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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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Ugh... I relistened to it after having an internet break, and it's even worse than I thought! I might be out of my element with this one.


did they ask for "dubstep" ? :emotawesomepm9:



lol, yes, in a roundabout way. They wanted something "modern" sounding, and used examples featuring cheesy brostep synth wankery. Today I added the brostep synth wank, and that's what lead to it becoming the worst thing I ever did --it replaced the vibraphone-ish meldy I had in there prior, which was admittedly prob not the best choice either. Anyway, I added a filter on that obnoxious brostep part, added some delay to it's rhythmic synth counterpart, and now it sounds weirdly cohesive.


lol, good on you

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Ugh... I relistened to it after having an internet break, and it's even worse than I thought! I might be out of my element with this one.


did they ask for "dubstep" ? :emotawesomepm9:



lol, yes, in a roundabout way. They wanted something "modern" sounding, and used examples featuring cheesy brostep synth wankery. Today I added the brostep synth wank, and that's what lead to it becoming the worst thing I ever did --it replaced the vibraphone-ish meldy I had in there prior, which was admittedly prob not the best choice either. Anyway, I added a filter on that obnoxious brostep part, added some delay to it's rhythmic synth counterpart, and now it sounds weirdly cohesive.



Post it here!

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free upgrade HTC M8 or LG G3. ive gone for the G3, evn tho ive had a one x for years due to better screen and removable battery so i can have 2 batteries for travelling. i really hope ive made the right choice



also cant decide if the slight loss in sound quality by using software to normalise all my DJ tracks, which makes them sound a bit worse on my monitors to my ears can be heard or even bothered about on sound system with people on drugs. i was up till 4 last night a/b ing stuff. i realised this morning that my sound system is probably clearer than the average rig so it just probably is worth it so i dont have to up-gain older tracks mixed with new brick-walled stuff.



but my brain just can get over how the original sounds a bit clearer.

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What if you just brought down the volume on the brickwalled stuff so that dynamic stuff can maintain its clarity?


My head aches slightly due to last night's drinking. Also, wearing a dress feels a little too comfortable.

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What if you just brought down the volume on the brickwalled stuff so that dynamic stuff can maintain its clarity?


My head aches slightly due to last night's drinking. Also, wearing a dress feels a little too comfortable.


thats the idea of the software, make everything -12.5db for me so i dont need to worry when djing.. suspiciously under the -12.5db number tho is the word 'limiter character' with another number. and i dont like the output as much. it does something to sound. I CAN HEAR IT DAMN IT :dry:


whether anyone else could here it tho. who knows. but its bugging me.

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Got one of those 'things in your Discogs wishlist for sale' emails this morning while on the train to work.


Contained an item that is near impossible to get hold of by an artist I'm a bit fanatical about for a very reasonable price.


This was 6am, I messaged the seller asking if he could reserve it for me until Friday when I have some money.


Finished my 7am to 8pm shift and read the reply message. He would've been happy to hold it for me but somebody bought the item an hour after I sent the message and a few hours before he read it.


I am disappoint.

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I my latest attempt at a tune style thing I'm working on my phone and rode to the pub to listen to it but it isn't on my phone . Must have forgot.





Tune will show up again, man.

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I'm stuck at a table in the Hackney Picturehouse bar next to a couple of Nathan Barley's. Totally fricken Mexico.


*makes finger gun, mimes shooting self in face*


mime shooting them instead. More satisfying. Then again they might catch you doing it and perceive it as a cue from some mating ritual.

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When you don't drink and everyone else in the known world does, you might as well being saying 'go fuck yourself and your mother', what with some of the looks I get when I politely turn down drinks or nights out getting wasted every day of the week. I thought alcohol was optional? When did it become mandatory? I don't mind a vodka and coke but man, fuck off with your endless nights out spending all my cash! I'm fine hanging out being sober and not broke.


Plus, the whole thing about 'it tastes better the more you drink it' is pretty stupid. This faulty logic can apply to everything inedible: dogshit, arsenic, copper wiring...if you endlessly force yourself to imbibe something you don't like, of course you'll eventually find it delicious, like some kind of Stockholm Syndrome of the taste buds. 'You'll find it delicious when you grow up' my arse.


And don't get me started on Guinness. Is Guinness Irish for 'sawdust'?


(am I anti-social enough yet)

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Not sure I know what you mean but, to me, yes.


There's three of them and they've been my holy grail for the last few years.


Even finding downloads of them was a long and drawn out quest.

There's only three examples in existence?



I'm really curious to know what this is...

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@ Spiral, I lurf ur new avatar bby.


Audioblysk 1st world problem - I am taking a month off work in march to go stay for two weeks in Vietnam, a friend owns a place out in Halong Bay and all I have to do is grab the ticket, then from there I fly to Mexico to go to Ciudad Del Carmen and make my way up to Jalisco to end up at Yelapa to cap it off in a house a few friends are renting with myself.


Only problem here is, I'm not sure how well my work is going to take it, I have to start stacking cheddar to keep my rent and bills payed off + miss a month of work and be traveling and -- I've never been on vacation and I may never come back.

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Job hunting fucking sucks... Thought I was getting a decent job doing sales at a car rental attached to the local airport, nailed the interviews etc, then in the background check process they found out I had a reckless driving charge from 2011 and said they had to cancel the offer because it's within the last 36 months. Now back to trudging through job postings, etc.

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I have an incredibly fucking problem with concentration. It's not that I can't focus on stuff, I can, and deeply, but there are sooo many stuffs I want to do that I don't know where to start! I already mentioned this earlier in this thread, so I'm sorry if I sound obnoxious, but it' really fucking with my mental health :(

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