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I lol'd at


-There is one slim shiny tall grey shapeshifter...he is voiced by jeff goldblum..."I dunno, I've quite enjoyed living amongst them as a little black boy" As he says this he morphs into this lossy textured ps2 graphics black baby with a big head and quickly simulates growing older.

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You will remember more details about your dreams once you start writing them down. Anything, even if it's just a few keywords or a general theme you can recall. The more you focus on it in your awake state, the more it will "bleed into" reality next time.


What happens in your brain when dreaming is somewhat similar to what's going on during a defragmentation on your PC. Data/Memories are being accessed and put into place. Your brain knows that these are not really necessary thoughts or information for survival IRL, so you actually dream (almost?) every night but your brain, by default, is set to throw out these memories once you wake up.


So when you train to access these "sectors" of your brain, these memories won't immediately get recycled and you will remember your dreams more vividly. I started with writing down keywords or recording bits and fragments on my mp3player immediately after I got up - these days it takes me up to an hour to write everything down because I remember so much of it. Like lines of dialogue that I can recall word-by-word (which I'm especially fond of cause they're always so messed up). When I don't write anything down for a few weeks, my brain goes back to its default state and I stop remembering my dreams as much.


Try it out, this has worked for everyone so far.


I also tried Hypnosis once, had somebody hypnotize me and ask me questions about a certain dream that I "needed" to recall for a project I was working on, and it did made me recall further details (I recorded the session to check later) but I'm not sure whether these were actually there in the original dream or whether I "added" them in my hypnotic state.

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Thanks for the tips. It's not so much that i don't remember dreams, it's just that they're usually pretty mundane and not that complex. But funny enough my subconscious did do the third person camera thing last night, and the dream actually got kind of interesting/ridiculous. Describing it right now seems like a daunting task though, since conveying it adequately to other people would require a fair bit of ingenuity in the telling of it. But I'll keep thinking about it and maybe attempt describing it later.

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Ooh great forum.. Just had a really weird/ fascinating dream last night...


I was working at some store that sells escalators (yes, escalators lol). There was a kitchen there, and I brought some fast food inside to eat on my lunch break, I think I must have worked there, in the kitchen... There was this creepy looking woman eyeing me from around a corner in the kitchen as I was taking sips of my soda. She was baking something I think. She seemed mad at me.


Then, the owner and I talked- She was a professional, very salesy store owner. My girlfriend and I were shopping around, looking for things, and i think we were wanting one of the escalators. I think we must have borrowed it/rented it out or something, but it was still in the store, so it was like ours, but not. Then, time went by and all the steps on the escalator started to crack and crumble and fall apart, and everyone that was currently standing on it was told to hurry and get off.


The sales lady got upset with me, and told me that I wasn't taking care of the escalator, and that I needed to water it in order to not have it dry out and fall apart lolol. And so that's why it fell apart cuz I didn't water it. My girlfriend and I were now being forced to pay for the damage (and/or the escalator as a whole), which the sales lady said will run somewhere between $50,000- $175,000. We were shocked. Then I woke up.

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But funny enough my subconscious did do the third person camera thing last night, and the dream actually got kind of interesting/ridiculous.


That supports my theory - you complained about it in a watmm post and your subconscious picked up on that.


But I never get the third person view either. I sometimes see stuff or observe situations that don't include me at all from a third person perspective, like a movie or something, but I never see myself from another angle. I'm always looking through my own eyes.

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2 dreams today i that remembered:

1 - i was accompanying a mother and her 2 teenage daughters to a protest against banning public breastfeeding in the daughters' high school. all three of them were very busty and weren't wearing bras so the nipples were showing through their dark shirts.

2 - i was a witness in some kind of trial of chechen terrorists that ended up in a mass shooting which i survived. some time later someone drove by me and started aiming a gun at me, but there was another person in the way and the shooter kept gesticulating him to move a bit so he could shoot me but i kept moving along with that person using him as a human shield of sorts. though after awhile the shooter got a lock on me with his futuristic looking gun that elongated like a telescope and shot me in the head. my vision got red similar to some fps videogames and that was it.

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I know interpreting dreams is pretty much impossible if you don't know the person but it sounded like there's a theme of displaying female attributes and the extending gun seems like an obvious penis that is a threat. Really reaching with this but are you perhaps jealous of somebody hitting on a female friend of yours or something along these lines?

Would be awesome if I got it right.

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actually there might be something somewhat close to what you're talking about now that i think a bit harder, there is a girl that i like a lot who is married to a fucking jock (imo, i met him only once briefly), and i did fantasize about them breaking up and stuff. but i wasn't thinking about it for a while (it is kinda nagging from time to time though) so it's kinda hard to connect it to breastfeeding protest, lol.

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It does sound a bit related doesn't it? The breastfeeding thing might make sense, too - You wrote you were accompanying them on their protest. So where you like "morally supporting" these women in the dream, yet noticing their intriguingly big breasts and nipples sticking out, but they didn't expect you to be interested in those sexually? Like I said, I'd interpret the public breastfeeding as a simple metaphor for the open display of female attributes and sexuality, similar to when a female friend of yours is wearing a sexy dress or something but expects you to just "deal with it" and not be looking down her cleavage because you're "just a friend". Might be your subconscious' way of dealing with your attraction for this lady.

