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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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Apparently my cat slept next to me last night and did that friendly paw-kneading thing all over my side, because this morning it is full of painful red holes.

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Still waiting on my new pair of glasses and in constant fear the glue on my current pair won't hold up when I'm riding a bike.

Got my prescription sunglasses fixed for 3USD.





While I was bitching, they actually came in. I just have to go into work early so I can leave early. This is turning into a first world success.

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I'm in a cheapo hotel/hostel in Costa Rica and I want to go to eat somewhere but there's some American girl having a meltdown outside my room and I'm too embarrassed to go out now.





A couple of months ago some guy I know sent me a message on Facebook. I did not read the message, but I thought I knew what he wanted to ask me, so I wrote back: "Sure thing, man!". Turns out I didn't know what he wanted to ask me, because he asked if I wanted to buy an Espro.

So, I accidently just bought another coffee brewer. I have like 5 different ones already.

Anyway, that was a couple of months ago and tonight I'm seeing him and some other guys, so I'm sure he's bringing the Espro and will ask for his money. God damnit.



Ok, so I tried the Espro last night. It was pretty fucking good. Such a nice and smooth cup of coffee.

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Accidentally kicked the door frame while walking barefoot while looking at my phone :catsob:


I think I actually broke my pinky toe, it's really swollen and I'd swear it's bent at an odd angle


It made me realize it's been a really long time since I've actually hurt myself... I'm not used to physical pain

Edited by ThatSpanishGuy
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I've got a monster of a jetlag. Oh jebus. And I had to do a phone interview for a job today.

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Power was out for over an hour in our building at work. And then at the end of the shift I nearly got in a collision in the company vehicle at an intersection because another driver tried to cut me off in the lane I was turning onto even though I had the right of way. Getting tired of idiot drivers here.

Can't let it ruin my day tho.

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generally the optimum time to wap your cock out is 3:21 into a conversation



my FWP is im using some weird linux browser while avast is cleaning up my computer from boot in the bg

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Goddamn C++ making me do the compiler's job... It's 2015, get rid of header files already, jesus


We have drones and virtual reality and fucking smarter than humans AI but C++ apparently can't figure out what to do when class A includes class B and class B also includes class A.... URGH

You probably figured it out by now but if not, look into inversion of control or dependency injection. If C++ supports class interfaces/inheritance I think it should work.
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The back of my chair has fallen just a centimeter or so backwards, which is an extremely uncomfortable angle, it's just a little too far back. So the way I used to lean back and rest when watching a movie is no longer possible, even though I can still lean back, it hurts my back sort of. I haven't bothered to get a new one since it works OK still

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im on a keto diet and ive only lost half a stone tuesday, since last friday, and now my weight loss has stopped. damn.



thats 14lbs or 6 kilos guys in five days. i mean wtf. i expected more

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six kilos in five days is actually really good. I lost a similar amount in six days before with no carbs and one vege+protein meal a day. Clearly there has to be a flattening off once you've shrunk the fat cells down a bit. If you're exercising you would hope to be putting on muscle which is heavier than fat. So nwae, 1-1.5 kilos a week from now on would be great. I don't see anyone on watmm as being overweight (except for me), so maybe you can't expect to drop much more eneewae.

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i was 12 stone... and im 5'4" (?) and i was getting it in the stomach area.. too much drinking... i have had chats with some peeps on here and a few months ago i was in a bit of a state really!


i feel fucking great now... apart from tiredness and a loss of libido (probably a good thing lol) especially now nicotine is gone as well.



good thing about keto diet is that alcohol is out of the question by default so its an extra bit of help for my willpower to rely on

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You should have a libido if you are exercising a lot. Two seem pretty connected i've found, i can only imagine what an olympic village is like (well except for the wieght lifters, heh). Of course you've just started on the path so it's all good.

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i've got a cold, went to work for two days of it stupidly, cause it just kept getting worse. Haven't had a bad arse cold like this in a while, luckily it's a day off today, now way i could have gone in and i'm the guy that never takes sick days, i've got hundreds of hours saved up. Nwae, will probably got to work this evening, should have settled down a bit by then.

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You should have a libido if you are exercising a lot. Two seem pretty connected i've found, i can only imagine what an olympic village is like (well except for the wieght lifters, heh). Of course you've just started on the path so it's all good.


its weird because my libido is like a younger brother that wont go away.


i gave up all alcohol, all nicotine, and went headfirst into keto with the skills of someone who knows what they are doing so maybe that has something to do with it

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