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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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went to bed at 3:45am, woke up at 4:12 thinking, 'can't believe my country is still selling precision missiles and intel to those Saudi fucks to target school buses in Yemen . . . ah, well, can't be helped, price of empire . . .' then I realized that I was out of Frosted Flakes cereal, and milk! GODDAMMIT!

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went to bed at 3:45am, woke up at 4:12 thinking, 'can't believe my country is still selling precision missiles and intel to those Saudi fucks to target school buses in Yemen . . . ah, well, can't be helped, price of empire . . .' then I realized that I was out of Frosted Flakes cereal, and milk! GODDAMMIT!

 Your country isn't only selling weapons to terrorist regimes, it is a terrorist state itself (see post WW world history). No milk sucks tho

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I'm supposed to be picking my gf up at the airport but this god forsaken snowstorm literally has me trapped. I just watched a 50'+ fir tree snap and miss my neighbor's house by a few feet. I can't even get the car out around the corner without losing control. Do i leave my lady at the airport? Or do i die? Mondays amirite

Edited by luke viia
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I have to work later today and it's snowing like crazy.. Gotta take two buses and transfer so I'll wear my hiking boots

Half way to work i hear they will stop the buses soon so i turn around.. Waiting for the bus in the freezing snow for what felt like 30 minutes. I'm not used to this.

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I have to work later today and it's snowing like crazy.. Gotta take two buses and transfer so I'll wear my hiking boots

Half way to work i hear they will stop the buses soon so i turn around.. Waiting for the bus in the freezing snow for what felt like 30 minutes. I'm not used to this.


We've gotten some snow but nothing crazy by calgary standards. The cold though - doesn't bother me at all but with windchill we've been seeing -30 to -45 for 10 days or so? It's looking pretty nice for the next week or so, only -20ish.



You're in Van right? Parents on the island sent me a picture, they got hammered with snow (Parksville area). 

Edited by Bulk VanderHooj
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Went to bed at 2:30am (earlier than normal), woke up at 7am (way earlier than normal) and needed to know the origin of the phrase "they don't think it be like it is, but it do." I miss the days when I could wake up way too early and just fall back to sleep.

Did you find the origin? A lot of times when I’m briefing upper management, I want to throw this in as an answer to some of their more ridiculous questions.

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I have to work later today and it's snowing like crazy.. Gotta take two buses and transfer so I'll wear my hiking boots

Half way to work i hear they will stop the buses soon so i turn around.. Waiting for the bus in the freezing snow for what felt like 30 minutes. I'm not used to this.


We've gotten some snow but nothing crazy by calgary standards. The cold though - doesn't bother me at all but with windchill we've been seeing -30 to -45 for 10 days or so? It's looking pretty nice for the next week or so, only -20ish.



You're in Van right? Parents on the island sent me a picture, they got hammered with snow (Parksville area). 



i'm in victoria, it's pretty crazy.

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Use a watmmer's music instead.


FWP: I moused over my own name in an email thread and noticed there was public info that should be private. I use gmail, so I went in to edit my stuff and they had waaay too much info about me. I assume it's from a job application done over Google Docs ages ago or something. I went ahead and turned everything off ("paused"), but I still don't trust it won't un-pause itself in the future.

This article reminded me of this post.


That "but it do" quote was said by a baseball player long before my time in response to a question about racism in baseball.

Awesome! So it’s an ethical answer!

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I have to work later today and it's snowing like crazy.. Gotta take two buses and transfer so I'll wear my hiking boots

Half way to work i hear they will stop the buses soon so i turn around.. Waiting for the bus in the freezing snow for what felt like 30 minutes. I'm not used to this.


We've gotten some snow but nothing crazy by calgary standards. The cold though - doesn't bother me at all but with windchill we've been seeing -30 to -45 for 10 days or so? It's looking pretty nice for the next week or so, only -20ish.



You're in Van right? Parents on the island sent me a picture, they got hammered with snow (Parksville area). 



i'm in victoria, it's pretty crazy.



Ah yeah, I knew that sorry. I'm kind of enjoying the snow tbh. I like the cold too.

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That "but it do" quote was said by a baseball player long before my time in response to a question about racism in baseball.

Awesome! So it’s an ethnical answer!




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me too, thanks.


well, it's not entirely terrible, it's just the same edible matter I concoct at home every day. I want something else today, sammich be darned.

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That "but it do" quote was said by a baseball player long before my time in response to a question about racism in baseball.

Awesome! So it’s an ethnical answer!







Also fwp: i either have flu or stomach flu, either way, my bones feel like 1,000 year old parchment paper.

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that's man-flu, don't expect any sympathy at home


fwp's today:


some impatient "woman" kicking off @ the kid in the sarnie shop because they put mayo in her BLT, "I SAID NO MAYO, NO MAYO!!!", reminded me of an ex


daytime tv + snooker = self harm


toasting spices pre-curry & phone rang, spices burned, no curry & slight hunger pangs w/delayed grub

Edited by cwmbrancity
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Can't find any info on who mixed Devo - New Traditionalists.  Devo produced it, Karat Faye engineered it.... who the fuck mixed it???  Great sounding mix, fuck you.


On dicogs it says that it was mixed here https://www.discogs.com/label/266840-Power-Station so it was probably one of these four guys

Larry Alexander

Neil Dorfsman

Matthew Lamonica

Rhett Davies

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