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Metal Appreciation Thread!

Guest Al5x

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 it's fun to listen to.



That's all I really care about when listening to them. Meir is definitely worth checking out. Plus I'm happy they sing in their native tongue, so much more interesting sounding and infinitely more tolerable than listening to some borks try to pen some dark and intimidating lyrics that translate into embarrassing clichés. Cheesy viking/black metal in the conqueror's tongue to cater to a larger audience? No thanks.





actually yeah I'll still listen to it.


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Properly revisitng this album, since it  oddly came out in the summer and it's now the proper time of year... and fuck me this album is amazing, definitely one of my AOTY's fr metal.





wasn't prepared for how "rock and roll" Kvelertak's music is. not sure how I feel about them yet, though it's fun to listen to.


that;s the thing, they're not meant to be taken overly seriously, they're just fun, especially live... i love this one off thier first album

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lobbed in the documentary fred, but'll repost here, a wicked & well balanced exploration of Carcass, from evolution to demise and stacks more.


dunno if Earache were behind it, but cracking good fun in 4 or 5 parts, plus those fkn chugggggggs


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Looking back over metal lists for things I may have missed this year:

Not sure how the fuck I missed new WITTR:


These guys are pretty wicked, hope they come out with another full-length Charnel Passages was great


Also upcoming Hooded Menace:

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I'm still undecided about Download. I kinda want to see Korn (lol) but I don't know many of the other bands. Gojira would be good to see though, hmm.

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Man just own wanting to watch Korn.

Ha, yeah. I was really into them as a teenager but never got a chance to see them live back then.. and their latest album is actually pretty decent.


Wanting to watch Mastodon these days is more lollable

I still like Mastodon in principle, but I quickly tire of their song structures. A lot of the time their songs are just basic ABACAB structures with no real progression or dynamics.. this is especially noticeable in the Killer Be Killed stuff, where it seems each section of each track was written by each member seperately and then everything smashed together without much regard for transitions.


I enjoyed both Mastodon and KBK live though. I think I just got spoiled by prog, where in most cases, even if a chorus repeats, it's always slightly different.

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they can't sing live for shit.

I've seen them 10 or so times since 2004, and apart from Brent they've all been doing great vocals consistently. Last time I saw them was two months ago, and even Brent was sounding alright now.


but Mastodon are fantastic live ???

Yup. And on this last tour they're even better than in a long time. The big bonus was Scott Kelly coming on stage for the last five or six tracks.

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i remember seeing them for the first time and i thought they'd sound shit live, but they really blew me away. i'm not crazy into anything they've released since Crack the Skye but live the new tracks are really great

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Seriously though... Mastodon for me these days... i know its a copout to call something 'corporate' but it has that feel. Those choruses... are too much for me to handle. I don't like the vocals in most of the new choruses at all... lyrically or sonically.  It just sits in this weird space when i want it to be heavier, or i want it to be more interesting. A lot of people i know who aren't into any kind of heavy or alternative music like Mastodon... and not to shit on popular music... but there is something to that too.


and to Modey's earlier comment ... the songs seem constructed and a little bit contrived for me to enjoy. also, its just not heavy enough. Some of the riffing on the new album is excellent but every song is ruined by the choruses.



Corporate? They've been popular for a while now so the backlash is always gonna be there regardless but I guess I like the fact that they have involved everyone in the choruses, to me it just seems like a selfless band that draws from each other's ideas and talents to make something that sounds dynamic. Whereas the Hunter and OMRTS (which kind of sounded like a less interesting Hunter pt.2) seemed to showcase band members ideas in separate songs and allowed people to explore new ideas with the aid of the band, here it sounds like everything they tried and learned over those years was polished and featured the whole band working together towards a singular vision. I think it's more of a case of a talented band gaining popularity because they're good and have just been noticed instead of a band which was good and consciously made an effort to appeal to more demographics with the sole intention of selling more records.


