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South Korea buries a million pigs alive

Guest Iain C

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You could tell your average South Korean man-about-town, 'hey, those pigs are at least as intelligent as dogs' and said South Korean would just go "mmm, dogs."


But seriously, fuck this disgusting bullshit. I know a lot of workers involved are pretty traumatized. I'd probably have already killed myself were I one of them.

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got a vegan mate who is obsessed with korean cinema and keeps blagging me about the films an actors he knows full well that i've never heard of, cant wait to tell him this on his birthday bash tomorrow



didnt they do something horrific to pigs in Israel too? I really couldnt stomach the youtube vid to find out


pigs are as cleaver as dogs and cats and they really are treated like shit by humans more than almost any other animal apart from chickens

i doubt it, pigs are are hardly mainstream here, mostly grown privately by christian arabs

you can pick on kosher butchering though..

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got a vegan mate who is obsessed with korean cinema and keeps blagging me about the films an actors he knows full well that i've never heard of, cant wait to tell him this on his birthday bash tomorrow



didnt they do something horrific to pigs in Israel too? I really couldnt stomach the youtube vid to find out


pigs are as cleaver as dogs and cats and they really are treated like shit by humans more than almost any other animal apart from chickens

i doubt it, pigs are are hardly mainstream here, mostly grown privately by christian arabs

you can pick on kosher butchering though..


my bad it was egypt and it was worse than korea

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when we make a conscious effort not to kill we utilize an advanced mechanism within ourselves, deep in our hearts which expresses something past instinct and the blind passion of survival.

this in turn can inspire the wantings in us to co-create a solution for pain sorrow and suffering wherever we may find it, whether it be humans, animals, insects or plants.

we can always find examples of unkindness and killing, this is not the point. the point is to observe these examples together and become inspired to create the

conditions for solution.being overwhelmed by the problems in the world is a natural reaction when faced with such atrocities as we face, but this should

never diminish our god given right to dream for something better. we can support each other in this.



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no one wants to take me up on the ants thing?


in every walmart, hardware store, and even many supermarkets, you'll find an entire section devoted to poisoning ants. sugar+borax is the most popular choice. it kills the ants by shredding their insides as they eat. they die of dehydration.


every day millions of ants are killed this way.


facts about ants:


- the animal with the largest brain in proportion to its size is the ant.

- ants are farmers. ants keep and maintain their own food stores. some ants actively cultivate mushrooms and fungus, feeding them with freshly-cut plant material and keeping it free from pests and molds.

- ant colony queens can live for 20 years.

- ants engage in complex social behavior, form hierarchies, act collectively to achieve common goals, wage colony-vs-colony wars, and even engage in slavery.

- ants are engineers. they build massive underground tunnel systems with specific chambers for different uses.


so, why does no one have a second thought about mass ant genocide? what makes them any less worthy of life than pigs?


This is a very good thought experiment. It really brings up some existential issues to being an animal with a theory of mind. Makes me think that our eschatological end is explicitly unhuman. Let me elaborate:


Trying to spiritually rationalize mass pig killing (and for that matter, industrial agricultural), as well as ant poisoning brought me to a crossroads where I think something along the line of original sin comes into play. If one believes that there may have been some period of humanity long ago in which we were still animals, wholly part of nature (the metaphorical garden of eden) and consciousness hadn't broken our connection to nature, then, back in those times, we were equals with pigs and ants.


The path of technology, however, has put us into a half-life between animal and god, where the emergent product of all humans interacting over time has spiritually and physically cut us off from our source. In this state, spiritually justifying the subjugation of fellow life forms is just as hard as spiritually explaining why we even participate in technology to begin with.


My belief is that to be free of this hypocrisy is to be free of flesh.


I'd like to continue but I have to run.

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Ants break into my house and eat my food.

Pigs don't.

If the ants didn't want to get fucked with, they shouldn't have fucked with me.


Also, the sound of thousands of pigs screaming is awful. I can't imagine having to see that in person. What exactly was the reasoning behind this?




Either way, Fuck Korea.



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Guest hahathhat

There's a difference between bugs and animals, probably the reason.


is it just the size? the ease with which they're killed and swept away? if humans were 100x bigger than pigs, would it be different?


please elaborate on your reasoning, i'm genuinely interested.


if bugs were as big as pigs, then they'd really, REALLY need to be killed. here's why




KILL IT love it like a brother as it is one of god's creatures!@!!


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Guest hahathhat

god damn that pig wail is deafening.... time to turn on my sampler


eeesh dude :cerious:


it certainly garners an emotional reaction!


edit: WATMM pig genocide album?

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Guest ezkerraldean

one more reason i'm glad i don't eat meat


now a word from our sponsor

to be fair, the fact that this is so sickening does make it pretty metal...

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Guest hahathhat

i bought bacon because of the FREE AT LAST thread. now, today, WATMM tells me i should not have bought bacon. MAKE UP YOUR MIND GUYS

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i bought bacon because of the FREE AT LAST thread. now, today, WATMM tells me i should not have bought bacon. MAKE UP YOUR MIND GUYS


you should go bury it in your backyard.

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