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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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I keep turning down possible relationships with lovely, sweet women because I've had a ridiculous crush on one of my friends for most of this year.. and yet I don't want to tell her my feelings because we work together and it'll make things super awkward. :facepalm:

I probably need to do it though. Even just for the rejectionshe always says she's happier being single but I never listen!

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My boss just:


1. Called a meeting in my office

2. Gave me an urgent assignment

3. Handed all employees, including me, their paycheck

4. Said unfortunately you're all fired because I can't make the next paycheck because my daughter has a wedding

5. Said that hopefully you'll all stay and do work for me and maybe I can pay you again if I get more money but we'll see I am not promising anything and I don't owe you anything and what I just said should insulate me from any legal liability over your termination

6. Berated us for not doing everything for him

7. Said you are young and can afford it

8. Stared at me blankly when I told him I have $200,000 in law school debt and need to pay for my own goddamn wedding because I don't have rich asshole parents

9. Gave me another assignment

10. Left work for the day and told us all to give him work product on Monday

Psychopath. Blessing in diguise. Anything's better.

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Yeah that's some crazy shit baph. Time to move on!


modey, you can broach the idea subtly without overtly expressing the true extent of your feelings.

Yeah, I can't quite figure out how though. I don't even think she's interested, but every now and then we have a moment where it seems like she might be. I keep telling myself that I'll say something at the end of next week, just before christmas breakI have two weeks off so maybe any awkwardness will dissipate in that timebut I probably won't because I'm a pussy.
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four words: "wanna grab a coffee?"



If you ask and fail then whatever. You tried and you can smile knowing that you did what you could.


If you don't ask, then you will writhe and groan on your sweat-soaked deathbed and in the moments before you die your parallel would-be life will play out in your the theater of your mind in black-and-white with quaint little swing music and instead of grasping her hand in your final moments your death will go completely unnoticed until a week later when the mailman smells you through the mail slot.


Or maybe not. But either way you should do something.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

i agree with limpy, modey. there was this girl that i knew that i really enjoyed talking to. really funny, smart, pretty, and we agreed on just about everything. but i never asked her out, i regret it every day. whats the worst that can happen? she says no. thats it. youll have closure and wont regret anything.



Edit: oh and baph, forget that shit. you owe that guy jack shit. find another job. itll be hard and you might make less money. but at least youll make something.

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Apparently I'm the only person my now-ex-girlfriend can talk to about breaking up with me and how much it sucks :fail:


I'm too damn nice for my own good.

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sadly meds don't teach you how to stop bottling up your emotions and encourage you to do so. i'm feeling a nervous breakdown coming on.


Sounds like you have lorazapam or alprazolam or something like that?


I found that it's best to not take it every day if possible. If you can go a day or two in between then your feelings won't get clogged up.

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Apparently I'm the only person my now-ex-girlfriend can talk to about breaking up with me and how much it sucks :fail:


I'm too damn nice for my own good.


Sorry to hear that. Though I have no relationship experience to speak of, I can relate to how being a "nice guy" has disadvantages.



And Glunk, if you're having bottled-up emotions, don't be afraid to talk about them with people you trust. Or fellow online community members you trust.

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I need to go to the bathroom but i share it with 3 fat people who are constantly having diarrhea and its always occupied, i had to pee in a bottle multiple times, its crazy.
yo303 that sounds like a stinky situation. you prob deserve it.
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i love piss bottles. just a refined and aristocratic way to deal with a full bladder.


edit: no sarcasm here folks



Definitely refined, classy almost..

I mean... without a bottle you're just pissing all over yourself or your house like a savage. lol

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i got my first B since elementary school D:



I'm about to encounter the same thing, going to get a B in sociology of work and industry.. =(


cheer up though, a B is likely better than many of your peers. :happy:


edit: that last part sounded kind of snooty. I just meant a B is still a relatively good grade.

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