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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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Future mother-in-law, and kid sister-in-law are visiting my fiancé and I for the weekend, I'm surrounded by estrogen in our apartment... Her sister is 15 and extremely obnoxious and whiney (typical teenage girl bullshit) She also insists on taking over the living room TV, so she can play The Last of Us. I don't know what it is about it, but I really can't stand watching people who suck at video games playing them, I mean she REALLY sucks at this game even on Easy. To make matters worse she whines about it being hard and getting stuck, but won't listen to my advice on how to play it "Upgrade your damn gun... Look around for more ammo... You can't punch clickers you need a weapon or have to shoot them!" To which she says "Stop bossing me, I got it, just let me play jeez" BITCH, I HAVE BEATEN THIS GAME ON A MUCH HIGHER DIFFICULTY 4 TIMES ALREADY, FUCKING LISTEN TO ME OR STOP WHINING AND GET OFF MY PS4!

Edited by ghOsty
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I'm depressed*, but not at the absolute shithole pit of depression, and feeling kind of withdrawn and unable to be sufficiently happy around my wife, and I'm anxious due to job stress, and my digestive system is accordingly quite fucked, and all I want to do is go home and take a nap with my dumb cat purring away because it's the only thing that helps, somehow, probably because I know that he has no expectations of me other than being a useful living pillow




*and writing about it makes me feel like an attention seeking douchebag but I have to write it somewhere for some reason, pls ignore


It sounds like you need a reset or vacation... Maybe just asking about how your wifes day has been while hanging with the cat and enjoying some take-out or tea might be all that you need feel a little more happy and connected, or better yet and/or with that suggestion - surprise her with something and the smile and excitement that radiates off can be a big boost. I know it's probably not stemming from her, but being your partner she may be able to play a big help if you're maybe more open about your issues with what you are stressed about. It always makes me happy to make others happy... Also, this is another lame one - Maybe try going for a long-ass walk or a jog when you can, endorphins and excersize can do a lot for digestive and emotional issues, I was shocked how much happier I became by just running a few times a week and cutting out caffeine.


Disclaimer- I'm turning 24 in a few days, I have never been married, work in an industrial cannabis grow, I have never had a successful long-term relationship that didn't end in horror and I enjoy my cat and plants more than people most of the time... but one thing I do know is breaking out of funks. Generally it's a scenic location away from people in my home of the Pacific NW, maybe with a few close friends, some psychedelics, entactogens, booze and no cellphones or technology besides a tent, supplies and fire to cook stuff and stay warm. It doesn't work for everyone and I don't suggest it to anyone who doesn't want to try it, but it helps me quite a bit on a bi-to-once a year occasion.


hope this helps a little, and please don't chastise me too much for my pansy answers to real problems. :beer:


Psychadelics yes, very gourd.


Your advice is pretty much the same I would give, spot on.


Baph feel better soon, I hate getting into a funk like that...

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The "reset" answer is a good one for some people. But sometimes you're in a situation that you can't "reset" from. Or it puts your day-to-day in even starker contrast (leading to more sads). So while I definitely encourage getting the fuck out and giving yourself a break, I'll also add this.


Don't feel bad about feeling bad. Depression is a bitch and one of its oldest tricks is to make you feel like you failed because you're sad. That's just not true. Reach out and get some help. If you feel sad for no reason, it's not your fault. A shitty problem has taken up residence in you and has hurt your perspective. If you have recurring problems with depression, get therapy and decide if you want to try meds. These are the only things that have helped me in my day-to-day. Trips have changed my life and given me joy, but when you're back, you still have to deal with stuff.


Good luck man, I feel for you. PM if you wanna talk.

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^^^ I totally agree with the above. I added the disclaimer as most people have more going on in their lives than I - and my problems are solved in a fairly juvenile way most of the time. I can only offer what little has worked for me.


I hope ya feel batter baph!


Future mother-in-law, and kid sister-in-law are visiting my fiancé and I for the weekend, I'm surrounded by estrogen in our apartment... Her sister is 15 and extremely obnoxious and whiney (typical teenage girl bullshit) She also insists on taking over the living room TV, so she can play The Last of Us. I don't know what it is about it, but I really can't stand watching people who suck at video games playing them, I mean she REALLY sucks at this game even on Easy. To make matters worse she whines about it being hard and getting stuck, but won't listen to my advice on how to play it "Upgrade your damn gun... Look around for more ammo... You can't punch clickers you need a weapon or have to shoot them!" To which she says "Stop bossing me, I got it, just let me play jeez" BITCH, I HAVE BEATEN THIS GAME ON A MUCH HIGHER DIFFICULTY 4 TIMES ALREADY, FUCKING LISTEN TO ME OR STOP WHINING AND GET OFF MY PS4!


