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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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If I type in "hip hop" or "hip-hop" into the watmm search I get 0 results.  However if I bastardize it by making it one unhyphenated word, I get over 100 results.  I hate it when things don't make any sense.




I've deduced that the search doesn't recognize three letter words... but if it's got quotations or a hyphen should that really matter?  Dumb.

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the across the street neighbor is getting his house painted the exact same color as the neighbor 2 houses down from me. 


this isn't a problem so much as it's fucking bewildering why this pastel light green color should be on 2 houses so close to one another and what the across the street neighbor is even thinking about doing that? 

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I've been slacking off in my new position at work and just got a lot of praise from my boss on the great work I'm doing. Makes me wonder how hard the previous guy was slacking.


This is probably a fws, sorry.



This has been happening to me for 3 years.

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the across the street neighbor is getting his house painted the exact same color as the neighbor 2 houses down from me. 


this isn't a problem so much as it's fucking bewildering why this pastel light green color should be on 2 houses so close to one another and what the across the street neighbor is even thinking about doing that? 


Maybe they know each other and happened upon a sweet wholesale paint offer or deal. Or one of them is afraid of being assassinated. 

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the across the street neighbor is getting his house painted the exact same color as the neighbor 2 houses down from me. 


this isn't a problem so much as it's fucking bewildering why this pastel light green color should be on 2 houses so close to one another and what the across the street neighbor is even thinking about doing that? 


Maybe they know each other and happened upon a sweet wholesale paint offer or deal. Or one of them is afraid of being assassinated. 



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my cellphone isn't recognising my data or wifi connection. can't browse wattem, can't get youtube to work. can't login to apps.



can't download an antivirus app


 i think i need to wipe it clean. feeling a bit  :wacko:  

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I've been slacking off in my new position at work and just got a lot of praise from my boss on the great work I'm doing. Makes me wonder how hard the previous guy was slacking.


This is probably a fws, sorry.



This has been happening to me for 3 years.



automation is key  :ok:  :music:

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the across the street neighbor is getting his house painted the exact same color as the neighbor 2 houses down from me. 


this isn't a problem so much as it's fucking bewildering why this pastel light green color should be on 2 houses so close to one another and what the across the street neighbor is even thinking about doing that? 



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my cellphone isn't recognising my data or wifi connection. can't browse wattem, can't get youtube to work. can't login to apps.



can't download an antivirus app


 i think i need to wipe it clean. feeling a bit  :wacko:  



i wiped my phone clean and internet started working again. as soon as i signed into my google account on my phone i got the same problems

was i hacked?  if i create another account i can't access the apps that i bought

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Crazy hours at my bullshit job and total disregard for work/life balance make it impossible to get anything outside of work done... Need to rant a bit.


Worked a 5pm-6am shift on Wednesday night setting up for a huge event, slept all fucking day then had to work 8:30pm-2am tonight, tomorrow I'm scheduled 12pm-5pm, don't have a day off all weekend.

Well I must have ran over something on Wednesday night, because on the way home my "Low Tire Pressure" warning light came on, back left tire was really low when I pulled in the gas station, filled it up enough to get home but noticed it was low again tonight while leaving for work, definitely a leak somewhere, fortunately my wife let me borrow her car for the night. I called my boss asking if I could have tomorrow off so I could go get my car fixed and at first on the phone she said, "alright I'll see what I can do." But then texted me like 10 minutes later saying, "a flat tire isn't a valid excuse to call in and that they need me to be there, and blah blah plenty of people don't have cars and make it to work... use public transportation or call an Uber...plus your shift isn't til 12pm you could drop it off in the morning and it'd be done by the end of your shift" (not if I want a decent night's sleep, and that's IF i could even be guaranteed to get it in to a mechanic before 12pm, plus I still need to jack it up and put a "donut" on and account for extra time to get there without a car) with the fucking hours I'm scheduled I'm gonna have to wait til Tuesday to get it in anywhere and get a new tire (fuck you Amanda!) 

I'm so fucking sick of this job's bullshit, this week is the nail in the coffin, I'm looking for new jobs and planning my exit ASAP.

Edited by ghOsty
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that sucks and is annoying as fuck and needlessly stressful. 


yesterday had my dog at the vet for ultrasound (has liver issue and gallbladder) and had to take him back today to do a test. so, 730 this morning about half mile from my house i'm behind a car and can't see far ahead down the road. big truck next to me. suddenly BIG rock.. bounces under my car loudly.. 20 seconds later i get the warning lights "STOP CAR - OIL PRESSURE" so i manage to limp into the shop which is fortunately on my way.. all the time hoping my engine doesn't seize.. 


made it.. so i grab up the dog and whatever junk in the car i need and get a Lyft to the vet.. drop off dog. get lyft back home.. get call from the shop w/quote of $590 for new oil pan and clean up of underside of car which is covered in oil. they might be able to finish it today. hope so because i work all weekend.