As far as predictability and composition goes Modey ( who by the way, that precursors album was a really fucking cool https://pselodux.bandcamp.com/album/precursors ) knows more about that than I do and I feel like he has a point. Since Blood Mountain every release has featured a catchy, radio-friendly song on it. Luckily I have enjoyed all of them (Colony of Birchmen, Oblivion, The Motherload and Show Yourself) except for the Curl of the Burl. You can also always expect to hear one song featuring Scott Kelly, although that seems more like tradition and showing respect to a huge influence than formula. 




they can't sing live for shit.

I've seen them 10 or so times since 2004, and apart from Brent they've all been doing great vocals consistently. Last time I saw them was two months ago, and even Brent was sounding alright now.




Brent has obviously always been the worst live, like comically bad sounding. I guess he has gotten better but that brings him up from a D- to a C- at best.  Dailor has the voice of a fucking angel and deserves an award for even being able to sing whatsoever while performing some of the most physically demanding drumming there is. I'm actually amazed at how good he can sound during some of the songs that feature him like dry bone valley or steam breather. Troy is ok, but just can't seem to stay in key ever. Whatever though, not everyone is going to be amazing vocalists live, and if anyone shouldn't be it's Mastodon, considering originally their lead singer left them and they just said fuck it, we'll do the singing I guess. None of them wanted to sing to begin with and as far as I understand the only reason Troy became the frontman during those early records was because he felt it would be easier for the bassist to sing and play at the same time. In the studio they all do a really good job, Brent sounding the most improved when he doesn't have to worry about having a guitar in his hands.

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As far as predictability and composition goes Modey ( who by the way, that precursors album was a really fucking cool https://pselodux.bandcamp.com/album/precursors ) knows more about that than I do and I feel like he has a point. Since Blood Mountain every release has featured a catchy, radio-friendly song on it. Luckily I have enjoyed all of them (Colony of Birchmen, Oblivion, The Motherload and Show Yourself) except for the Curl of the Burl. You can also always expect to hear one song featuring Scott Kelly, although that seems more like tradition and showing respect to a huge influence than formula.

ah thanks man! It's among the least popular of my albums on bandcamp; I guess it's too metal for chiptune and too chiptune for metal or something. I still think it was a milestone in my discography and contains some of my best compositions/progressions, so fuck the haters lol.


Back to Mastodont though.. I really don't have a problem with the catchy songs, tbh; I'm a sucker for a nice melodic chorus. I just think they repeat sections without really justifying it. To be fair though, the last album of theirs I really listened to was Crack The Skye, which despite being quite proggy in parts, suffers from that repetition problem. I feel like if they changed things up a little on the second or third repetition of each section (like, even the old nu-metal trope of playing a heavy part quiet the second time, or vice versa) it'd be less jarring/predictable. 

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ah thanks man! It's among the least popular of my albums on bandcamp; I guess it's too metal for chiptune and too chiptune for metal or something. I still think it was a milestone in my discography and contains some of my best compositions/progressions, so fuck the haters lol.



Precursors sounded ambitious as fuck, and I completely agree with you thinking you're at the DMZ between metal and chip tune. And yes, fuck the haters. Fuck them right in their stupid faces, none of them, no matter which camp they subscribe to, will ever make songs that are as punishing as the fifth day, or as beautiful as new endings (which come to think of it should have been in my favorites of 2017 list). 

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I came here to post this:




It remains one of my all time favourite metal albums. It's kind of ridiculous in places but in so doing sounds so good like symphonic choruses and funny terminator 90s synth sweeps. In my teenage years this totally rocked my world and listening back to it again now totally brings that back. Classic.



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yeah Demanufacture is a fkn timeless classic imo


I saw them play the entire album live a few years back, so good. 


They're still good too; Mechanize and Genexus are great albums.

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I came here to post this:



It remains one of my all time favourite metal albums. It's kind of ridiculous in places but in so doing sounds so good like symphonic choruses and funny terminator 90s synth sweeps. In my teenage years this totally rocked my world and listening back to it again now totally brings that back. Classic.



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I had a high school friend who was crazy about them and this album in particular. he got me into it.


he also liked Coal Chamber ("FF and CC, bro, FF and CC") and I demurred at that.

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