Give her 50 bucks and send her to the mall. Problem solved for at least 8 hours.

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^^^ I totally agree with the above. I added the disclaimer as most people have more going on in their lives than I - and my problems are solved in a fairly juvenile way most of the time. I can only offer what little has worked for me.


I hope ya feel batter baph!


Future mother-in-law, and kid sister-in-law are visiting my fiancé and I for the weekend, I'm surrounded by estrogen in our apartment... Her sister is 15 and extremely obnoxious and whiney (typical teenage girl bullshit) She also insists on taking over the living room TV, so she can play The Last of Us. I don't know what it is about it, but I really can't stand watching people who suck at video games playing them, I mean she REALLY sucks at this game even on Easy. To make matters worse she whines about it being hard and getting stuck, but won't listen to my advice on how to play it "Upgrade your damn gun... Look around for more ammo... You can't punch clickers you need a weapon or have to shoot them!" To which she says "Stop bossing me, I got it, just let me play jeez" BITCH, I HAVE BEATEN THIS GAME ON A MUCH HIGHER DIFFICULTY 4 TIMES ALREADY, FUCKING LISTEN TO ME OR STOP WHINING AND GET OFF MY PS4!


Give her 50 bucks and send her to the mall. Problem solved for at least 8 hours.


She's 15 that won't even buy a half gram of coke to last her 2hrs nevermind 8!



Edited by StephenG
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^^^ I totally agree with the above. I added the disclaimer as most people have more going on in their lives than I - and my problems are solved in a fairly juvenile way most of the time. I can only offer what little has worked for me.


I hope ya feel batter baph!


Future mother-in-law, and kid sister-in-law are visiting my fiancé and I for the weekend, I'm surrounded by estrogen in our apartment... Her sister is 15 and extremely obnoxious and whiney (typical teenage girl bullshit) She also insists on taking over the living room TV, so she can play The Last of Us. I don't know what it is about it, but I really can't stand watching people who suck at video games playing them, I mean she REALLY sucks at this game even on Easy. To make matters worse she whines about it being hard and getting stuck, but won't listen to my advice on how to play it "Upgrade your damn gun... Look around for more ammo... You can't punch clickers you need a weapon or have to shoot them!" To which she says "Stop bossing me, I got it, just let me play jeez" BITCH, I HAVE BEATEN THIS GAME ON A MUCH HIGHER DIFFICULTY 4 TIMES ALREADY, FUCKING LISTEN TO ME OR STOP WHINING AND GET OFF MY PS4!


Give her 50 bucks and send her to the mall. Problem solved for at least 8 hours.


She's 15 that won't even buy a half gram of coke to last her 2hrs nevermind 8!




lol I'm not about to give her a single dollar though, she's spoiled enough...

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^^^ I totally agree with the above. I added the disclaimer as most people have more going on in their lives than I - and my problems are solved in a fairly juvenile way most of the time. I can only offer what little has worked for me.


I hope ya feel batter baph!


Future mother-in-law, and kid sister-in-law are visiting my fiancé and I for the weekend, I'm surrounded by estrogen in our apartment... Her sister is 15 and extremely obnoxious and whiney (typical teenage girl bullshit) She also insists on taking over the living room TV, so she can play The Last of Us. I don't know what it is about it, but I really can't stand watching people who suck at video games playing them, I mean she REALLY sucks at this game even on Easy. To make matters worse she whines about it being hard and getting stuck, but won't listen to my advice on how to play it "Upgrade your damn gun... Look around for more ammo... You can't punch clickers you need a weapon or have to shoot them!" To which she says "Stop bossing me, I got it, just let me play jeez" BITCH, I HAVE BEATEN THIS GAME ON A MUCH HIGHER DIFFICULTY 4 TIMES ALREADY, FUCKING LISTEN TO ME OR STOP WHINING AND GET OFF MY PS4!


Give her 50 bucks and send her to the mall. Problem solved for at least 8 hours.


She's 15 that won't even buy a half gram of coke to last her 2hrs nevermind 8!




lol I'm not about to give her a single dollar though, she's spoiled enough...



Get mommy to fork out some cash to get the brat out of your hair-- There must be a way!


