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Impressed by the old school sci-fi visuals, specially with the vehicles design which are very Sid Mead (lol as if you know who Sid Mead is). Dark scenes are dark, no orangy HDR garbage with teal shadows, this might actually be good, here's hoping.

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Impressed by the old school sci-fi visuals, specially with the vehicles design which are very Sid Mead (lol as if you know who Sid Mead is). Dark scenes are dark, no orangy HDR garbage with teal shadows, this might actually be good, here's hoping.





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The last time I remember feeling this way about a trailer was for The Matrix.


So even if I'm disappointed with the film, at least I can take comfort in the fact that they've made one of the greatest trailers ever.


sorry, the best trailer made is still the original Alien trailer



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Impressed by the old school sci-fi visuals, specially with the vehicles design which are very Sid Mead (lol as if you know who Sid Mead is). Dark scenes are dark, no orangy HDR garbage with teal shadows, this might actually be good, here's hoping.






Yeah, I don't think the finished product will look anything like that. The stills that were floated don't look like they're very far into the SFX production process. The lighting is pretty different in the trailer and doesn't look out of line with Alien.


If the finished, on-screen product actually looks like that shot this movie will be shit. But the trailer doesn't look like that. We'll see.


edit: lol @ vasio's assumption that nobody knows Sid Mead despite the raving BR/Alien fans (inclusive) around here and the multiple threads on retrofuturistic design and art.

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Impressed by the old school sci-fi visuals, specially with the vehicles design which are very Sid Mead (lol as if you know who Sid Mead is). Dark scenes are dark, no orangy HDR garbage with teal shadows, this might actually be good, here's hoping.






I don't think it's that bad (compare the trailer to Dark Knight for instance), usually the dark scenes now-a-days have that green look (Die Hard 4) and there's no color burning.


I think it's refreshing, the weirdest thing is the blue costumes, they look like something out of The Abyss.


I just wanted people to post or search Syd Mead. Wish I could afford his artbooks :/

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I was never really following this movie through it's production stages but I saw the preview of this tonight before The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (which was damn good IMO), it looks pretty epic. I like the fact that it seems to stand apart from the Alien universe. I'm willing to give this one a chance. and yeah the first two Aliens movie's are definitely the best.

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Probably the hissing one, then it'll kick into some high energy sort of industrial rock like Powerman 5000


People will be so amped and go out and buy the alien blu-ray boxset

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