yay. so hopefully it's done before i need to go pick up my dog which is the far south side of town. i live in north portland so i have to drive through/around the city on friday afternoon in middle of traffic later to pick up Mr fantastic the wonder dog. 


if it's not done today then i lyft to get the dog.. lyft home.. bike to work tomorrow and sunday. 


on wednesday next week i'm having a medical procedure, cardiac ablation, where they go in through the femoral arteries with tiny cameras and tools and zap the little nodes inside the heart w/high freq radio waves or ultra cold freezing balloon thing.. so both my parents will be in town all week (they're divorced but act like adults) and my boss will watch my dog while i'm in hospital that day. 


all things considered it could be a lot more complicated or worse. 


but the last 12 or so months has been the universe saying "ah.. let's fuck w/this guy a while" or whatever asshole is controlling the simulation is mucking around w/stuff because bored and wants to see what happens. 

Edited by ignatius
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My chebureki came out all fucked up because I forgot to lube them last night before placing them in the Tupperware container. They got stuck together overnight and I had to surgically separate them with a plastic knife, with haphazard results. (Insert ancient Greece sex joke)

But all of them still got eaten at work, which is a relief.

Also car troubles are no fun. I remember when my old Ford Ranger was having overheating issues back in March 2015 because of a bad water pump and coolant leak. Long story short it served its purpose but I'm glad I have the Nissan now.

Edited by ambermonk
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that sucks and is annoying as fuck and needlessly stressful.


yesterday had my dog at the vet for ultrasound (has liver issue and gallbladder) and had to take him back today to do a test. so, 730 this morning about half mile from my house i'm behind a car and can't see far ahead down the road. big truck next to me. suddenly BIG rock.. bounces under my car loudly.. 20 seconds later i get the warning lights "STOP CAR - OIL PRESSURE" so i manage to limp into the shop which is fortunately on my way.. all the time hoping my engine doesn't seize..


made it.. so i grab up the dog and whatever junk in the car i need and get a Lyft to the vet.. drop off dog. get lyft back home.. get call from the shop w/quote of $590 for new oil pan and clean up of underside of car which is covered in oil. they might be able to finish it today. hope so because i work all weekend.


yay. so hopefully it's done before i need to go pick up my dog which is the far south side of town. i live in north portland so i have to drive through/around the city on friday afternoon in middle of traffic later to pick up Mr fantastic the wonder dog.


if it's not done today then i lyft to get the dog.. lyft home.. bike to work tomorrow and sunday.


on wednesday next week i'm having a medical procedure, cardiac ablation, where they go in through the femoral arteries with tiny cameras and tools and zap the little nodes inside the heart w/high freq radio waves or ultra cold freezing balloon thing.. so both my parents will be in town all week (they're divorced but act like adults) and my boss will watch my dog while i'm in hospital that day.


all things considered it could be a lot more complicated or worse.


but the last 12 or so months has been the universe saying "ah.. let's fuck w/this guy a while" or whatever asshole is controlling the simulation is mucking around w/stuff because bored and wants to see what happens.

Sorry to hear, that. 2018 has been such a piece of shit.
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that sucks and is annoying as fuck and needlessly stressful. 


yesterday had my dog at the vet for ultrasound (has liver issue and gallbladder) and had to take him back today to do a test. so, 730 this morning about half mile from my house i'm behind a car and can't see far ahead down the road. big truck next to me. suddenly BIG rock.. bounces under my car loudly.. 20 seconds later i get the warning lights "STOP CAR - OIL PRESSURE" so i manage to limp into the shop which is fortunately on my way.. all the time hoping my engine doesn't seize.. 


made it.. so i grab up the dog and whatever junk in the car i need and get a Lyft to the vet.. drop off dog. get lyft back home.. get call from the shop w/quote of $590 for new oil pan and clean up of underside of car which is covered in oil. they might be able to finish it today. hope so because i work all weekend.


yay. so hopefully it's done before i need to go pick up my dog which is the far south side of town. i live in north portland so i have to drive through/around the city on friday afternoon in middle of traffic later to pick up Mr fantastic the wonder dog. 


if it's not done today then i lyft to get the dog.. lyft home.. bike to work tomorrow and sunday. 


on wednesday next week i'm having a medical procedure, cardiac ablation, where they go in through the femoral arteries with tiny cameras and tools and zap the little nodes inside the heart w/high freq radio waves or ultra cold freezing balloon thing.. so both my parents will be in town all week (they're divorced but act like adults) and my boss will watch my dog while i'm in hospital that day. 


all things considered it could be a lot more complicated or worse. 


but the last 12 or so months has been the universe saying "ah.. let's fuck w/this guy a while" or whatever asshole is controlling the simulation is mucking around w/stuff because bored and wants to see what happens. 

Sorry man. That is indeed a big pile of bullshit for the universe to throw at one guy.

