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how to decide how fast to drive


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im almost 15 now and could soon get a "learner permit" to drive but how do people decide how fast to drive a car??


this a serious question which made me think from the 19 year old shot thread. we wondered what goes on in the 19 year old who pimp the 13 year olds head and we can say wow he is f***d up but what if hes pimmping a 17 year old is it as bad. and a 18 year old?? then what about a more small things like driving above the speed limit which about everyone in the world does. how do they decide which speed they go? how do you??? what goes inside your head???

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im almost 15 now and could soon get a "learner permit" to drive but how do people decide how fast to drive a car??


this a serious question which made me think from the 19 year old shot thread. we wondered what goes on in the 19 year old who pimp the 13 year olds head and we can say wow he is f***d up but what if hes pimmping a 17 year old is it as bad. and a 18 year old?? then what about a more small things like driving above the speed limit which about everyone in the world does. how do they decide which speed they go? how do you??? what goes inside your head???



Feel like speeding. I speed.


Feel like dodging cars? I keep speeding don't feel like dodging cars I slow down.


Observe cop. Slow down.


Feel like there might be a cop, slow down. Feel lucky? Speed.


In a rush and don't want to be late? Speed.


Listening to Venetian Snares. Speed.


Listening to Selected Ambient works, Keep speed limit or marginaly higher or lower.


I've been driving since I was 16 (now 20) and thankfully have yet to get a speeding ticket.


Although I probably just jinxed myself.


You are welcomed.

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Keep five seconds of distance behind the car in front of you or drive as fast as you can till you get to a car that is in front of you and then slow down to five seconds of distance behind the car in order to figure out five seconds of distance you find something like a tree and when they pass it you start counting and then see how long it takes for you to pass the tree

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i dont know even i wanna drive there is so much thinking


im worryed if i just go the signed people will get p*ssed behind me?


and i dont wanna ticket either :unsure:

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How do you decide how fast to walk?


Seriously, don't worry. You just get the feel for it. And it's really easy if there's traffic. You just keep a safe distance between you and the other cars.

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Guest hahathhat

hahathhat's pro-driving tips


  • don't be a jerk and cops will tend to leave you alone
  • keeping the car on the road is a tiny, tiny problem compared to the problems other drivers will give you
  • if it is dark, turn on the lights
  • wear seat belt


thats about all i got

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Guest hahathhat

i think "avoiding cops" has the same level of hocus-pocus/lack-of-logic that "avoiding muggers" does. some people have this dont-go-out-on-thursdays voodoo that pushes all their anxiety into a little corner, so sure enough they act wonky/suspicious on thursday and the cops pull them over on thursday. every other day, things are normal.


once i was on some back road, and i noticed every other driver going the other way had their lights on. it was still light out, so i guess it was just the road. it was silly. but i turned my lights on anyways, so as not to stick out. staying in the moment and paying attention to the energies around you is the best policy. the current situation is really the important thing

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Speed can be done : on a racetrack. Once you understand the danger, you won't speed on the public roads.



But you're a kid, you will learn. It might be the hard way. It's up to you to judge, but understand that you are fucking with OTHER LIVES than yours on a public road. On a racetrack, you can probably only kill yourself (since most motorsports crash are done by yourself only)

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