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Also, and I'm going to be a heretic here, as a film the original Alien is just "very good."


you're just stating your opinion, it's all cool...so long as you realise that it is your opinion and not objective fact :)


I think he's always had trouble with pacing, editing, and with making the viewer emotionally invested in characters (something Cameron does better, whether you find him childish or manipulative or both).


Interesting point. I personally take the same stance that Ridley does himself, and he said as much in the extras for Alien - he got actors that could actually act, Sigourney Weaver and Rutger Hauer being perfect examples of actors chosen for their respective roles that absolutely fucking nailed the characters. What input Ridley had into it, I don't know and I wouldn't pretend to know. Of course, this entire paragraph is just my opinion.

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and Charlize Theron and Idris Elba can act, so that's good.


Yeah it's all IMO of course. I love Alien and Blade Runner dearly, despite their flaws. I think it's indisputable that Scott certainly knows how to film science fiction flicks properly (in terms of using props, sleight of hand, lighting, and his overall proficiency with the camera). He's a bit like David Fincher, I trust him implicitly when it comes to composing an artistic looking frame, but I have less confidence in his storytelling ability.

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and Charlize Theron and Idris Elba can act, so that's good.


Yeah it's all IMO of course. I love Alien and Blade Runner dearly, despite their flaws. I think it's indisputable that Scott certainly knows how to film science fiction flicks properly (in terms of using props, sleight of hand, lighting, and his overall proficiency with the camera). He's a bit like David Fincher, I trust him implicitly when it comes to composing an artistic looking frame, but I have less confidence in his storytelling ability.


I've found myself leaning more towards films that have more of an interesting visual identity as opposed to storytelling ability. One need only look through my DVD collection and most liked films to see this. Does this make me a shallow person? lol

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and Charlize Theron and Idris Elba can act, so that's good.


Yeah it's all IMO of course. I love Alien and Blade Runner dearly, despite their flaws. I think it's indisputable that Scott certainly knows how to film science fiction flicks properly (in terms of using props, sleight of hand, lighting, and his overall proficiency with the camera). He's a bit like David Fincher, I trust him implicitly when it comes to composing an artistic looking frame, but I have less confidence in his storytelling ability.


I've found myself leaning more towards films that have more of an interesting visual identity as opposed to storytelling ability. One need only look through my DVD collection and most liked films to see this. Does this make me a shallow person? lol


Do you own "the cell" and "what dreams may come?"


I'm losing my shit. It's way too early and i'm freaking the fuck out. I'm going to have to go on meds until this summer, and then I'm going to have to go on more meds after I see this movie that will no doubt ruin my life.

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and Charlize Theron and Idris Elba can act, so that's good.


Yeah it's all IMO of course. I love Alien and Blade Runner dearly, despite their flaws. I think it's indisputable that Scott certainly knows how to film science fiction flicks properly (in terms of using props, sleight of hand, lighting, and his overall proficiency with the camera). He's a bit like David Fincher, I trust him implicitly when it comes to composing an artistic looking frame, but I have less confidence in his storytelling ability.


I've found myself leaning more towards films that have more of an interesting visual identity as opposed to storytelling ability. One need only look through my DVD collection and most liked films to see this. Does this make me a shallow person? lol


Do you own "the cell" and "what dreams may come?"


I'm losing my shit. It's way too early and i'm freaking the fuck out. I'm going to have to go on meds until this summer, and then I'm going to have to go on more meds after I see this movie that will no doubt ruin my life.


DVDs in my case (nope those films aren't in there, but I shall have a look for them)


for relaxing times...



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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

First watch The Fall instead of The Cell (both by the same director)


I need to watch What Dreams May Come again. I remember thinking it was fucking super tripped out visually when I first saw it, was going to watch it again recently and I vaguely remember thinking the CGI probably wouldn't have aged very well.

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yeah i heard The Cell isn't a great film as far as story goes, but visually is rather nice.

The story is pretty much ok i think and yeah, the visuals are sweet

just some of the acting is terrible and destroy the movie for me




been awhile since i'm hyped for a movie, the trailer looks awesome, can't wait for this :w00t:

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First watch The Fall instead of The Cell (both by the same director)


I need to watch What Dreams May Come again. I remember thinking it was fucking super tripped out visually when I first saw it, was going to watch it again recently and I vaguely remember thinking the CGI probably wouldn't have aged very well.


or watch Rocco's porn version of The Cell called "The Ass Collector", absolute genius! :wink:


I recently watched The Fall and the actual charming story is pretty straight forward but the art directing is what makes it and it's a film that has to be watched in HD, the same goes with The Fountain another flawed masterpiece which wasn't exactly how Arronofsky wanted to make it due to studio restrictions and hence still wants to re edit the movie.


