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The N word


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so i was thinking about how fascinated i am by the "n" word. my cracker ass never says it. ever. its just easier that way. but i have always been in awe of how many rules are associated with this one piece of slang vocabulary. white people can never say it because of its history. black people were called it and it is extremely offensive to them but they can downplay it by calling each other the name they hated to be called. other ethnicities can sometimes get away with using it but rarely. is there any other word like this? someone can say this word to someone else and have it be horribly offensive, but that very offended person can call his friends and enemies the same thing in jest and in seriousness. its a cultural wonder.

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I think it mostly has to do with blacks in America not being able to accept their lack of contribution to society. When they hear that word, they project their own insecurities on to whomever said it, and perpetuates the cycle. It's an observation that becomes blaringly obvious living in Richmond.. I can tell you that. Some of the more ignorant types think we had African slaves because we didn't like Africans.. when it was simply the way the world worked back then (especially Africa).

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I think the whole controversy around it is pretty funny, it's interesting what a loaded word it is. I find it very satisfying to say it to myself in private. Not because I dislike black people, which I don't, but because I like doing stuff I'm not supposed to.

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the oomph has been stripped out of most hateful words online. i mean, you'd have to be a real faggot nigger to get offended by some twat running their cunt on the internet in 2010.


i wonder what they'll come up with next

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the oomph has been stripped out of most hateful words online. i mean, you'd have to be a real faggot nigger to get offended by some twat running their cunt on the internet in 2010.


i wonder what they'll come up with next


See: anonymous coward.

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I think it mostly has to do with blacks in America not being able to accept their lack of contribution to society. When they hear that word, they project their own insecurities on to whomever said it, and perpetuates the cycle. It's an observation that becomes blaringly obvious living in Richmond.. I can tell you that. Some of the more ignorant types think we had African slaves because we didn't like Africans.. when it was simply the way the world worked back then (especially Africa).

Careful buddy...


That would be funny if "The N Word" was a new show on HBO about gay blacks.


Totally thought that as well too.

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I tend to call my white friends niggers jovially as long as there are no black people around but I never use it as a racial slur except for the occasional terrible racist joke. Funnily enough I've called Ella a nigger like ten times today but I don't think I ever have before.

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Joking aside, I dj funk & soul every other week, and there was one week where a black girl asked me to stop playing negro music because it offended her as a white woman.


Long story short, I ended up in her bed that night. I'm an equal opportunist.

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The last time I remember using the term "nigger" was while brainstorming band names for a band I was in. I came up with "Nigger Dyke Removal Unit". We didn't use it, and subsequently never agreed on a band name for the next two years. But from this day forward if anyone asks, I used to front the band Nigger Dyke Removal Unit.

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I don't know about you guys but in Tulsa as long as you drop the -er and add the a nobody really gets offended or thinks anything of it, at least within the age group of people I talk to (17-22 basically).

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Joking aside, I dj funk & soul every other week, and there was one week where a black girl asked me to stop playing negro music because it offended her as a white woman.


Long story short, I ended up in her bed that night. I'm an equal opportunist.


This girl sounds awesome and you probably should have proposed to her.

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What a coincidence! Just as I was reading this thread, "Qtio" by Brothomstates came up on Shuffle. It has the N word in it.


I find it peculiar how the N word is so horribly offensive to black people, yet words like "honkie" and "cracker" are supposed to be the equivalent words towards white people yet they have considerably less impact. There needs to be a word that offends white people as much as the N word, don't you think?

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