The shadow person you hid behind could be a sort of projection (not the kind from Inception...) of an aspect of you, the one that is cautious and wouldn't make a move on a married woman, the Freudian Super-Ego if you will. The one the dude couldn't shoot and was challenging to move out of the way before he would attack?


Maybe useful interpreting. Maybe just watching too much In Treatment lately...


edit: I realize this is getting kind of personal...sorry? well it's watmm after all.

Edited by Terpentintollwut
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I had 2 dreams in a time-slot of 2 hours, between 04:30 and 06:30.


In the first dream, I was walking down a square in the nearby city. There's a cinema located at this square. The cinema is a big white/beige building. I didn't enter the cinema, but just looked at the building. The sky behind it was silver/white. All of a sudden, I realized there wasn't a cinema located in the building, but a candy shop. I had this intense Disney vibe over me, when I entered the candy shop. The elderly man who owned the candy shop had his back turned on me. I look at his wares, and decided it was not worth the effort. I exited the candy shop, and walked/floated (I never really walk in my dreams) around a bit. More Disney vibes, and just this general feeling of "oh, I wonder what's behind this wall" kind of feeling. It felt explorative, yet also something that I shouldn't be doing.. I remember that I looked at the right side of this building, and spotted a dumpster.





In the second dream, I was in a shop that sold body-warmers Lumberjack style. I hated them. None of them looked good. The person who was with me told me that my new job was to sell them. I flat out refused, told him I really hated all these body warmers. "This is your job now" "Nah man, what the hell. I can't sell these. When I don't like something, and support it 100%, I can't sell it". I got really heated up, repeating this over and over. In the end, I succumbed. This was my new job


The dream continued, but it wasn't on the work floor. More so, it was behind the scenes. It really wasn't as bad as I expected. I really enjoyed being in the company of the boss (who wasn't really that much older than me), his workers. It was just this general pleasant vibe. I really enjoyed being there. We played some cage soccer, drank some beer (I don't really drink beer any more, though) and just enjoyed ourselves.


Yeah, I liked being there.


Maybe the dream tried to tell me that you don't necessary have to like your job, to enjoy being around people? Idk, I don't really like either at my current job lol.


Well shouldn't complain, at least I've something to do.


** Starts counting beans **




Not really true. I kinda like this one girl. Two of the guys that I work with .. gah.. They have this intoxicating complaining about them. Well, one has. Everything he says is soaked with this self-pitying, remorseful tone. Like he fucking hates his life. It sticks on me, and I internalize that.


The other guy isn't really too bad. He's friendly, but sounds like a slow giant. I at least managed to break his pre-conceived notion that yoga isn't for men, and he started following lessons. I kinda like that I was able to give him that. :happy:

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dream last night, i joined a group of musicians to form a band/group. one of them was ceephax. another dude started talking about wanting to kill someone and he had a gun or something then i realize i've joine a gang and was trapped. so i run away and i'm being chased. i ran into a hotel or apartment building or something, people in there wondering what i'm doing as they sit in chairs watching me and i'm looking for room 35 i think .. that's about it

Edited by yek
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I dreamt that people were getting this new body modification that looked like a combination of scarification/having panels of skin turned inside out/having sections of lino and plastic straps installed to make themselves into building shapes. It looked really stupid

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For the past week or so, I've had multiple experiences of a three-folded plot, explaining to me how stuff works.




One dream was about a comic that was spread over 3 pages. I read the comic, and felt distinctively illuminated over how stuff works. At the end of page 1, I was very excited, End of page 2 couldn't make it out, and at the end of page 3 distinctively illumined. This follows the same pattern as a standard play, so yeah, who knows.


Also heard crows in my sleep this morning. I remembered that there's much to their 'caw' than the shrieking sound, and it was means for communication over long distances in space and time.


The general vibe of my dreams lately have been that I am on the verge of discovering something profoundly insightful.



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Crow barking annoys me, that said you can hear that they are talking in some simple language as the do their call and response thing from the treetops. I won't get into to but there are intro barks territorial and familial barks, whose in what tree where and how far away by the length of time between responses. Then after the opening barks there are more complex sort of morse code in slow mo barks. Deciphering that would be cool.

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I had a dream last night that I came out of a log cabin in the Austrian alps to be faced by loads of squirrels looking at me. However when I touched one it fell over like a statue, they were fake! Can anyone tell me what this means?

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Austrian Alps probably mean you desire fresh air, since London is a stinking shithole.


I talked to this girl about her Salvia trip, and said she was surrounded by statues of leprechauns. She was bloody terrified, and said the reason she saw them was because she felt she was one of the few people who actually cared for a better world. She then said we should drink coffee some day if I ever ran into her again.


Too bad I didn't. I should chase that.

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I keep having the same dream that I am stomping on baby mice running around everywhere in my warehouse.


I don't have mice in my warehouse... but I just keep stomping on them left and right they're everywhere in my dream! This is about twice a week it's happening now =(

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I had a dream last night that I came out of a log cabin in the Austrian alps to be faced by loads of squirrels looking at me. However when I touched one it fell over like a statue, they were fake! Can anyone tell me what this means?


You wanted physical contact with the real beings you were presented with and were denied by some deep wall in your consciousness, stopping the interaction before it started. I've had similar things happen in dreams, you'll be like "oh good", and your mind goes, nope, not going to happen. The dirty little trickster.

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