Back OT and I think the flaws of Ridley's classics were mainly down to the struggle he had to get quote revolutionary concepts finished within a budget and timescale given the technology at the time where as now with his reputation he can do pretty much what he wants the way he wants to do it and given Damien Lindelof didn't do a bad job with Star Trek and the pretty solid cast I can't see this being total shite but I can see it disappointing those who wanted chest bursters and proper giger aliens tearing holes in people and the AvP storyline.


Pre booked IMAX tickets in rear central seats in full fucking 3D, 5.1 (the IMAX sound is as good as it gets) for me please Mr Scott! I want my balls to be bone dry and the people in the front row to look like the end of a Rocco movie by the time the credits roll.

Edited by soundwave
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Guest couch

and Charlize Theron and Idris Elba can act, so that's good.


Yeah it's all IMO of course. I love Alien and Blade Runner dearly, despite their flaws. I think it's indisputable that Scott certainly knows how to film science fiction flicks properly (in terms of using props, sleight of hand, lighting, and his overall proficiency with the camera). He's a bit like David Fincher, I trust him implicitly when it comes to composing an artistic looking frame, but I have less confidence in his storytelling ability.

I think that the visuals and atmosphere allows people with creative imaginations to immerse themselves into the setting. That enhances the story telling immensely. It is being told through the character experiences which you can vividly imagine yourself going through. The actors in these films are convincing too. The sets were real and hand built. The script doesn't take the drivers seat when telling the story.


You could watch Alien on mute and still "get" it.

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You could watch Alien on mute and still "get" it.

Well that's a very good point, in fact the first time I saw it, it was on mute, of sorts: I was at a drive in movie theater with my mom intending to watch some Disney flick, but I happened to look over at the neighboring screen and my life changed forever. Imagine the mark the chestburster scene made on my impressionable 6 year old mind! :emotawesomepm9:

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hm dunno, while that latest trailer does make its impression, I'm still worried this will turn out to be crappy.


the story seems pretty much completely laid out in the trailer - meat bags find alien treasure map from ancient civilization artifacts (snore...), go to planet, discover stuff they can't comprehend, the German dude is a meanie nazi and does genetic experiments, mutant with ambivalent connection to humanity is created, tries to drive his limo to earth, survivors gotta stop him heroically and die in the process. Deep.


As for the visuals, i'll never accept those contemporary gesture/multitouch interfaces they're using. Give those guys CRT monitors.



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Guest Gary C
You could watch Alien on mute and still "get" it.

Well that's a very good point, in fact the first time I saw it, it was on mute, of sorts: I was at a drive in movie theater with my mom intending to watch some Disney flick, but I happened to look over at the neighboring screen and my life changed forever. Imagine the mark the chestburster scene made on my impressionable 6 year old mind! :emotawesomepm9:

My first experience with an adult film; I replaced the VHS of Bambi with my dad's copy of Predator he'd recorded. Terminator, Alien and some Van Damme films quickly followed.

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You could watch Alien on mute and still "get" it.

Well that's a very good point, in fact the first time I saw it, it was on mute, of sorts: I was at a drive in movie theater with my mom intending to watch some Disney flick, but I happened to look over at the neighboring screen and my life changed forever. Imagine the mark the chestburster scene made on my impressionable 6 year old mind! :emotawesomepm9:


Yep I watched Alien at a very young age maybe 9 (without my mums consent, she went fucking nuts lol) and it really effected me badly for weeks afterwards. I'd never seen a REAL horror film before. The film twisted and warped my imagination and I couldn't sleep peacefully for ages. Even when I watch it now I remember the deep fear it injected into me, even the scene when Ash attacks Ripley freaked me out as sheer violence towards women wasn't something I was acustomed to, what with him spazzzing out and his head being bashed off and white goo flying everywhere my imagination was getting truely fucked over lol.

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I'm probably just reading into things way too much, but this caught my eye in the trailer:






dude that's a vagina.


of course it is. Everything Giger does is either a penis or a vagina or both.


you're so right. that penile vain in the alien's head.....! this is some serious psychological shit. this giger fellow has tapped into some sort of deep fear of sex and exploited it. notice there are no boob-like creatures, because no one is afriad of boobs. we are only afraid of privates that are hidden all day and excrete goo.

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looks visually great but i still think he's committing the one sin he never should have, i.e "theorizing" on the origins of the xenomorphs and space jockeys. which kind of ruins them as their mystery was half the point.

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