:

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had the one-track leak, loved what i heard but deleted it after constantly listening to it for 2 days to hold out for the vinyl. now with the wavs available i couldn't bear it anymore, even after only 2 days so many moments of this album had been stuck in my head...


now i just heard it again all the way through in proper quality and what can i say... this album is a gift. i can see how some post-2000-only fans would think it's cheesy, for me it's a dream come true. the flow is perfect, it's cohesive but still varied, catchy yet challenging and yes, like that blog-dude put it just "aggressively beautiful".

honorary mentions: qplay, Treale and d-sho qub are just totally banging; O=0 and Youp (EPIC) literally move me to tears :cry:

but no track is skip-material at all this time. also really, really like known(1) :rolleyes: that broken, "improvisey" synth joining at around a minute sounds like some weird kind of freshly hatched robot-chocobo to me, crying out "i'm alive" lol, yeah whatever XP


if anything it reminds the most of certain remixes they did in the 90s, which i always considered among their best work.

for example, listen to the psi onyx, jail of freedom or adverse camber remixes and you'll kow what i mean.


now for not coming across as a total fanboi-zombie, if i HAD to criticize certain points it would be that i'm not toooo fond of the beat in r ess (i have the feeling it somehow sits "on top" of the track and the sounds just aren't really my taste) and krYlon, while being a totally fine track in itself, yyyeah sounds a BIT samey compared to see on see in terms of sounds used. that's it really.

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here's what ffmpeg has to say:


Input #0, wav, from '01-Autechre-r_ess.WAV':
 Duration: 00:05:11.54, bitrate: 2116 kb/s
   Stream #0.0: Audio: pcm_s24le, 44100 Hz, stereo, s16, 2116 kb/s


i think the s16 stands for stereo 16






pcm_s24le = PCM stereo 24bit little endian… :wtf:

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the actual conversion is working fine in audacity, it's just weird it detects it as 32.. phling, that confuses me even more.


also, they're all already at 44100


oh well they're supposed to be according to bleep. yeah

Edited by Polymershapes
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i don't absolutely love O=0 but it's a long way from worst. it's not an intro for d-sho qub but its place on the album is perfect in context. it meanders a little bit, but so does most ae, and the way it leads up to the beginning of the d-sho beat is delicious.


i feel like this album has a lot of pule/yulquen type songs that they wanted to expand and play with. and i disagree with you about repeated listens, lianne. i think the songs will show a fair bit of depth in the long run, perhaps not as much so as untilted or draft, but still. it's going to be all about the polyrhythms going on with the synths. that's what's going to stick in your head after you're more familiar with the tracks. O=0 does sound quite digitised, but we're just going to have to deal with it. there's nothing blatantly bad about this track.

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now with the proper quality copy out i can conclude..


fuck you autechre, 24bits of subpar generic IDM wankfest with a few hints of past brilliance.

this is infuriatingly disappointing.


you known(1) fags should take a close listen to eidetic casein.



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speaking of O=0, notice the equals sign has been left off all the file names from the downloads... i thought it would be a technical character not allowed in file name thing, but renaming them works.


I also noticed all the words have underscores between them!




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