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Strange Pictures Thread


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^ better with sound


it was some random twat complaining about his neighbour's dog or something on A Current Affair, a shitty sensationalist nightly 60 Minutes-esque Aus tv show. should be up on yt, "ACA crazy guy" (warning: may return lots of results)


ahh sorry bro super delayed response. here you are -

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Meat Baby

"I was given these pics from 2 cops that I was tattooing. the story is that police were called about a crazy lady who was wandering the streets carrying a "baby" in her arms. cops came, took her in and sent the doll to a lab for testing because it had a rotten smell to it. They weren't sure what exactly it was. Turns out it was made up of partial dog remains, and various other items. The woman had been feeding it meat, apparently she had left room for a little belly when she made it! Since there was nothing illegal about having this "doll" they gave it back to her and let her go. OH and its name was Froggy"




brb gonna puke

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It's an art installation called biospheres or something. by this guy over here


The pictures are so odd though that it almost looks like photographing the people with their heads in the little greenhouses is the art project, rather than just the fact that the people can stick their heads in there. Perfect fodder from the strange pictures thread at any rate.

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