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Bakery near me started selling banh mi which is awesome because I love those things. Now anyone who knows anything knows a critical factor to the success of a banh mi in being a delicious treat is how crunchy the crust is of banh mi bun and how this relates to the fluffiness and volume of the buns body


So I tried this new place this morning. They looked pretty good so u ordered one. Now the good places will slightly toast the products prior to serving and do this via an oven with overhead grill so as to keep everything in tact. The really good places will toast the bun then make up the banh mi on demand.


This place . This god damn place got my banh mi and squashed it to a pancake in a sandwich press and served it up. My day is totally ruined now because of this mashed up pate infused deli meat and white bread abomination.

Hipster banh mi is always such a fucking disappointment.


I can tell just by looking at the price whether it's good or bullshit. The good stuff is $4 or less.

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Bakery near me started selling banh mi which is awesome because I love those things. Now anyone who knows anything knows a critical factor to the success of a banh mi in being a delicious treat is how crunchy the crust is of banh mi bun and how this relates to the fluffiness and volume of the buns body


So I tried this new place this morning. They looked pretty good so u ordered one. Now the good places will slightly toast the products prior to serving and do this via an oven with overhead grill so as to keep everything in tact. The really good places will toast the bun then make up the banh mi on demand.


This place . This god damn place got my banh mi and squashed it to a pancake in a sandwich press and served it up. My day is totally ruined now because of this mashed up pate infused deli meat and white bread abomination.

Hipster banh mi is always such a fucking disappointment.


I can tell just by looking at the price whether it's good or bullshit. The good stuff is $4 or less.


Yeah, there is a lot of shitty imitators out there.


The best I've had (even better than legit stuff I had in Vietnam) is in my city here in the hood (as hood as it gets in Calgary anyway lol). 


Has some of that fantastic buttery sweet fat/lard stuff they slather on it, meat is cooked for a long ass time and has just the right amount of colour on it. I think they're $3.90USD each or so. I went to Jr High School in the area and back then they were only $1.75 lol. Amazing deal considering how f'ing good they are.




I'm getting one this weekend I think.

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This one though looked good and it was from a cheap genuine viet bakery. They just completely botched it by pressing it flat. It must be what they think dumb aussies want in the burbs :/

Wow, that's frustrating. I guess you have to get out of the burbs for your banh mi fix :P


Has some of that fantastic buttery sweet fat/lard stuff they slather on it, meat is cooked for a long ass time and has just the right amount of colour on it. I think they're $3.90USD each or so. I went to Jr High School in the area and back then they were only $1.75 lol. Amazing deal considering how f'ing good they are.

OMG what is that buttery stuff... I always thought it was a mix of butter and mayo but I've never managed to get the ratio right when attempting my own. I think the closest I got was when I put like a drop of Maggi in there.


Also jealous that you've actually been to Vietnam to get a real banh mi. I gotta make a banh mi pilgrimage before I die.


There is another place that sells a more westernised version (stupid terminology I know given the French element in Vietnamese baked goods) that is full of crackling pork and it is god damn good.

Mmmmmm brilliant. Next time I attempt to make another fake banh mi I think I'm gonna grab some fresh chiccharones from the Mexican grocery and stuff those in there. I bet those would be great with some fried shallots too... and some of that funky Chinese fermented chili bean sauce...

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Has some of that fantastic buttery sweet fat/lard stuff they slather on it, meat is cooked for a long ass time and has just the right amount of colour on it. I think they're $3.90USD each or so. I went to Jr High School in the area and back then they were only $1.75 lol. Amazing deal considering how f'ing good they are.

OMG what is that buttery stuff... I always thought it was a mix of butter and mayo but I've never managed to get the ratio right when attempting my own. I think the closest I got was when I put like a drop of Maggi in there.


Also jealous that you've actually been to Vietnam to get a real banh mi. I gotta make a banh mi pilgrimage before I die.




I'm actually not sure. I tried to figure it out over the years just tasting it on its own. The closest approximation I could come up with was a 50/50 split of actual butter and lard (lol goodbye heart), and sweetened with something CLOSE to raw honey. But I could never make it quite the same. It's supposed to be a sweet slightly salty and obviously fatty element to kind of Umami with the customary chili peppers + some char on the meat, no? Oh right I forgot, the place here throws a sprinkling of roasted peanut or almonds on top.


Honestly man, we tried a number of banh mi in Vietnam and what we have available here was better. The group we went with had travelled in Vietnam for 8 years so they had sought out the best stuff, so I figure it's just a result of Canada/US having access to higher quality ingredients. =/



When i was in vietnam i was such a young idiot and didn't even consume a single Pho. I cannot even reconcile this

sacrilege! lol. We traveled the whole country. Vietnam has a lot of regional specialties? So we made a point of trying to seek out the best of the best for each regional food according to the locals (lol not like tripadvisor and shit - not that you looked to TA for your recommendations, I just meant we'd have the locals point us in the right direction =p). 


It was an absolute beauty of a trip. =)

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I was having trouble with a 65 in 1 card reader i got from ebay. Lots of head scratching... Turns out you have to put the cards in upside down for it to work.

DUH !...

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