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Futurama is Back!!!

Boxing Day

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I haven't seen it, but I'm pretty sure that when clicking the spoiler, you would have assumed I had some insight regarding the ending of the episode. I do not.


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It helps to set your expectations low. There's of course been a lot of momentum lost since 2003, which the movies only started to regain slightly. It's still funny, but you can feel the gears ramping back up a bit.

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I don't have any expectations really, and tbh, I enjoyed the movies for the most part. I figure it's a success if I can briefly escape/be distracted from my relatively shit existence.

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The show still has potential. I love to see Farnsworth and Zoidberg get back into action.



I hope they don't make too much serious episodes again. Like that dog one :cry:


I remember when that episode first aired I watched it with my mom and she started crying because our dog had recently died.

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The show still has potential. I love to see Farnsworth and Zoidberg get back into action.



I hope they don't make too much serious episodes again. Like that dog one :cry:


I remember when that episode first aired I watched it with my mom and she started crying because our dog had recently died.


I watched that episode earlier tonight and what a sad episode it is.





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i missed the first two episodes. anywhere i can watch them on the internet?


No, video files of TV shows are usually not available on the internet. Especially not on any torrent site.

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i missed the first two episodes. anywhere i can watch them on the internet?


No, video files of TV shows are usually not available on the internet. Especially not on any torrent site.


yeah, i gave up looking for a streaming video.

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little confused about the pace they're giving to the fry/leela thing

series ends (before the movies) with The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings (not to mention the various eps before it that were similar), then there's Fry and Leela kissing at the end of Into the Wild Green Yonder, then the love stuff in the s6 premier.


they seemed sort of "normal fry & leela" this episode. I don't want the show to turn into a soap opera obviously.. but it seems like a pretty big thing that isn't really being looked at. bugged me a bit


and the twitter/app stuff, reminded me a little too much of the ongoing shit-Simpsons era.


Overall though I liked the episode. Seeing Flexo again was cool

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little confused about the pace they're giving to the fry/leela thing

series ends (before the movies) with The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings (not to mention the various eps before it that were similar), then there's Fry and Leela kissing at the end of Into the Wild Green Yonder, then the love stuff in the s6 premier.


they seemed sort of "normal fry & leela" this episode. I don't want the show to turn into a soap opera obviously.. but it seems like a pretty big thing that isn't really being looked at. bugged me a bit


and the twitter/app stuff, reminded me a little too much of the ongoing shit-Simpsons era.


Overall though I liked the episode. Seeing Flexo again was cool


There's a tv/movie term for the relationship Fry and Leela have. It's like Jack and Kate on Lost. There was a spark between them but nothing really happens.

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little confused about the pace they're giving to the fry/leela thing

series ends (before the movies) with The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings (not to mention the various eps before it that were similar), then there's Fry and Leela kissing at the end of Into the Wild Green Yonder, then the love stuff in the s6 premier.


they seemed sort of "normal fry & leela" this episode. I don't want the show to turn into a soap opera obviously.. but it seems like a pretty big thing that isn't really being looked at. bugged me a bit


and the twitter/app stuff, reminded me a little too much of the ongoing shit-Simpsons era.


Overall though I liked the episode. Seeing Flexo again was cool


There's a tv/movie term for the relationship Fry and Leela have. It's like Jack and Kate on Lost. There was a spark between them but nothing really happens.



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Guest ojkewin

Man, the Eyephone episode nailed it. We truly are apes with cell phones.


they kinda missed the boat on the susan boyle thing though imo

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Guest acknowledgeandproceed

First episode was fab. This has consistently been the very best cartoon television available since inception. You could watch the lifeforce (good writers) drain from The Simpsons as this show was entering into its peak performance, shortly before cancellation. Now The Simpsons is a hollow mock-zombie of what it once was, and Futurama, much like Family Guy (starting to show its age, for certain) has been brought back to life with a True Resurrection spell. No level loss here.


Point, however. When I went to a friend's house to watch the first/second episode (my only television doesn't function as anything more than a mini-shrine to Amma the hugging saint, these days, no converter box), I was inundated with LITERALLY EVERY OTHER COMMERCIAL BEING A COMMERCIAL FOR THE NEW TOM CRUISE MOVIE "Knight and Day".


Now I could go into Futurama's brilliance further, but indulge my rant for a moment, as I dissect what it seems that this "Knight and Day" crap consists of, according to the commercials that burned leering bright colors at me over and over again, every. Other. Commercial.


