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WTF is with the new layout? (read thread before posting)


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total design fail tbh, this looks like web 2.0 and geocities had a satanic demon baby or something i dunno.


Well, since you say so, I guess I'll just bin the whole thing :facepalm:

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in a few days you will forget what the old one looked like, and this will seem normal. happens every time.


Smaller avatars, terrible colors (leaving alternating shades of blue and green for boring white and GREY??? puhleeze..), too much clutter and breathing space around the content. Sure. WATMM has a look, god damnit, and this isn't it. And NO topic subtext?? The top thing reminds me of facebook.



LOL, you're an idiot - WATMM hasn't had a "look" in years... that was the default forum skin, as is this one - patience!

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Guest disparaissant

total design fail tbh, this looks like web 2.0 and geocities had a satanic demon baby or something i dunno.


Well, since you say so, I guess I'll just bin the whole thing :facepalm:


would it be watmm if SOMEONE didn't complain loudly and meanly? just filling the void.

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in a few days you will forget what the old one looked like, and this will seem normal. happens every time.


Smaller avatars, terrible colors (leaving alternating shades of blue and green for boring white and GREY??? puhleeze..), too much clutter and breathing space around the content. Sure. WATMM has a look, god damnit, and this isn't it. And NO topic subtext?? The top thing reminds me of facebook.



LOL, you're an idiot - WATMM hasn't had a "look" in years... that was the default forum skin, as is this one - patience!


It was great though. It didn't need a bunch of editing like this one obviously does.

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Guest disparaissant

watmm needs a new header to go with this, some designer whip up something in a helvetica variant that's half cut off like an ae cover DONE

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The old layout had multiquote and alternating green/purple was way better than GREY everywhere.


watmm needs a new header to go with this, some designer whip up something in a helvetica variant that's half cut off like an ae cover DONE



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ok avatars are back, but are still piss-takingly small...profile pictures are where they belong; the profile page. what else? .... make it less fat and bubbly so individual users/topics/posts pop out more??

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