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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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hey guys,


just curious what kinds of first world problems you're all dealing with at the moment.


for me, fucking indietorrents isn't working so i have to use other methods of freely acquiring music on my nice imac. FUCK.

and i got a fucking hoagie/sub/sandwich from the local bodega/convenience store, and they put too much mayo on it. GODDAMMIT.




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My iPod touch is really old (1st gen) so i can't use some apps i'd like to, angry birds is slow, and the battery is starting to die.



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My iPod touch is really old (1st gen) so i can't use some apps i'd like to, angry birds is slow, and the battery is starting to die.



lol "angry birds is slow"


i just drank 7 beers and i'm not even tipsy yet.




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My Macbook Pro has one of those slight discolorations, about 1cm square, on the upper left side of the screen, which may or may not be from someone (not me!) touching my screen at law school, and it's a little too visible with light colored wallpapers and forces me to nest the dock on the left to cover it up, and I don't really like that.

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Guest futuregirlfriend

We didn't have any brown or mint sauce, and I hate gravy. My dinner tonight was drier than I would have liked.


I just had a before-bed-cheese-sandwich, and it seems that one of the slices of bread had experienced some exposure to the air. It was slightly tougher than the bottom slice and made the sandwich feel unbalanced.

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Guest Sprigg

Phone shattered when I dropped it two days ago (HTC Aria, fragile piece of shite) and I've been stuck with some first-generation touch screen phone that's impossible to text on whilst mine is fixed.

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Got stoned went to get fast food ordered at the window and drove away before getting the food. Get halfway home to realize my falter go back they give me the food and found the situation to be hilarious.

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Got stoned went to get fast food ordered at the window and drove away before getting the food. Get halfway home to realize my falter go back they give me the food and found the situation to be hilarious.

i don't want to be the guy to create the "cute mishaps that happened to you while you were high" thread, sorry dude.


edit: if this was a third world problems thread and you said "i walked a mile to get water but forgot to fill the buckets because i was having malnourishment hallucinations", i would say the same exact thing—just not on-topic

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I've less than 8gb left on my iPod Classic and I'm running out of albums-that-I-never-listen to that I can omit from each new sync. Makes adding new music all the more tortuous.

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Guest hahathhat

the baby boomers fucked us up -- it was all about our ESTEEM, now we've grown up and don't know how to do hard work without chemicals.


first world problems.

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Everytime I think everything is going well at work I receive an email from my boss where he points out something and then tells me to take my job seriously. Yay.

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I'm a little tipsy but now that I'm not with other people I want to be mentally with it enough to be productive. Being tipsy while alone is the most useless thing in the world.

i'm usually more productive when slightly inebriated

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Guest ryanmcallister

the water pressure in my bidet is a little too low so i might have to use some of the toilet paper that i was saving because the price of kleenex is outraaaaageous and my allergies are soooooo bad right now. i can't see how anyone can be as hard off as i am at this very moment.


oh my god i think my internet connection just jumped down to regular "high-speed". this is unacceptable i can't work with anything less than 15mbit/second.


:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

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Guest hahathhat

Everytime I think everything is going well at work I receive an email from my boss where he points out something and then tells me to take my job seriously. Yay.

joke is on boss for taking shit seriously. it's a paycheck, not a religion


I'm a little tipsy but now that I'm not with other people I want to be mentally with it enough to be productive. Being tipsy while alone is the most useless thing in the world.

this is why god invented torrented movie/television. and by god, i mean bram cohen.


There isn't a Burger King or a Taco Bell in town, I'm sick of McDonalds and Taco Johns

this burb needs a fuckin wendys

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Guest Gary C

My dishwasher has flooded and I'm too lazy to get somebody to fix it.


Oh, and a combination of contact-lenses and the air conditioning at work has led me to have red, itchy eyes by 3pm every day for the last 3 months.

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Guest Lady kakapo

Kakapo has just bought me a new Macbook pro. But I had to agree to an abortion first.


Swings and roundabouts innit.

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