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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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guy at work dropping fucking grenades into the toilet bowl. I can't go in there these days without either suffocating on his dank assfumes or hearing his asshole choke and splutter like a fucked motorbike exhaust. I think i spoke about it before, its been going on for about a year, it's now as as if my co-workers accept it, it doesn't even phase them he jams the u-bend with a horrific log, doesn't bother flushing and then walks out saying ''Damn that was a load off''

Still haunted by that

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Or just not allowed back into the workplace until they've been through a societal graces reeducation camp. You'll find that after that they'll indicate when needing to change lanes and all sorts of things we deem as sensible etiquette. Also, they should be barred from ever owning a pet, owning a large motor vehicle (this would end the ownership of such vehicles because only these types of inconsiderate douchetrolls are attracted by said status symbols for the residents mental farselandia). If they fail to heed the directions towards rehabilitation received at societal graces camp, well then, the little pack of C4 that we implant in base of their skull goes off, the detonation sending a spray of splintered spinal column to ricochet around the interior of the cranial cavity turning the failed humon's brain to inert fatty paste; or we could just let chen draw and quarter them.

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Guest jasondonervan

People who don't flush should be drawn and quartered.


If there is one life lesson that should be instilled into every child as soon as they are old enough to understand it is thus:


"Leave a toilet as you would expect to find it."


Sadly this logic seems to have escaped a certain sub-set of lower tier humankind, who firmly believe it is their right to defecate in/desecrate any communal toilet facilities they may stumble into on their miserable path through life without consequence. Abhorrent behaviour.

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The room we have at my job to host writing workshops actually has a sign that asks people to leave it as they would expect to find it. But after one of those workshops, that's mainly attended by feminine students, there always are sheets and tea bags all around the table. I have to take care of this every time. Not only they seem not to care about leaving a room clean but those people that attend FREE workshops about WRITING apparently aren't even able to READ the fucking sign.


What's even more infuriating is that we also host workshops for teenagers and young adults in rehabilitation programmes who DO leave the room pristine. They also are quiet.


Damn I really want to hit those spoiled chicks in the face. :catnope:

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Don't worry, the type of erk that they would go for as a boyfriend probably already has. They even no doubt have fallen down a stair or two in their time.




This is incorrect and they carry on with a charmed life oblivious of concepts like responsibility and justice, at least when it's them creating the mess, because all people like this are hypocrites.

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Ctrl+mouse scroll wheel. Maybe it remembers one time where you made the search font bigger, like to zoom in on a picture without pressing into it to display the result, eyebrowraise.gif

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Getting married next year, the missus' family is split by numerous feuds - parents separated, dad used to be a twat but is good now but mom's family hate him, dad's new family is totally blameless but might feel awkward, stepdad is an all-round miserable cunt who might start a fight for no reason, step-uncle is generally very nice but hates dad, stepdad and randomly hates a great uncle too, grandad is nice but might say something racist, several drug addicts on mom's side who might turn up off their tits on smack or just steal things



So do we painstakingly pick-and-choose who to invite, to avoid bad feeling? Or just say fuck it, invite them all and just let them get on with it?



PS you're all invited WATMM


I'd say just call off the wedding. Her DNA line is obviously not destined for great things.

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Getting married next year, the missus' family is split by numerous feuds - parents separated, dad used to be a twat but is good now but mom's family hate him, dad's new family is totally blameless but might feel awkward, stepdad is an all-round miserable cunt who might start a fight for no reason, step-uncle is generally very nice but hates dad, stepdad and randomly hates a great uncle too, grandad is nice but might say something racist, several drug addicts on mom's side who might turn up off their tits on smack or just steal things



So do we painstakingly pick-and-choose who to invite, to avoid bad feeling? Or just say fuck it, invite them all and just let them get on with it?



PS you're all invited WATMM


I'd say just call off the wedding. Her DNA line is obviously not destined for great things.



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The first world problem's thread is 400 pages longer than the successes one. And to find the successes one, I had to go four pages back into the forum history.


So little satisfaction to be had...



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Painful. Maybe it's a new feature heh.


Must be google fucking with firefox - cause they went with Yahoo as their default search provider.

Google works fine in Safari - just hideous in Firefox.

ahhh fml, is there a good adblocker for safari? I don't even see youtube ads with ABP...

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looks fine on firefox for me. on my phone (android), on my ipad and on the PC (firefox, chrome, whatever)


No ABP for ios, only osx, damn. I thought i found one the other day when i was having a look which was on itunes called adblocker.

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Elektron's "black weeks" sale is ending on monday and I have no way to get $1444 together in order to buy a monomachine before then, when they go back up to $1699.. well, I do, since payday is tomorrow but I won't be able to eat for a month unless I sell some other stuff

Edited by modey
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