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WTF is with the new layout? (read thread before posting)


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total design fail tbh, this looks like web 2.0 and geocities had a satanic demon baby or something i dunno.
Well, since you say so, I guess I'll just bin the whole thing :facepalm:
would it be watmm if SOMEONE didn't complain loudly and meanly? just filling the void.


your avatar is no longer animated. now this is unacceptable.

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It's definitely heavier on resources - I'm converting a video right now, that does sometimes slow down the scrolling on websites, but I still got a page with the old design open from earlier and that scrolls just fine. Also typing in this text box seems somehow delayed. It's the same for me and facebook. Feels like too many scripts at work.


Is there any way to switch back to the old forum's "core-structure" while keeping the new design (not that I like it, but ... ) ?

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Well, it automatically knew I was on an iPhone, and changed appropriately... So works for me. I was getting pretty tired of having to switch manually...

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Guest AcrossCanyons

okay wait when i click a topic it goes to the first page instead of the last post. fix this. fix this now.

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yeah, the scrolling is a bit laggy because the css is full of box-shadow stuff, which is really a performance killer... maybe i'll try making a minimalist theme later.


The new Visual Skin editor is really impressive...

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okay wait when i click a topic it goes to the first page instead of the last post. fix this. fix this now.


If you click the title, it should go to the last unread... I'll see about that.


Not looking good on the avatar front - haven't found a setting yet on controlling the size.

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Guest couch

They're probably on the way but different color themes would be nice. This is entirely too bright. I might have to put on sunglasses to...deal with it.

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are gifs not working, these avatars are puny, what the HECK


Try reuploading... the upgrader seemed to bork all the avatars...


They're probably on the way but different color themes would be nice. This is entirely too bright. I might have to put on sunglasses to...deal with it.


Yes, a WATMM theme will be coming - hang on!

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Really a shame about the avatars, but after the initial shock I am not bothered by the layout. The previous one had a lot more personality, and I liked the notification system better, but I'll get used to this.

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Guest AcrossCanyons

okay wait when i click a topic it goes to the first page instead of the last post. fix this. fix this now.


If you click the title, it should go to the last unread... I'll see about that.


nope, not working for me anymore.

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Oh, and the Fixed Width skin is now truly fixed width (960px, should fit fine on a 1024x768 maximized browser window) - their new 'Visual Editor' for some reason wouldn't take the changes, so I reverted to the good old manual CSS way!

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my 2 cents. i know it's all going to change....






Not quite sure what you're pointing out...

to get rid of the black strip across the top and make it blue

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