Tom Cruise is some super secret agent that regularly jets off to exotic locations and kills or maims people for... well somebody. Doesn't matter who or what he represents outside of a lifestyle that ordinary people cannot hope to attain. Occasionally he'll run into some Ordinary Girl, played by Cameron Diaz, and save her life a few times after putting her directly into the line of danger for no reason whatsoever. They bang midway through the movie, and she decides that her life as (fill in a generic job that somehow allows her to jet off to exotic locations) is dull and pointless without the danger provided by this "God Mode Sue" super secret agent. The element of suspense is destroyed methodically as every anonymous member of a supposedly well-trained Blackwater Security Knockoff Legion is brutally murdered by Tom Cruise, who never once stops smirking. There might be a villain involved, but he's a dangling participle in the brutally retarded sales-scheme sentence that pointless piece of garbage movie repeats over and over again. It's an "anti-Fight Club" for the Oil Spill Eschatologists of today. It makes me happy to see the tiny Crow's Feet forming around the eyes of its supposedly dazzling stars. These people need to pull a Heath Ledger deluxe followed by a Patrick Swayze/Michael Jackson triple lindy. Just sayin'.



So Futurama has the new issue of Fry and Leela being an item. This usually marks the point at which a show jumps the shark, but in this case they were missing long enough that the premise of the status quo can be sufficiently tweaked to indicate an arc. The arc in Futurama has been gradual enough that new viewers don't need every previous season stored in their head to enjoy the new episodes, but it certainly makes things more interesting.


Someone once said the show was boring. Didn't make them laugh. These are the same people that would enjoy Knight and Day, or that godforsaken Vanilla Sky knock-off that sold us the... agh, WAIT. Hear me out. Heads in jars. A very clever plot device that may be employed ad infinitum, so long as the premise remains properly lubricated, like Scientology. Remember when Fry had Lucy Lui's personality programmed into a robot body? This premise was repeated with Leela in the new first episode, to great effect. There are a hundred thousand ways to do this with every flash in the pan, so long as its maintained that Fry only has 1999 knowledge of his era. So a corrosive Illuminati Whore like Lady Googoo or whatever can't be introduced out-of-hand.


It's interesting, actually, that Futurama preserved that 1999 "American Innocence" so well for so long. The curse of eternal optimism, before a WTC or a Gulf Horror, when television possessed a certain flair for the dramatic and somehow, SOMEHOW, it seemed alright. People tuned in without guilt, rotted their attention spans into autistic paralysis. But glory is fleeting, even for the idiot box. Nobody knows what a Lucy Lui is anymore. She was in what, Ally McBeal? What the hell is that? I was a punk kid on the fingerbang circuit when that show came out. Nobody cares. They get the fifty disc box set and shit.


Here's the thing. I am, as most Americans, steeped in a vast and irrelevant knowledge of popular culture.


But I know a good thing when I see it, and Futurama, at least, is quality programming I can still hold a healthy respect/nostalgia for.


Alright. That's it. Trolls see me rollin. They hatin.


Fuck "Knight and Day".

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've seen the new episodes 1-4. I Like the original ones very much (duh) ever since it started, I even handed out Slurm-drinks at my ~13th birthday party. Now, for the new ones - I think they're good. It's a bit odd to see such up-to-date references when you're used to seeing the re-runs of the old episodes with the themes of 1999 and the following couple of years (and I love most things that are connected to the 90's in any way), but it's a necessary step for the series to take.


The cheap looking animation some people mentioned here I only saw on one occasion, in episode 1. That red cyclops-eating creature looked way too cheap-mass-produced-disney-spinoff-series. No idea what that was about. But the rest looks just like what I'm used to. The "fancy cgi" would obviously rather make things cheaper, not more expensive. It's the hell of a lot quicker and easier to put some key frames in the animation for a 3d model of the Planet Express Ship than to draw it frame by frame (hand-drawn or otherwise, 2D animation can take up more time, unless you're going for that flash-cartoon-look where everything motion-tweens from a to b) - so for me there's nothing wrong with the animation. I think MOM looked a bit off though.


EyePhone had some flaws for me, e.g. I hated "Susan". Just didn't fit the logic of the show imo, and somehow disgraces Leela's character. Plus I'm not that much into apple products, I don't own an ipod and I've never even visited Twitter, so I missed out on the references a bit. The sexual tone of episode 2 disturbed me a little, but I liked the confession at the end. And I'm still laughing at the CSI-Miami-zoom-resolution-joke. It was in desperate need to be mentioned somewhere for years! The Robosexuality-episode was awesome all the way. But there's always been great and not-so-great episodes. I'm excited for the next ones to come.

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Episode 4 was legitimate classic Futurama.


I'm a little put off by the service to the Fry/Leela 'ship in episode 1 only to have it dropped completely the next episode. Seriously, what's going on there? Seems odd for the show to build up that arc for years and then just brush it aside. Or rather, I could see it being brushed aside quickly, but I'd expect the writers to get into why a bit more.

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