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WTF is with the new layout? (read thread before posting)


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Stop all the faggotry and at least offer some suggestions, they'll be ignored for the most part but at least it's constructive.


I really like this new look, anyway. Glad to see those green buttons gone, didn't think they looked right at all.


My only points would be to increase avatar size slightly and reduce sig size greatly, it takes up way too much screen. Also ban Craig Anderson.

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while it's all well and good to make light of people that are complaining, some of us have valid complaints.


keyboard shortcuts no longer work under the latest stable build of Chrome (13.0.782.107)


Keyboard shortcuts? On the forum? Didn't even know they have them. If you're talking about shortcuts the browser provides, that's your own problem.


If you do happen to get an error or see something that might be an actual bug, please do report it.

how do we officially report a bug?


PM I guess...

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Wow, I am logged in that old school version of WATMM. I remember that time, WATMM was a super fun place then. I was young and new to the IDMz and was eager to learn. Good times. Now I am just jaded and set in my ways.


Ditto on the sig size shrinkage and increase of avs.

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Guest rumbo

well. I planned on having an avatar change since I've been here for a year now. I guess this is as good a time as any. Off to find something.

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I just noticed my avatar is not animated anymore. BOOOOOOOOOOO.


And I don't like the big menu on the left when you are looking at the New posts page. At least make it so that it can be minimized. And the font is too big, at least the topics could be smaller and not BOLD.


I like the notice you get if there have been new posts while you are in the thread.

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Put this in a Stylish stylesheet for fixed width:

#content, .main_width {

min-width: 0;

width: 750px !important;



The fixed width sheet doesn't work.

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I might update my avatar, even if I've had it for ages.


I might create an MSpaint avatar request thread. I'd like a new one myself...

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while it's all well and good to make light of people that are complaining, some of us have valid complaints.


keyboard shortcuts no longer work under the latest stable build of Chrome (13.0.782.107)


Keyboard shortcuts? On the forum? Didn't even know they have them. If you're talking about shortcuts the browser provides, that's your own problem.


If you do happen to get an error or see something that might be an actual bug, please do report it.

how do we officially report a bug?


PM I guess...

no it's nothing to do with any keyboard shortcuts that my browser provides, it's a basic standard in any forum -


type a reply in the reply box, press tab to move from the reply box to the "Post" button, hit return.


this no longer works in Chrome.

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Guest disparaissant

im pissed mine doesnt animate anymore, it's just not the same without the "wiping it on the couch" aspect

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I don't mind the change so much... I'm sure I'll get used to it soon enough (once it's finalized)


edit: looks like my avatar is still animated...

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multiquote will be used. I give the new color scheme an 8/10 and the old a 7/10


smaller avatars is a 5/10


no easy links at the top to the other main forums is a 3/10


but still, multiquote gets a 10/10


the 'new replies' feature gets a 9/10


i have a feeling more secrets lurk

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Guest disparaissant

yeah im currently on a 1.1 ghz atom powered dell craptop and its working fine for me, maybe its yalls browsaz

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