Also, the price of cocaine must be insane in Canada if 50 can't buy you a half gram StephyG. I don't party like that but maaaan that is gouging.

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^^^ I totally agree with the above. I added the disclaimer as most people have more going on in their lives than I - and my problems are solved in a fairly juvenile way most of the time. I can only offer what little has worked for me.


I hope ya feel batter baph!


Future mother-in-law, and kid sister-in-law are visiting my fiancé and I for the weekend, I'm surrounded by estrogen in our apartment... Her sister is 15 and extremely obnoxious and whiney (typical teenage girl bullshit) She also insists on taking over the living room TV, so she can play The Last of Us. I don't know what it is about it, but I really can't stand watching people who suck at video games playing them, I mean she REALLY sucks at this game even on Easy. To make matters worse she whines about it being hard and getting stuck, but won't listen to my advice on how to play it "Upgrade your damn gun... Look around for more ammo... You can't punch clickers you need a weapon or have to shoot them!" To which she says "Stop bossing me, I got it, just let me play jeez" BITCH, I HAVE BEATEN THIS GAME ON A MUCH HIGHER DIFFICULTY 4 TIMES ALREADY, FUCKING LISTEN TO ME OR STOP WHINING AND GET OFF MY PS4!


Give her 50 bucks and send her to the mall. Problem solved for at least 8 hours.


She's 15 that won't even buy a half gram of coke to last her 2hrs nevermind 8!




lol I'm not about to give her a single dollar though, she's spoiled enough...



Get mommy to fork out some cash to get the brat out of your hair-- There must be a way!


Also, the price of cocaine must be insane in Canada if 50 can't buy you a half gram StephyG. I don't party like that but maaaan that is gouging.



I don't party like that either!


But the economy here is strong so like other commodities yeah the price of hard drugs is high. Dealer price for bricked, really high quality stuff is about 30k/lb so once it hits the streets it's about 100/g.


Guess that could be a fwp if I was a cokie

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Every time I try to move a folder in Windows from one place to other I get that "this folder is being used by another program" bullshit. Turns out explorer.exe itself won't let me handle that folder, cause of some thumbnail bullshit. Google a solution to this stupid problem, it involves global policy edits which I can't do with my version of Windows. Try to fix with the registry editor, the subfolder I'm supossed to access is nowhere to be seen. I CAN'T FUCKING MOVE A FOLDER IN WINDOWS 8 DUE TO RETARDED SOFTWARE DESIGN. This might be the moment I switch to Linux or something I swear to god. Fuck Windows in its fucking forehead

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Every time I try to move a folder in Windows from one place to other I get that "this folder is being used by another program" bullshit. Turns out explorer.exe itself won't let me handle that folder, cause of some thumbnail bullshit. Google a solution to this stupid problem, it involves global policy edits which I can't do with my version of Windows. Try to fix with the registry editor, the subfolder I'm supossed to access is nowhere to be seen. I CAN'T FUCKING MOVE A FOLDER IN WINDOWS 8 DUE TO RETARDED SOFTWARE DESIGN. This might be the moment I switch to Linux or something I swear to god. Fuck Windows in its fucking forehead


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4 days without coffee... decided to take a week off now that I'm done with classes for good and spent the first days with a gigantic headache. Now that I'm over this phase I just feel worn out. *whine*

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Lies !!


I have one coffee, and before i know it i'm tired all the time and having multiple coffees a day to no effect. Stay strong sans caffeine !! Go for regular exercise instead.


(no offence fenton mate [-;)

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Every time I try to move a folder in Windows from one place to other I get that "this folder is being used by another program" bullshit. Turns out explorer.exe itself won't let me handle that folder, cause of some thumbnail bullshit. Google a solution to this stupid problem, it involves global policy edits which I can't do with my version of Windows. Try to fix with the registry editor, the subfolder I'm supossed to access is nowhere to be seen. I CAN'T FUCKING MOVE A FOLDER IN WINDOWS 8 DUE TO RETARDED SOFTWARE DESIGN. This might be the moment I switch to Linux or something I swear to god. Fuck Windows in its fucking forehead




Thanks man! What I ended up doing is disabling thumbnail previews

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i went an entire year without buckfast (or in fact any caffiene apart from the odd can of coke) until a party last weekend where i had 3 bottles (at 750ml, with 37.5mg of caffiene per 100ml, or about 25 cups of coffee) and then spent the entire week having heart palpitations. holy fucking shit does that stuff make you feel incredible though.

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