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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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I swear there's some certain something missing in this track I finished (potentially) last month... but every extra thing i add kills the vibe completely. I don't know if I'm just psyching myself out over it needing something extra. Usually the answers are obvious, but this time I am uncertain! What does it mean???? *has early midlife crisis*

Edited by Zephyr_Nova
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I swear there's some certain something missing in this track I finished (potentially) last month... but every extra thing i add kills the vibe completely. I don't know if I'm just psyching myself out over it needing something extra. Usually the answers are obvious, but this time I am uncertain! What does it mean???? *has early midlife crisis*

Link me up in a PM. I'd love to give some feedback or hear what you've got goin' on! =D

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Thanks for the interest, SG. I think I found the solution, which ended up being super subtle, but it fixed the track for me... I think. I've been thinking about posting something in YLC, so perhaps I'll do that with this one --will give you the head's up if I post it!

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lol bundy rum i'm having to change my day around. and apparently they've found that alcohol helps reset the time keeping part of ones minds, that's why it works so well for airline pilots (frightenmare). It's my holidays you see, i need to drive in the day because in the night where i am going is especially after the preceding few months drought going to leave a verge filled with 30-80 kilo bouncy marsupials one will have to be in constant waking awareness of whilst floating along at 130.


nwae, drink = slightly less verbose dleet = time to attack parasites

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I'm spending the day fucking about on my laptop in a coffee shop keeping my fiance company while she does phone-in training meetings all day, it's fucking cold in this shop...

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Literary agency finally gotten back to me with negative results. And while the rejection email is flattering of my book, I can't help but feel it's an mad lib form that all rejections get. Especially since my book 'stood out from the rest they received' yet it took them 5 months, two months longer than they state on their website, to get back in touch.


Oh well, time to begin the cycle again.

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Just starting the third week of my west coast US trip and a couple of times I've been unable to muster more than a couple of beers in the evening without feeling sick with stomach pains. takes me back to when I had a stomach ulcer. I'm taking omeprazole and zantac but its still bugging me. I guess it's excessive eating and drinking that's doing it but I don't really want to stop that till I get home. Portland brewery tour today.

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My psycho ex sent me a passive-agressive tweet. I still haven't ruled out the posibility of her going fully nuts one day and stabbing me in the chest in the middle of the street.


That's what restraining orders are for...

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I suck at my job and I didn't realize it until I took on more responsibility than I could handle. I'm finally getting some help now that the project is almost done. I see a light at the end of the tunnel now but I still feel like a piece of shit. Upside is, I learned a lot. Nothing I could put on a resume for when I get fired though.

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My psycho ex sent me a passive-agressive tweet. I still haven't ruled out the posibility of her going fully nuts one day and stabbing me in the chest in the middle of the street.

Post the text.

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My psycho ex sent me a passive-agressive tweet. I still haven't ruled out the posibility of her going fully nuts one day and stabbing me in the chest in the middle of the street.


That's what restraining orders are for...



If she's willing to stab him in the street I doubt a piece of paper will do anything to prevent bloody murder. Unless the paper is thick enough to stop knives.

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I suck at my job and I didn't realize it until I took on more responsibility than I could handle. I'm finally getting some help now that the project is almost done. I see a light at the end of the tunnel now but I still feel like a piece of shit. Upside is, I learned a lot. Nothing I could put on a resume for when I get fired though.

Ah but as long as you don't get fired, then you still learnt how to do shit, even if it was the hard way. So you're better prepared for future work-based shitstorms. I tend to get thrown in at the deep end too but fortunately have not messed anything up enough to lose my job over


In other news, my rose cuttings haven't rooted yet so I might not be able to plant them before cold weather comes, sadface

Edited by Tricone RC
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